05149nam 22007333u 450 991045874030332120210112002854.01-78360-183-3(CKB)2550000001340924(EBL)1758717(OCoLC)886112227(SSID)ssj0001339716(PQKBManifestationID)11735769(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001339716(PQKBWorkID)11355599(PQKB)11335471(MiAaPQ)EBC1758717(EXLCZ)99255000000134092420161010d2014|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrGrassroots Post-modernism[electronic resource] Remaking the Soil of Cultures2nd ed.London Zed Books20141 online resource (250 p.)critique influence changeDescription based upon print version of record.1-78360-182-5 1-322-02383-2 Front Cover; critique influence change; About the Authors; Title; Copyright; Contents; Foreword; Preface to the critique influence change edition: Pathways to Commoning; Commoning: marginalizing the marginalizers; Ya basta! Enough!; No epilogue; Democracy is dead. Long live democracy; A new, very old, social subject; Every day, everywhere; 1 Grassroots Post-modernism: Beyond the Individual Self, Human Rights and Development; Grassroots post-modernism: An oxymoron?; Peoples beyond modernity: sagas of resistance and liberation; David and Goliath; Interlocutor and audienceBeyond the three sacred cowsWho are ""the people""?; Content and structure of this book; Notes; 2 From Global to Local: Beyond Neoliberalism to the International of Hope; Global thinking is impossible; The wisdom of thinking small; Downsizing to human scale; Escaping parochialism; Clothing the emperor; The power of thinking and acting locally; Non-provincial localism: forging human solidarities; Settling in a pluriverse; Beyond the nation-state; Beyond the global neoliberalism: the international of hope; Notes; 3 Beyond the Individual Self: Regenerating Ourselves; Dis-membering; Re-memberingRemaking the soil of culturesCommunal memory: remembering to escape dis-membering; Who am I? From calling card to knots in nets; Return and re-membership: regenerating soil cultures; From tolerance to hospitality; Beyond waste: composting, remaking communal soil; Hospitality abused: demarcating post-modern limits; Notes; 4 Human Rights: The Trojan Horse of Recolonization?; Human rights universalized: liberation or abuse?; Gandhi: liberation without modern states or human rights; From Beijing: global platforms and universal rights; Moral progress or aberrations?; Celebrating the pluriverseTorture and violence: the bottom lineThe kitsch of human rights: the last moral resort for recolonization?; The current threat; Beyond the violence of human rights; Towards new intercultural dialogues; Notes; 5 People's Power: Radical Democracy for the Autonomy of their Commons; Democracy today: subversive or dead?; The rise and fall of democracy; Radical democracy; Like the shade of a tree; Notes; 6 Epilogue: The Grassroots Post-modern Epic; No new truths, reopening our horizons; Regenerating public virtues; Notes; Bibliography; Index; Back coverWith the publication of this remarkable book in 1998, Gustavo Esteva and Madhu Suri Prakash instigated a complete epistemological rupture. Grassroots Post-modernism attacks the three sacred cows of modernity: global thinking, the universality of human rights and the self-sufficient individual. Rejecting the constructs of development in all its forms, Esteva and Prakash argue that even alternative development prescriptions deprive the people of control over their own lives, shifting this control to bureaucrats, technocrats and educators. Rather than presuming that human progress fits a predetercritique influence changeCivilization, Modern -- 1950-Culture conflictDeveloping countries -- Civilization -- Western influencesEconomic development -- Social aspectsInternational cooperation -- Social aspectsHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCHistory - GeneralHILCCElectronic books.Civilization, Modern -- 1950-.Culture conflict.Developing countries -- Civilization -- Western influences.Economic development -- Social aspects.International cooperation -- Social aspects.History & ArchaeologyHistory - General909.82Esteva Gustavo887084Prakash Madhu Suri887085Shiva Vandana129103AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910458740303321Grassroots Post-modernism1981003UNINA04458oam 22009254a 450 991045114910332120211028114845.01-4473-0370-91-281-15956-597866111595661-84742-140-7(CKB)1000000000407906(EBL)419253(OCoLC)476249548(SSID)ssj0000119819(PQKBManifestationID)11140957(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000119819(PQKBWorkID)10079839(PQKB)11659143(UtOrBLW)PPO00056(MiAaPQ)EBC419253(Au-PeEL)EBL419253(CaPaEBR)ebr10281209(CaONFJC)MIL115956(MdBmJHUP)musev2_80450(EXLCZ)99100000000040790620091207d2005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe changing face of welfareConsequences and outcomes from a citizenship perspectiveBristol :Policy Press,2005.©2005.1 online resource (296 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-86134-592-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Fifteen -- Conclusion: policy change, welfare regimes and active citizenshipIndex.Seven -- Citizenship and the activation of social protection: a comparative approachEight -- The active society and activation policy: ideologies, contexts and effects; Nine -- Individualising citizenship; Ten -- Gender equality, citizenship and welfare state restructuring; Eleven -- New forms of citizenship and social integration in European societies; Twelve -- The outcomes of early retirement in Nordic countries; Thirteen -- Early exit from the labour market, social exclusion and marginalisation in the Uk; Fourteen -- The emergence of social movements by social security claimants.Cover; The Changing Face Of Welfare -- Consequences and outcomes from a citizenship perspective; Contents; List of tables and figures; Preface; Glossary; Notes on contributors; One -- 'Active' citizenship: the new face of welfare; Two -- The goals of social policy: context and change; Three -- Which way for the European social model: minimum standards or social quality?; Four -- The advent of a flexible life course and the reconfigurations of welfare; Five -- Citizenship, unemployment and welfare policy; Six -- Paradoxes of democracy: the dialectic of inclusion and exclusion.There have been major shifts in the framework of social policy and welfare across Europe. Adopting a multi-level, comparative and interdisciplinary approach, this book develops a critical analysis of policy change and welfare reform in Europe.SozialpolitikgndWohlstandgndWelfare statefast(OCoLC)fst01173685Social policyfast(OCoLC)fst01122738Public welfarefast(OCoLC)fst01083250POLITICAL SCIENCEPublic PolicyCultural PolicybisacshSOCIAL SCIENCEAnthropologyCulturalbisacshPOLITICAL SCIENCEPublic PolicySocial Services & WelfarebisacshSOCIAL SCIENCEPopular CulturebisacshSOCIAL SCIENCEHuman ServicesbisacshPublic welfareEuropeWelfare stateEuropeEuropefastEuropeSocial policyElectronic books. SozialpolitikWohlstandWelfare state.Social policy.Public welfare.POLITICAL SCIENCEPublic PolicyCultural Policy.SOCIAL SCIENCEAnthropologyCultural.POLITICAL SCIENCEPublic PolicySocial Services & Welfare.SOCIAL SCIENCEPopular Culture.SOCIAL SCIENCEHuman Services.Public welfareWelfare state306.094/09051Andersen Jorgen Goul1070771Jensen Per H1070676Guillemard Anne-Marie216746MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910451149103321The changing face of welfare2565008UNINA