03540oam 2200745I 450 991045818320332120200520144314.01-135-15159-81-135-15160-11-282-63973-097866126397390-203-85665-110.4324/9780203856659 (CKB)2560000000009993(EBL)530334(OCoLC)642661370(SSID)ssj0000412229(PQKBManifestationID)11250343(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000412229(PQKBWorkID)10366637(PQKB)11494428(SSID)ssj0000433379(PQKBManifestationID)11269315(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000433379(PQKBWorkID)10390347(PQKB)11782529(MiAaPQ)EBC530334(Au-PeEL)EBL530334(CaPaEBR)ebr10394385(CaONFJC)MIL263973(OCoLC)649832699(EXLCZ)99256000000000999320180706d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAspects of Roman history, 82 BC-AD 14 a source-based approach /Hilary Swain and Mark Everson DaviesLondon ;New York :Routledge,2010.1 online resource (447 p.)Aspects of classical civilization Aspects of Roman history, 82 BC-AD 14 Description based upon print version of record.0-415-49694-2 0-415-49693-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.BOOK COVER; TITLE; COPYRIGHT; CONTENTS; ILLUSTRATIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 SULLA AND POMPEY, 82-79; 3 POMPEY AND CRASSUS, 78-70; 4 THE KEY PLAYERS, 69-64; 5 CICERO, 'THE PEOPLE'S CONSUL', 63; 6 FRIENDS AGAINST THE WORLD, 62-59; 7 THE ROAD TO LUCA, 58-56; 8 DISINTEGRATION, 55-52; 9 THE DIE IS CAST, 51-48; 10 THE IDES OF MARCH, 44; 11 ANTONY AND OCTAVIAN, 44-42; 12 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, 42-30; 13 FROM SON OF CAESAR TO AUGUSTUS, 30-18; 14 THE FIRST FAMILY, 18-2; 15 FATHER OF THE FATHERLAND, 2-AD 14; 16 SOCIETY; 17 RELIGION; 18 PROPAGANDA; 19 URBI: RUNNING THE CITY20 ORBI: RUNNING THE EMPIRETIMELINE; GLOSSARY; BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER READING; INDEXAspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14 examines the political and military history of Rome and its empire in the Ciceronian and Augustan ages. It is an indispensable introduction to this central period of Roman History for all students of Roman history, from pre-university to undergraduate level.This is the first book since H.H. Scullard's From the Gracchi to Nero, published two generations ago, to offer a full introductory account of one of the most compelling and vital periods in the history of Europe. Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14: <ULAspects of classical civilisation.RomeHistoryEmpire, 30 B.C.-284 A.DRomePolitics and government30 B.C.-284 A.DRomeSocial life and customsRomeSocial conditionsRomeHistory, Military30 B.C.-476 A.DElectronic books.937/.05Swain Hilary.850440Davies Mark Everson850441FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910458183203321Aspects of Roman history, 82 BC-AD 141898805UNINA