04612oam 2200733I 450 991045906210332120200520144314.01-135-99849-31-135-99850-71-282-73356-71-78034-755-397866127335670-203-87621-010.4324/9780203876213 (CKB)2670000000034842(EBL)557303(OCoLC)728678894(SSID)ssj0000398141(PQKBManifestationID)11276125(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000398141(PQKBWorkID)10356986(PQKB)11666536(MiAaPQ)EBC557303(Au-PeEL)EBL557303(CaPaEBR)ebr10413126(CaONFJC)MIL273356(OCoLC)658193511(EXLCZ)99267000000003484220180706d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRoutledge handbook of climate change and society /edited by Constance Lever-TracyNew York :Routledge,2010.1 online resource (513 p.)Routledge International HandbooksDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-54476-9 Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Illustrations; Contributors; Acknowledgements; Acronyms; Preface: Copenhagen and after; Climate change and society: an introduction; Part 1 Understanding climate change; 1 The science of climate change: knowledge, uncertainty and risk; 2 Climate change: complexity and collaboration between the sciences; Part II Social impacts on Nature; 3 Organisations and global warming; 4 Capitalism versus Nature: eco-socialist approaches to the climate crisis; 5 Ecological economics: the impact of unsustainable growth6 Ecological economics: consumption drivers and impactsPart III Natural impacts on society; 7 Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change; 8 Ecological rationality, disaster, and the environmental education of leaders; 9 Case study: floods in Mumbai; Part IV Social recognition of climate change; 10 Public opinion: a cross-national view; 11 Media presentations of climate change; 12 Case study: climate change reporting in Time magazine; 13 Religion, worldview and climate change; 14 Climate change denial: sources, actors and strategies; Part V Reducing emissions; 15 Crises and opportunities16 Alternative scenarios: varieties of capitalism17 Alternative scenarios: technological optimism or low energy futures; 18 Bio-fuels; 19 The nuclear option; 20 Case study: agro-forestry in the Philippines; 21 Public opposition to renewable energy; 22 Behavioural insights: motivating individual emissions cuts through communication; Part VI National and global policies; 23 Climate change and energy security in the European Union: from rhetoric to practice?; 24 Case study: wind energy regulation in Germany and the UK; 25 Tipping point: crossroads for US climate policy26 China's emissions: dangers and responses27 Justice and the politics of climate change; 28 International law responses to climate change; 29 Pushing past neo-liberalism: rethinking global climate change negotiations; IndexAs the time-scales of natural change accelerate and converge with those of society, Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society takes the reader into largely uncharted territory in its exploration of anthropogenic climate change. Current material is used to highlight the global impact of this issue, and the necessity for multidisciplinary and global social science research and teaching to address the problem. The book is multidisciplinary and worldwide in scope, with contributors spanning specialisms including agro-forestry, economics, environmentalism, ethics, human geRoutledge International HandbooksClimatic changesGlobal warmingClimatic changesSocial aspectsHuman beingsClimatic factorsElectronic books.Climatic changes.Global warming.Climatic changesSocial aspects.Human beingsClimatic factors.304.2/5Lever-Tracy Constance931614MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459062103321Routledge handbook of climate change and society2260725UNINA02972 am 2200709 n 450 9910418038203321202001292-35412-371-X10.4000/books.pupvd.9806(CKB)4100000011314391(FrMaCLE)OB-pupvd-9806(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/50842(PPN)248498762(EXLCZ)99410000001131439120200624j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierJeunesse et discrimination /Piero-Dominique Galloro, Antigone MouchtourisPerpignan Presses universitaires de Perpignan20201 online resource (284 p.) 2-35412-142-3 L’originalité de cet ouvrage tient dans l’approche croisée des relations qu’entretient la société avec ses jeunes. Le constat de discrimination est flagrant. Une situation paradoxale car aucune société ne pourrait se développer sans sa jeunesse censée représenter l’avenir. La discrimination à l’encontre des jeunes est bien présente et ce problème social ne peut plus être considéré comme un phénomène d’exception. Ce livre, aux entrées multiples, permet de comprendre le fonctionnement des mécanismes pluriels et insidieux de la discrimination que subissent les jeunes générations. Les recherches présentées ici à l’échelle européenne définissent avec précision les domaines, parfois insoupçonnés, qui affectent cette catégorie d’âge.Sociologyjeunessediscriminationjeuneintégration socialejeunesseintégration socialejeunediscriminationSociologyjeunessediscriminationjeuneintégration socialeBaldelli Brigitte1080056Barbant Jean-Christophe1294254Belhadji-Ziane Kheira1294255Coiffier Stéphanie1294256Ferréol Gilles1111304Galloro Piero-D1294257Geka Maria1294258Gruev Radoslav1294259Hein Fabien1286533Henry Gilles1294260Mouchtouris Antigone1281598Ntsama Rosine1294261Ottersbach Markus1294262Robinet Éric1294263Sinigaglia-Amadio Sabrina1294264Tsoukala Anastassia1294265Galloro Piero-Dominique1294266Mouchtouris Antigone1281598FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910418038203321Jeunesse et discrimination3023072UNINA