04296oam 2200817I 450 991045799880332120200520144314.01-134-28928-61-280-06379-30-203-34095-710.4324/9780203340950 (CKB)1000000000359848(EBL)199479(OCoLC)70875837(SSID)ssj0001150159(PQKBManifestationID)12413720(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001150159(PQKBWorkID)11188253(PQKB)11447008(MiAaPQ)EBC199479(PPN)198451458(Au-PeEL)EBL199479(CaPaEBR)ebr10094194(CaONFJC)MIL6379(OCoLC)958104162(EXLCZ)99100000000035984820180331d2005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrUrban governance and democracy leadership and community involvement /edited by Michael Haus, Hubert Heinelt and Murray StewartLondon ;New York :Routledge,2005.1 online resource (268 p.)Routledge studies in governance and public policy ;8Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada.0-415-45979-6 0-415-34361-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction / Michael Haus, Hubert Heinelt and Murray Stewart -- How to achieve governability at the local level? : theoretical and conceptual considerations on a complementarity of urban leadership and community involvement -- Michael Haus and Hubert Heinelt -- Urban leadership and community involvement : an institutional analysis / Pieter-Jan Klok and Bas Deters -- The institutional setting of local political leadership and community involvement / Henry Bäck -- Cities in transition : from statism to democracy / Pawel Swianiewicz -- Cities in the multi-level governance of the European Union / Laurence Carmichael -- Collaboration in multi-actor governance / Murray Stewart -- Changes in urban political leadership : leadership types and styles in the era of urban governance / Panagiotis Getimis and Despoina Grigoriadou -- Leading localities : rethinking the agenda / Robin Hambleton -- Legitimacy and community involvement in local governance / Jan Erling Klausen and David Sweeting -- Participation and leadership in planning theory and practices / Alessandro Balducci and Claudio Calvaresi.The issue of local governance is high on the institutional agenda of many local and regional authorities throughout the OECD countries. This book explores the relationship between two key issues of urban governance - leadership and community involvement - and how making these two elements more complementary can lead to more effective as well as legitimate policy outcomes.The authors examine the dilemmas involved in ensuring effective governance, focusing on issues such as legitimacy, citizen participation, economic performance and social inclusion.Routledge studies in governance and public policy ;8.Municipal governmentCitizen participationMunicipal governmentOECD countriesCommunity leadershipOECD countriesCommunity developmentOECD countriesPublic-private sector cooperationOECD countriesCities and townsOECD countriesDemocracyOECD countriesOECD countriesEconomic conditionsElectronic books.Municipal governmentCitizen participation.Municipal governmentCommunity leadershipCommunity developmentPublic-private sector cooperationCities and townsDemocracy352.1688.13bclHaus Michael846582Heinelt Hubert846583Stewart Murray33543MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457998803321Urban governance and democracy1891600UNINA