03668nam 2200709 a 450 991045944970332120200520144314.01-282-78704-7978661278704190-04-19054-610.1163/ej.9789004184954.i-383(CKB)2670000000046119(EBL)583717(OCoLC)667293310(SSID)ssj0000417230(PQKBManifestationID)11277033(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000417230(PQKBWorkID)10376692(PQKB)11012623(MiAaPQ)EBC583717(OCoLC)667293310(OCoLC)669749885(nllekb)BRILL9789004190542(PPN)170755983(Au-PeEL)EBL583717(CaPaEBR)ebr10419776(CaONFJC)MIL278704(EXLCZ)99267000000004611920100415d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEuropean bloc imperialism[electronic resource] /by Dennis C. CanterburyLeiden ;Boston Brill20101 online resource (397 p.)Studies in critical social sciences,1573-4234 ;v. 23.Critical global studies ;v. 1Description based on print version record.90-04-18495-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Outline of European bloc imperialism -- Hemispheric settings for European bloc imperialism -- The anatomy of two imperialist regimes -- The rise of European and ACP blocs and US hegemony -- The emergence of European bloc imperialism -- The theoretical foundations of European bloc imperialism -- The CARIFORUM-EU EPA and development theory -- The critics of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA -- Caribbean EPA negotiators in the bosom of EU bloc imperialism -- The EPA and the food and fuel crises -- The global financial and economic crises and the EU-EPAs -- The Caribbean in the global financial and economic crises -- EU bloc imperialism, governance and sustainable development.The reinvigorated debate on imperialism in the last two decades focuses on the means by which Euro-American capital is currently spread around the globe and the different ways it pillages the wealth of the developing countries. The Economic Partnership Agreements being foisted on the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries by the European Union, however, has been under the radar of the debate on imperialism. This book draws on the experiences of the Caribbean Forum-EU EPA to fill that void by bringing into focus the economic partnership agreement as a conduit of European imperialism. Critical Global Studies , volume 1Studies in critical social sciences ;v. 23.Studies in critical social sciences.Critical global studies ;v. 1.GlobalizationEconomic aspectsDeveloping countriesNeoliberalismDeveloping countriesImperialismEuropean Union countriesForeign economic relationsDeveloping countriesDeveloping countriesForeign economic relationsEuropean Union countriesElectronic books.GlobalizationEconomic aspectsNeoliberalismImperialism.337.40172/4Canterbury Dennis C(Dennis Compton),1953-514784MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459449703321European bloc imperialism850826UNINA