04546nam 2200805Ia 450 991045764440332120200520144314.01-4571-1158-61-4571-1683-91-60732-095-9(CKB)2550000000058188(EBL)811411(OCoLC)768731975(SSID)ssj0000536395(PQKBManifestationID)11354907(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000536395(PQKBWorkID)10547354(PQKB)10713168(MiAaPQ)EBC3039753(OCoLC)762689240(MdBmJHUP)muse4117(MiAaPQ)EBC811411(Au-PeEL)EBL3039753(CaPaEBR)ebr10506610(CaONFJC)MIL913691(Au-PeEL)EBL811411(EXLCZ)99255000000005818820110722d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEthnicity in ancient Amazonia[electronic resource] reconstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory /Alf Hornborg and Jonathan D. Hill, editors1st ed.Boulder, CO University Press of Coloradoc20111 online resource (401 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-60732-196-3 1-60732-094-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Copyright; Contents; Figures; Maps; Tables; Preface; 1. Introduction: Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia; Part I: Archaeology; 2. Archaeological Cultures and Past Identities in the Pre-colonial Central Amazon; 3. Deep History, Cultural Identities, and Ethnogenesis in the Southern Amazon; 4. Deep Time, Big Space; 5. Generic Pots and Generic Indians; 6. An Attempt to Understand Panoan Ethnogenesis in Relation to Long-Term Patterns and Transformation sof Regional Interaction in Western Amazonia; Part II: Linguistics; 7. Amazonian Ritual Communication in Relation to Multilingual Social Networks8. The Spread of the Arawakan Languages9. Comparative Arawak Linguistics; 10. Linguistic Diversity Zones and Cartographic Modeling; 11. Nested Identities in the Southern Guyana-Surinam Corner; 12. Change, Contact, and Ethnogenesis in Northern Quechua; Part III: Ethnohistory; 13. Sacred Landscapes as Environmental Histories in Lowland South America; 14. Constancy in Continuity? Native Oral History, Iconography, and Earthworks on the Upper Purús River; 15. Ethnogenesis at the Interface of the Andes and the Amazon; 16. Ethnogenesis and Interculturality in the "Forest of Canelos"17. Captive Identities, or the Genesis of Subordinate Quasi-Ethnic Collectivities in the American Tropics18. Afterword; Contributors; Index ""A major contribution to Amazonian anthropology, and possibly a direction changer."" -J. Scott Raymond,University of Calgary A transdisciplinary collaboration among ethnologists, linguists, and archaeologists, Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia traces the emergence, expansion, and decline of cultural identities in indigenous Amazonia. Hornborg and Hill argue that the tendency to link language, culture, and biology--essentialist notions of ethnic identities--is a Eurocentric bias that has characterized largely inaccurate explanations of the distribution of ethnic groups and lanIndians of South AmericaAmazon River RegionEthnic identityIndians of South AmericaAmazon River RegionLanguagesIndians of South AmericaAmazon River RegionAntiquitiesAnthropological linguisticsAmazon River RegionEthnicityAmazon River RegionEthnohistoryAmazon River RegionAmazon River RegionEthnic relationsAmazon River RegionAntiquitiesElectronic books.Indians of South AmericaEthnic identity.Indians of South AmericaLanguages.Indians of South AmericaAntiquities.Anthropological linguisticsEthnicityEthnohistory305.800981/1Hornborg Alf791509Hill Jonathan David1954-922707MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457644403321Ethnicity in ancient Amazonia2443762UNINA