05073nam 2200649 a 450 991045767200332120200520144314.01-283-32881-X978661332881690-272-8047-9(CKB)2550000000064602(EBL)3016012(SSID)ssj0000649054(PQKBManifestationID)11417842(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000649054(PQKBWorkID)10600912(PQKB)11520188(MiAaPQ)EBC3016012(Au-PeEL)EBL3016012(CaPaEBR)ebr10511253(OCoLC)923646806(EXLCZ)99255000000006460219830706e19831914 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAn introduction to the study of language[electronic resource] /Leonard Bloomfield ; new edition with an introduction by Joseph F. KessNew ed.Amsterdam ;Philadelphia J. Benjamins Pub. Co.19831 online resource (383 p.)Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series II, Classics in psycholinguistics,0165-716X ;v. 3Reprint. Originally published: London : Bell, 1914.90-272-1891-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxiv-xxxviii) and indexes.""INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE""; ""Editorial page""; ""Title page""; ""Copyright page""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENT""; ""Table of contents""; ""FOREWORD""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""REFERENCES""; ""AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE""; ""PEEFACE.""; ""CONTENTS.""; ""CHAPTER I. THE NATURE AND ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE.""; ""CHAPTER II. THE PHYSICAL BASIS OP LANGUAGE.""; ""1. Unconsciousness of speech-movements.""; ""2. Writing an imperfect analysis.""; ""3. The vocal chords.""; ""4. The velum.""; ""5. Oral articulation""; ""6. Oral noise-articulations.""; ""7. Musical oral articulations.""""8. Infinite variety of possible sounds.""""9. Glides and mixtures of articulation.""; ""11. Stress.""; ""13. Duration.""; ""14. Limitation of the articulations in each dialect.""; ""15. Automatic variations.""; ""CHAPTER III. THE MENTAL BASIS OF LANGUAGE.""; ""1. The place of language in our mental life.""; ""2. Total experiences.""; ""3. The analysis of total experiences.""; ""4.The naming of objects.""; ""5. The development of abstract words.""; ""6. Psychologic composition of the word.""; ""7. Grammatical categories.""; ""8· Psychologic character of the linguistic forms.""""9. Psychologic motives of utterance.""""10. Interpretation of the linguistic phenomena.""; ""CHAPTER IV. THE FORMS OF LANGUAGE.""; ""1. The inarticulate outcry.""; ""2. Primary interjections.""; ""3. Secondary interjections.""; ""4. The arbitrary value of non-interjectioiial utterances.""; ""5. The classifying nature of linguistic expression.""; ""6. Expression of the three types of utterances.""; ""7. The parts of utterances.""; ""8. The word: phonetic character.""; ""9. The word: semantic character.""; ""10. Word-classes.""; ""11. The sentence.""; ""CHAPTER V.MORPHOLOGY.""""1. The significance of morphologic phenomena.""""2. Morphologic classification by syntactic use (Parts of speech).""; ""3. Classification by congruence.""; ""4. Phonetic-semantic classes.""; ""5. Classes on a partially phonetic basis. Still other""; ""6. Difference between morphologic classification and non-linguistic association.""; ""7. Classes by composition.""; ""8. Derivation and inflection.""; ""9. The semantic nature of inflection: the commonest categories.""; ""10. The semantic nature of derivation.""; ""11. The phonetic character of the morphologic processes.""""12. Word-composition: semantic value.""""13. -Word-composition not a phonetic process. It""; ""14. Simple word: compound: phrase.""; ""CHAPTER VI. SYNTAX.""; ""1. The field of syntax.""; ""2. The discursive relations.""; ""3. The emotional relations.""; ""4. Material relations.""; ""5. Syntactic categories.""; ""6. The expression of syntactic relations: modulation in the sentence.""; ""7. Cross-referring constructions.""; ""8. Congruence.""; ""9. Government.""; ""10. Word-order.""; ""11. Set phrases : the transition from syntax to style.""; ""12. The complex sentence.""""CHAPTER VII. INTERNAL CHANGE IN LANGUAGE.""Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science.Series II,Classics in psycholinguistics ;v. 3.LinguisticsLanguage and languagesElectronic books.Linguistics.Language and languages.Bloomfield Leonard1887-1949.172782Kess Joseph K172783MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457672003321An introduction to the study of language2257731UNINA