05032nam 2200649 a 450 991045810790332120200520144314.01-281-03832-697866110383280-08-055155-6(CKB)1000000000363946(EBL)312745(OCoLC)469633315(SSID)ssj0000073720(PQKBManifestationID)11115770(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000073720(PQKBWorkID)10125880(PQKB)11410398(MiAaPQ)EBC312745(CaSebORM)9780123742100(Au-PeEL)EBL312745(CaPaEBR)ebr10190234(CaONFJC)MIL103832(EXLCZ)99100000000036394620070509d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAspect-oriented programming with the e verification language[electronic resource] a pragmatic guide for testbench developers /David Robinson1st editionAmsterdam ;Boston Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmannc20071 online resource (265 p.)The Morgan Kaufmann series in systems on siliconDescription based upon print version of record.0-12-374210-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-240) and index.Front cover; Aspect-Oriented Programming with the e Verification Language; Copyright page; Acknowledgments; Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; About Verilab; Chapter 1. Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP); 1.1. What are aspects? - Part I; 1.2. Why do I need aspects? What's wrong with crosscutting concerns?; 1.3. Surely OOP doesn't have any problems?; 1.4. Why does AOP help?; 1.5. Theory vs real life - What else is AOP good for?; 1.6. What are aspects? - Part II; Chapter 2. AOP in e; 2.1. How do I extend a class?2.2. How do I extend a class for multiple values of a determinant?2.3. How do I extend a type?; 2.4. How do I introduce a new noncoverage member to a class?; 2.5. How do I introduce a coverage group to a class?; 2.6. How do I extend a coverage group?; 2.7. How do I change the behavior of a method?; 2.8. How do I limit the scope of my extensions?; 2.9. Using return in method advice; 2.10. Controlling the order of method extension calls; Chapter 3. Using AOP to Organize Your Code; 3.1. A word about style; 3.2. What aspects do I want to use?; 3.3. Mapping aspects to filesChapter 4. Creating Flexible CodeChapter 5. Creating Pluggable Code; 5.1. The extendable case statement; 5.2. The factory pattern; Chapter 6. Improving Your Productivity; 6.1. Shifting the power; 6.2. Dealing with broken code; 6.3. Handling workarounds; 6.4. Reducing and deferring class complexity; 6.5. Adding problem-specific functionality; 6.6. Reducing the OOP-induced overhead; Chapter 7. AOP in Action; 7.1. Creating a class with a selectable algorithm; 7.2. Creating a configuration interface for an eVC; 7.3. Using aspects to create a layered verification environment7.4. Creating reusable layered sequences7.5. Testing your verification environment; 7.6. Debugging using AOP; 7.7. Encapsulating tests; Chapter 8. Analysing e Code; 8.1. The e toolkit; 8.2. Finding class declarations and extensions; 8.3. Finding the class inheritance hierarchy; 8.4. Finding the determinants used by a class; 8.5. Finding method declarations and extensions; 8.6. Finding field declarations; 8.7. Finding event declarations; 8.8. Finding enumerated type declarations and extensions; 8.9. How do I find where a value is added to a type?8.10. Finding cover group declarations and extensions8.11. Finding the source of a message in the log file; 8.12. Finding aspects; Bibliography; Epilogue; Index; A; C; D; E; F; H; I; J; M; N; O; P; R; S; U; WWhat's this AOP thing anyway, really-when you get right down to it-and can someone please explain what an aspect actually is?Aspect-Oriented Programming with the e Verification Language takes a pragmatic, example based, and fun approach to unraveling the mysteries of AOP. In this book, you'll learn how to: Use AOP to organize your code in a way that makes it easy to deal with the things you really care about in your verification environments. Forget about organizing by classes, and start organizing by functionality, layers, components, protocols, functional coverage, cMorgan Kaufmann series in systems on silicon.Object-oriented programming (Computer science)Electronic books.Object-oriented programming (Computer science)005.1/17Robinson David169253MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910458107903321Aspect-oriented programming with the e verification language2020016UNINA06229nam 2201705z- 450 991055752630332120231214133347.0(CKB)5400000000044315(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76999(EXLCZ)99540000000004431520202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInterdisciplinary MedicineBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (282 p.)3-0365-2329-4 3-0365-2330-8 Dear Colleagues, The rapidly changing field of medicine and healthcare is increasingly adopting scientific and technological innovations, making interdisciplinary collaborations especially important. In this context, medical disciplines are becoming increasingly interlinked with other specialities and fields. A more interdisciplinary approach to the patient is needed, especially for complex patients with numerous comorbidities, most of whom are usually elderly and fragile. The greatest challenges to human health lie at the intersection of different medical fields. An interdisciplinary medical team is increasingly necessary with the rapid expansion of medical knowledge. Given the importance of interdisciplinarity in the field of medicine and research, the international journal Medicina-Lithuania has launched this Special Issue. The Special Issue has attracted the interest of different groups of researchers, and very interesting articles from different countries. Reviews or original articles dealing with interdisciplinary medical problems, as well as articles providing an up-to-date overview of the diagnostic protocols and treatments for patients with multiple comorbidities have been published. I thank all the authors for sharing their research and wish all readers a fruitful and stimulating read! Assoc. Prof. Dr. Camelia DIACONU Guest EditorMedicinebicsscectopic kidneylocally advanced cervical cancernephrectomyskin cancersquamous cell carcinomabasal cell carcinomamalignant melanomasurgeryquality of lifebreast reconstructiontimingmastectomyadjuvant therapyfertility preservationcryo-preservationvitrificationbreast cancerdietary attitudetype 2 diabetes mellitusdiabetes self-managementempowerment approachdietary behaviorearly stageovarian cancerpara-aortic lymph node metastasessynchronous malignanciescervical adenocarcinomaserous ovarian adenocarcinomaPSFTresectionpulmonary adenocarcinomaKrukenberg tumorsureteral stenosischronic kidney diseasepreeclampsiahypertensionproteinuriatype 2 diabeteshemoglobin A1cmatrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9anti-elastin antibodiesanti-collagen IV antibodiesdiabetic retinopathydiabetic nephropathymacrovascular complicationsnephrotic syndromethrombosisinherited risk factorsmutationanticoagulationmedical malpracticedoctor-patient relationshipcommunicationcomplicationsdiagnostic errorpreventive measuresretrospective studychildrenself-medicationrisksbeliefsMayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndromeprimary amenorrheasurgical managementvaginal reconstructionplastic surgeryoral graft versus host diseasetopical corticosteroidsdexamethasoneclobetasolbudesonidetuberous sclerosisangiomyolipomatosisuretero-hydronephrosisangiofibromasVCAM-1E-selectinpsoriasismethotrexateadalimumabcolosalpingeal fistulaenterotubal fistuladiverticular fistulationdiagnosishysteroscopy managementpregnancy-associated breast cancerRomaniaprimarypleuralhydatidosisAlbendazoleechinoccocuscaudal duplication syndromecolorectal duplicationgenitourinary duplicationcongenital malformationpediatric surgerySARS-CoV-2COVID-19SIADHdyselectrolytemiahyponatremiaSilesian Voivodeshipgold hourcardiovascular diseasesMedical Emergency Teamacute cholecystitislaparoscopic cholecystectomyelderlysafetyyoung lung cancerdepressionanxietymultiple correspondence analysisk-means clusteringMedicineDiaconu Cameliaedt1322917Diaconu CameliaothBOOK9910557526303321Interdisciplinary Medicine3035262UNINA