05653nam 2200745Ia 450 991045766400332120200520144314.01-280-63125-297866106312540-08-046178-69780750668545(CKB)1000000000350093(EBL)270336(OCoLC)476003370(SSID)ssj0000118558(PQKBManifestationID)11915504(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000118558(PQKBWorkID)10052502(PQKB)10025497(MiAaPQ)EBC270336(Au-PeEL)EBL270336(CaPaEBR)ebr10138715(CaONFJC)MIL63125(EXLCZ)99100000000035009320060801d2006 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrCash return on capital invested[electronic resource] ten years of investment analysis with the CROCI economic profit model /Pascal Costantini1st ed.Amsterdam ;Boston, MA Butterworth-Heinemannc20061 online resource (245 p.)"Elsevier finance"--jacket.0-7506-6854-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front cover; Title page; Copyright page; Table of contents; By way of introduction; A temporary confidence crisis; Structure of the book; Acknowledgements; Mentors, peers and children; Part I What is Investment Analysis?; 1 Investment, investors and financial analysis; An annoying question - inquisitive colleagues; Emotions in motion - tea-leaf reading?; The tools of investment - a (very) brief history of financial ratios; The people of investment - an unfair typology; The economic profit framework; The PE paradox - an introduction to behavioral financeCoffee or beer? The issue of investment 'styles''Approximately and most of the time'; 2 The PE and the Equivalence principle: asset multiple and relative return; Cinderella's slipper - a misunderstanding: economic versus actuarial; The PE ratio and its actuarial framework; The economic construction behind the PE ratio; The equivalence between asset multiple and relative return - the residual income model; Why would you use accounting numbers to fuel the EP model?; Empirical evidence of the Equivalence as an investment tool; Cost of capital and expected return; Is it for real?Discounted cash-flow models and PE ratios - financial and investment analysisThe one-man band; Appendix: The multiple guises of the PE ratio; Part II Digging the Foundations: Reconstruction of Economic Data; 3 Measuring the value of economic assets: the asset multiple; Tidying up a few loose ends; The debt problem: left and right, Cain and Abel, Miller and Modigliani; Liable: legally bound, under an obligation - beware of hidden liabilities; The final calculation of the economic enterprise value; Inflation: apples and oranges, age and half-life, PPPInvisibility and unaccountability: get a life, a non-smoker's dream, the asset testA certain Nobel Prize winner - not much for half a million - physical assets; 4 The relative return; Keynes the speculator, Tobin the investor; jinxed in Pleasantville; Hotelling; a Stephen Hawking definition of assets - straight line's not so straight; Dealing with infinity - cash return on capital invested; The cost of capital: an implicit calculation - fading and failing; An empirical calculation with multiple uses; 5 The price of growth; The stuff of dreams; CROCI and the Big MacSame earnings growth, different valuation Do you think what they think?; Growth matters ... sometimes - some disturbing news for growth managers; The third dimension - the Market Horn of Plenty; Part III Drawing Up the Plans: Analysis of Economic Profits; 6 The fundamental analysis of economic characteristics; The storytellers - fundamental and investment analysis - the special case of financial groups; Missing something? The right chemistry; Three CROCI patterns: a typology of corporate behaviour; Asset growth - another insight into corporate behaviour; Everything and nothing7 Investment analysisIn this book, Pascal Costantini gives a lively and wonderfully readable account of ten years of efforts by a small group of investment analysts to find a reliable, practical and implementable method for valuing and selecting shares. The result of their effort is an original investment methodology called CROCI (Cash Return on Capital Invested), best described as a variation of the economic profit model. For over a decade now, Costantinis group at Deutsche Bank has been using this valuation tool every time it has had to take a view on the pricing of an equity asset, be it a market, a sector or aTen years of investment analysis with the CROCI economic profit modelInvestment analysis with the CROCI economic profit modelCROCI economic profit modelCorporationsValuationCorporationsFinanceCash flowCash managementElectronic books.CorporationsValuation.CorporationsFinance.Cash flow.Cash management.658.155Costantini Pascal901063MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457664003321Cash return on capital invested2014050UNINA06229nas# 2200373 i 450 VAN0003460920240806100355.8391126-623620050325a1996 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||aU|||||||||Archeologia dell'architetturaFirenze : All'insegna del giglio1996-volumi : ill. ; 29 cmPeriodicità non determinataSupplemento a Archeologia medievale.001VAN000523782001 Calci lombardeproduzione e mercati dal 1641 al 1805Laura Fieni210 FirenzeAll'insegna del giglioc2002215 147 p.ill.29 cm.001VAN000346102001 Archeologia medievalecultura materiale, insediamenti, territorio210 FirenzeCLUSF1974-215 volumiill.25 cm300 L'editore varia in: Firenze : All'insegna del giglioArcheologia medievalePeriodiciVANC015452FIArchitetturaSec. 8.-15.PeriodiciVANC015451FIFirenzeVANL000014723.0521All'insegna del giglio <editore>VANV108871650ITSOL20240906RICAhttp://www.insegnadelgiglio.it/categoria-prodotto/periodici/archeologia-dell-architettura/http://www.insegnadelgiglio.it/categoria-prodotto/periodici/archeologia-dell-architettura/BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN071996-2008; 2010-2022;Per Arch Archit ;BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN011996-1999;2003-2004;2008-2011;2015-2017;Scaffale17 ;VAN00034609BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI071996-2008; 2010-2022;07PERIO Per Architet 2001 07 11995 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 1996 07 12127 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 1997 07 12128 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 1998 07 12129 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 1999 07 12130 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 2000 07 12131 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 2002 07 13023 20071112 07PERIO Per Architet 2003 07 16025 20051019 07PERIO Per Architet 2004 07 17737 20070911 07PERIO Per Architet 2005 07 17738 20070521 07PERIO Per Arch.Arc 2006 07 18371 20081023 07PERIO Per Arch.Arc 2008 07 19779 20101209 07PERIO Per Arch Archit 2010 07DB 5 20130726 07PERIO Per Arc. 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Archit. 2019 bis 07UBL2911 20230605 07PERIO Per Arch Archit 2022 07UBL3554 20240515 07PERIO Per Arch Archit 2021 07UBL3555 20240515 07CONS Per Arch Archit 2016 07UBL3556 20240515 07PERIO Per Arch Archit 2022 bis 07UBL3822 20240807 07PERIO Per Arch Archit 2021 bis 07UBL3823 20240807 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE011996-1999;2003-2004;2008-2011;2015-2017;01CONS Scaffale17 1996 01 48734 19960101 01CONS Scaffale17 1997 01 48992 20070920 01CONS Scaffale17 1998 01 48993 20070920 01CONS Scaffale17 1999 01 48994 20070920 01CONS Scaffale17 2003 01 48995 20070920 01CONS Scaffale17 2004 01 48996 20070920 01CONS Scaffale17 2005 01 50205 20090206 01CONS Scaffale17 2006 01 50206 20090206 01CONS Scaffale17 2007 01 50249 20090324 01CONS Scaffale17 2008 01 50886 20080101 01CONS Scaffale17 2009 01 51626 20120222 01CONS Scaffale17 2010 01 51627 20120222 01CONS Scaffale17 2011 01 51821 20121213 01CONS Scaffale17 2015 01 53582 20150101 01CONS Scaffale17 2016 01 53583 20160101 01CONS Scaffale17 2017 01 53584 20170101 Archeologia dell'architettura800431UNICAMPANIA