05048nam 22006852 450 991045886460332120160505172906.01-283-37787-X97866133778761-84331-822-9(CKB)2670000000034104(EBL)840507(OCoLC)741614872(SSID)ssj0000520071(PQKBManifestationID)12233341(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000520071(PQKBWorkID)10507194(PQKB)10327051(UkCbUP)CR9781843318224(MiAaPQ)EBC840507(Au-PeEL)EBL840507(CaPaEBR)ebr10481475(CaONFJC)MIL337787(EXLCZ)99267000000003410420111212d2009|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTechno-economic paradigms essays in honour of Carlota Perez /edited by Wolfgang Drechsler, Rainer Kattel and Erik S. Reinert[electronic resource]London :Anthem Press,2009.1 online resource (x, 429 pages) digital, PDF file(s)The Anthem Other Canon seriesTitle from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 02 Oct 2015).1-84331-785-0 Includes bibliographical references.TITLE PAGE; TABLE OF CONTENTS; PREFACE; Chapter 1:INTRODUCTION: CARLOTA PEREZ AND EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS; The Framework; Explaining History; Systematic Evolutionary Theory; A Viable Methodological Alternative; New Research Directions; References; Chapter 2:DEVELOPING INNOVATION CAPABILITY: MEETING THE POLICY CHALLENGE; Introduction; Developing Absorptive Capacity; Learning to Innovate; Helping Firms Develop Innovation Capability; Broadcast Mode; Agent-Assisted Mode; Peer-Assisted Mode; Conclusions/Reflections; ReferencesChapter 3:SLOW FOOD, SLOW GROWTH ... SLOW ICT: THE VISION OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCEThe Most Important Technological Trend of the Last Decade; Now That More and More AmI Type of Technological Progress is a Given: What Will We Do With It?; AmI and Europe's Challenges; The Dark Side; Food and the Future of AmI; References; Chapter 4:TECHNICAL CHANGE AND STRUCTURAL INEQUALITIES: CONVERGING APPROACHES TO PROBLEMS OF UNDERDEVELOPMENT; Introduction; Connecting LASA with the Neo-Schumpeterian Work on Innovation: Perez' ContributionThe Relevance of Technical Progress to the Development Process and the Pre-eminence of Non-Economic FactorsAsymmetries in the Process of Development and Its Dual Character; Learning Asymmetries: Failures in Knowledge Generation, Acquisition and Use as Underdevelopment Problems; The Role of the Financial Dimension; The Importance of Policy for Structural Change: The Role of the State and Public Policy; Concluding Remarks: Opening and Illuminating Pathways; References; Chapter 5:THE NEW TECHNO-ECONOMIC PARADIGM AND ITS IMPACT ON INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE; IntroductionStructure and Dynamics of Industries: Some "Stylized Facts" and Long-Term TrendsSize Distributions; Sectoral Specificities; Number of Firms and Employment by Size Classes; Industrial Concentration; Size, Innovativeness and Efficiency; Entry, Exit and Market Turbulence; Some Conclusions: The Major Stylized Facts; References; Chapter 6:GOVERNANCE IN AND OF TECHNOECONOMIC PARADIGM SHIFTS: CONSIDERATIONS FOR AND FROM THE NANOTECHNOLOGY SURGE; Task and Background; Nanotechnology as a TEP; NanoGov I; NanoGov II; Conclusion; ReferencesChapter 7:INNOVATION POLICY AND INCENTIVES STRUCTURE: LEARNING FROM THE MEXICAN CASEIntroduction; A Natural Resource-Based Strategy for the Development of Latin America; Efforts to Build a New STI Strategy: The Mexican Case; Recent Changes of the STI Policy; Challenges; Lessons from the Mexican Case; Incentives Structure and Agents' Strategic Behaviour; Features of Strategic Behaviour from Agents; Incentives Structure and Social Norms; Leadership, Governance and the Generation of Consensus; Resources and Viability of the Strategy; Final Reflections; ReferencesChapter 8:SCHUMPETER'S BUSINESS CYCLES AND TECHNO-ECONOMIC PARADIGMS‘Techno-Economic Paradigms’ presents a series of essays discussing one of the most interesting and talked-about socio-economic theories of our times: techno-economic paradigm shifts.Anthem Other Canon series.Technological innovationsEconomic aspectsEconomicsTechnological innovationsEconomic aspects.Economics.330Drechsler Wolfgang J. M.Kattel Rainer1974-Reinert Erik S.1949-Perez Carlota1939-UkCbUPUkCbUPBOOK9910458864603321Techno-economic paradigms2475163UNINA