01002nam2 2200301 450 00001222520080603143146.088-339-5407-220080603d1987----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yyEconometriaGuido GambettaMatematicaPiero TaniTorinoBoringhieri1987196 p.23 cm2001Econometria2001Matematica0010000004032001Dizionario di economia politica13Econometria330.035119Scienze economiche. Dizionari, enciclopedie, concordanze in italiano330.035120Scienze economiche. Dizionari, enciclopedie, concordanze in italianoGambetta,Guido102960Tani,Piero109482ITUNIPARTHENOPE20080603RICAUNIMARC000012225Dizionari6487NAVA2Econometria512122UNIPARTHENOPE05088nam 2200721Ia 450 991045900040332120200520144314.01-283-01142-597866130114281-84951-335-X(CKB)2560000000058440(EBL)943990(OCoLC)796383589(SSID)ssj0000466833(PQKBManifestationID)11302606(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000466833(PQKBWorkID)10465991(PQKB)10344214(MiAaPQ)EBC943990(PPN)228048060(Au-PeEL)EBL943990(CaPaEBR)ebr10448393(CaONFJC)MIL301142(EXLCZ)99256000000005844020110317d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAlfresco 3 business solutions[electronic resource] /Martin BergljungBirmingham, U.K. Packt Publishing Ltd.c20111 online resource (608 p.)Community experience distilledIncludes index.1-84951-334-1 Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: The Alfresco Platform; Platform overview; Repository concepts and definitions; Repository; Stores; The Content Store; The AVM Store; Store reference; Nodes; Root node; Node reference; Node properties; Node property sheets; Node associations; QName; Permissions; User groups; Roles; Permission groups; Owner authority; Permission example; Multi-Tenant; Core platform; Open source libraries; Services and components; Content rules; Event model; Metadata extractionContent transformationAlfresco Management Beans (JMX); Application Programming Interfaces (APIs); Subsystems; Bootstrap; Patches; Importers; Extension modules; Third-party extension modules; User interface clients; Alfresco Explorer; Alfresco Share; Alfresco SharePoint; Alfresco Mobile; Alfresco CIFS; The Alfresco installation directory structure; The alf_data directory; The contentstore directory; The contentstore.deleted directory; The audit.contentstore directory; The lucene-indexes and backup-lucene-indexes directories; The mysql directory; The oouser directory; The amps directoriesThe tomcat directoryGetting the Alfresco source code; The Alfresco database; DB schema; Significant tables; ALF_NODE; ALF_NODE_PROPERTIES; ALF_NODE_ASPECTS; ALF_QNAME; ALF_APPLIED_PATCH; Example queries and update statements; Querying for number of nodes of a certain type; Querying for number of nodes stored in a particular month; Running a patch again; Summary; Chapter 2: The Alfresco APIs; Application Programming Interfaces (APIs); In-process APIs; The Java Foundation Services API; Event management API; Metadata Extraction API; Content Transformation API; The JavaScript APIClient-server APIsCMIS API; Repository API; Custom APIs; Bootstrap APIs; Patches; Importers; Summary; Chapter 3: Setting Up a Development Environment and a Release Process; Setting up a development environment; Alfresco Extension projects; Alfresco Explorer and repository extensions; Alfresco Share UI extensions; Project directory structure; _alfresco/config; _alfresco/source; _share/config; Building and deploying; The Build file; Using the build file to deploy extensions; Debugging extensions; Setting up a continuous integration solution; Setting up a release process; Release notes templateUpdating Change LogTraining; Summary; Chapter 4: Authentication and Synchronization Solutions; Authentication and synchronization concepts; Basic authentication; NTLM authentication; Alfresco CIFS and NTLM authentication; Alfresco NTLM passthru authentication; Kerberos authentication; User and service login via KDC AS; Accessing Alfresco via KDC TGS; LDAP authentication; Checking what SASL mechanisms the LDAP server supports; LDAP synchronization; Alfresco authentication and synchronization subsystems; Alfresco authentication and application zonesSetting up authentication and synchronization with Remote Directory serversPractical implementation techniques and guidance for delivering business solutions with AlfrescoCommercial documentsData processingWeb site developmentDatabase managementDigital mediaManagementInformation resources managementElectronic books.Commercial documentsData processing.Web site development.Database management.Digital mediaManagement.Information resources management.006.76Bergljung Martin965674MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459000403321Alfresco 3 business solutions2191013UNINA