00799nam0 2200265 450 00001147620180515123218.020080520d1949----km-y0itay50------bafreFRy-------001-yCours de physique theoriqueLeon Brillouin2. édParisMasson1949v.26 cmIl volume 2. non è mai stato pubblicato1.: Les tenseurs en mécanique et en élasticité<<Les >>tenseurs en mécanique et en élasticité516.820Brillouin,Leon463562ITUNIPARTHENOPE20080520RICAUNIMARC000011476516.8/10013217PISTCours de physique theorique1204120UNIPARTHENOPE05288nam 2200745Ia 450 991045960220332120200520144314.01-282-77392-597866127739210-7546-9985-4(CKB)2670000000047727(EBL)581330(OCoLC)694729126(SSID)ssj0000457737(PQKBManifestationID)11303094(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000457737(PQKBWorkID)10415974(PQKB)10317986(MiAaPQ)EBC581330(Au-PeEL)EBL581330(CaPaEBR)ebr10411954(CaONFJC)MIL277392(EXLCZ)99267000000004772720100218d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDriver behaviour and trainingVolume IV[electronic resource] /edited by Lisa DornFarnham Ashgate20101 online resource (378 p.)Human factors in road and rail transportConference proceedings.Includes index.1-4094-0084-0 Cover; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Part 1 New Thinking in Driver Behaviour and Education; 1 Driver Research Myths; 2 Recent Findings on Risky Acts in Adolescence: Implications for Understanding European Drivers; 3 A Comparison of Inexperienced and Experienced Drivers' Cognitive and Physiological Response to Hazards; 4 Development of the Driver Performance Assessment: Informing Learner Drivers of their Driving Progress; 5 How Can Reflecting Teams Contribute to Enhanced Driving Teacher Learning?; Part 2 Driver Personality and Driver Offending6 Understanding the Unique Contribution of Aversion to Risk-Taking in Predicting Drivers' Self-Reported Speeding7 Young Drivers: Investigating the Link Between Impulsivity and Problem Driver Status; 8 Relationships Between Driving Style, Self-reported Driving Behaviour and Personality; 9 Public Perception of Risk of Being Caught Committing Traffic Offences; 10 Rear Seatbelt Wearing in Malaysia: Public Awareness and Practice; 11 The Continuous Evaluation of Driver Rehabilitation Programmes in Austria; 12 Perceptions of the Spanish Penalty Point Law; Part 3 Powered Two-wheeler Behaviour13 The Role of the Psychologist in a Moped Rider Training Programme14 Interim Evaluation of the UK's National RIDE Scheme; 15 Encouraging Rider Behaviour Change by Using Respected Communicators; 16 The Motorcycle Rider Behaviour Questionnaire (MRBQ) and Commercial Motorcycle Riders in Nigeria; Part 4 At Work Road Safety; 17 Contemporary Behavioural Influences in an Organisational Setting and Implications for Intervention Development; 18 A Review of the Effectiveness of Occupational Road Safety Initiatives; 19 Developing Risk-assessment Tools for Fleet Settings: Where to From Here?20 From Research to Commercial Fuel Efficiency Training for Truck Drivers using TruckSim21 The Utility of Psychometric Testing for Predicting Bus Driver Behaviour; 22 Identification of Barriers to and Facilitators for the Implementation of Occupational Road Safety Initiatives; Part 5 Human Factors and Driver Attention; 23 An Observational Survey of Driving Distractions in England; 24 Calibration of an Eye-tracking System for Variable Message Signs Validation; 25 Visual Behaviour of Car Drivers in Road Traffic; 26 Icons for Actions in a Driving Simulator27 Contributory Factors for Incidents Involving Local and Non-local Road Users28 Severity of Injury Outcomes for Older Drivers Involved in Intersection Crashes; IndexResearch on driver behaviour over the past two decades has clearly demonstrated that the goals and motivations a driver brings to the driving task are important determinants for driver behaviour. The objective of the Driver Behaviour and Training volumes, and of the conference on which they are based, is to describe and discuss recent advances in the study of this important area. It bridges the gap between practitioners in road safety and theoreticians investigating driving behaviour, from a number of different perspectives and related disciplines. Educating drivers to be safe for life means aHuman factors in road and rail transport.Motor vehicle driversTraining ofCongressesMotor vehicle driversAttitudesCongressesMotor vehicle drivingCongressesAutomobile driver educationCongressesTraffic safetyCongressesAutomobile drivers' testsEvaluationCongressesElectronic books.Motor vehicle driversTraining ofMotor vehicle driversAttitudesMotor vehicle drivingAutomobile driver educationTraffic safetyAutomobile drivers' testsEvaluation363.125Dorn Lisa991085MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459602203321Driver behaviour and training2267962UNINA02431nam0 22005653i 450 VAN022711820230605103448.692N978303036308620211015d2020 |0itac50 baengCH|||| |||||Handbook of Small SatellitesTechnology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and RegulationJoseph N. Pelton editor, Scott Madry associated editorChamSpringer2020lx, 1702 p.ill.24 cm001VAN01289662001 Springer reference210 New York [etc.]SpringerVAN0227124Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation198306700A79 (77-XX)Physics [MSC 2020]VANC023182MF85-XXAstronomy and Astrophysics [MSC 2020]VANC023246MF00-XXGeneral and overarching topics; collections [MSC 2020]VANC025238MFCube satellitesKW:KCubesatsKW:KMini satellitesKW:KOrbital debrisKW:KRemote sensing systemsKW:KSatellite ApplicationsKW:KSatellite communicationsKW:KSatellite deploymentKW:KSatellite designKW:KSatellite manufactureKW:KSatellite networksKW:KSatellite regulationsKW:KSatellite servicesKW:KSatellite technologyKW:KSmallsat constellationsKW:KSmallsatsKW:KSpace licensesKW:KUniversity satellitesKW:KCHChamVANL001889MadryScottVANV107829PeltonJoseph N.VANV084076Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20240614RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36308-6E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN0227118BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08CONS e-book 4242 08eMF4242 20211015 Handbook of small satellites1983067UNICAMPANIA