05041nam 2200649Ia 450 991045861750332120200520144314.01-281-91935-79786611919351981-277-421-1(CKB)1000000000402274(EBL)1681279(OCoLC)879025151(SSID)ssj0000127314(PQKBManifestationID)11159608(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000127314(PQKBWorkID)10051642(PQKB)10718389(MiAaPQ)EBC1681279(WSP)00006032(Au-PeEL)EBL1681279(CaPaEBR)ebr10201157(CaONFJC)MIL191935(EXLCZ)99100000000040227420060510d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrComplexus mundi[electronic resource] emergent patterns in nature /editor, Miroslav M. NovakSingapore ;Hackensack, N.J. World Scientificc20061 online resource (359 p.)Description based upon print version of record.981-256-666-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents ; Preface ; Structure of Genetic Regulatory Networks: Evidence for Scale Free Networks ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks ; 3. Statistics of the mRNA from the Different Models ; 4. Experimental Data ; 5. Conclusions ; 6. AcknowledgmentsReferences Modelling Fractal Dynamics ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Fractional calculus ; 3. Fractional Langevin equations ; 4. Summary conclusions and speculations ; References ; Fractional Relaxation of Distributed Order ; 1. Introduction: statement of the problem and notations2. Complete monotonicity of the basic solutions 3. Examples ; 4. Conclusions ; References ; Fractional Time: Dishomogenous Poisson Processes vs. Homogeneous Non-Poisson Processes ; 1. Time series with inverse-power-law waiting times ; 2. Modulation vs. renewal3. Continuous-Time-Random-Walk approach to diffusion 4. Aging effects in renewal and modulation theories ; 5. Concluding remarks ; References ; Markov Memory in Multifractal Natural Processes ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Review of multifractal cascades3. The first-order two-state Markov chain 4. Introducing memory in the evolution of the multiplicativev cascade ; 5. Discussion ; Acknowledgments ; References ; Description of Complex Systems in Terms of Self-Organization Processes of Prime Integer Relations ; 1. Introduction2. Invariant Quantities of a Complex System and CorrelationsThe dynamics of complex systems can clarify the creation of structures in Nature. This creation is driven by the collective interaction of constitutive elements of the system. Such interactions are frequently nonlinear and are directly responsible for the lack of prediction in the evolution process. The self-organization accompanying these processes occurs all around us and is constantly being rediscovered, under the guise of a new jargon, in apparently unrelated disciplines. This volume offers unique perspectives on aspects of fractals and complexity and, through the examination of complemeFractalsMultifractalsElectronic books.Fractals.Multifractals.003.75Novak M. M(Miroslav Michal),1949-918851MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910458617503321Complexus mundi2110838UNINA