00989nlm0 2200313 450 00003037320150311155848.020150310d--------km-y0itay50------baitaNL--------001cysdoug----uuuuuAIDArisorsa elettronicaBureau van Dijk[Amsterdam]20141 disco ottico (CD-ROM)12 cmDati testuali (10 file: 1,23 Gb)altra versione consultabile alla URL: www.bvdinfo.itRequisiti minimi del sistema: WindowsAIDA40302Analisi Informatizzata delle Aziende ItalianeAziendeBilancioItalia657.835WebDeweyContabilità per impreseBureau van Dijk634483ITUNIPARTHENOPE20140310RICAUNIMARC000030373Biblioteca - Uffici45505NAVA12015AIDA40302UNIPARTHENOPE04059oam 2200805I 450 991045754110332120210108181739.01-283-44258-297866134425810-203-80718-91-136-66066-610.4324/9780203807187 (CKB)2550000000087640(EBL)728286(OCoLC)787842350(SSID)ssj0000592395(PQKBManifestationID)12217794(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000592395(PQKBWorkID)10735942(PQKB)11727527(MiAaPQ)EBC728286(OCoLC)874367138(EXLCZ)99255000000008764020180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLifelong engagement in sport and physical activity participation and performance across the lifespan /edited by Nicholas L. Holt and Margaret TalbotNew York :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (185 p.)ICSSPE PerspectivesDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-85790-2 0-415-67589-8 Lifelong Engagement in Sport and Physical Activity Participation and performance across the lifespan; Copyright; Contents; About ICSSPE; Notes on contributors; Editors' introduction; PART I:Sport and physical activity during childhood and adolescence; 1 Sport participation during childhood and adolescence; 2 Physical activity during childhood and adolescence; PART II:Trasitions in sport and physical activity participation; 3 Tracking physical activity, energy balance and health from childhood to adulthood; 4 Rethinking participant development in sport and physical activity5 Transitions in competitive sportsPART III:Sport and physical activity during aduthood among various populations; 6 The transtheoretical model and physical activity adherence; 7 Physical exercise as a social marker among middle-aged pople in swedan; 8 Muslim women's experiences of sport; 9 Engagement of people with disabilities in sport across the life span; PART IV:Sport and physical activity during older adulthood; 10 Psycho-social perspectives on the motivation and commitment of Master athetes; 11 What predicts exercise participation of older adults?12 Energising lives and the value of physical activity for older adultsIndexSport and physical activity should now be understood as lifelong activity, beginning in childhood, and accessible to participants of all levels of ability. This book offers an overview of some of the core concerns underlying lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity, encompassing every age and phase of engagement. The book explores key models of engagement from around the world, as well as specific areas of research that will help the reader understand this important topic.In adopting a lifespan approach, the book pays particular attention to sport and physical activity duriICSSPE PerspectivesExercisePhysical fitnessSelf-care, HealthPhysical FitnessSportsExerciseMotor ActivitySelf CareElectronic books.ExercisePhysical fitnessSelf-care, HealthPhysical Fitness.Sports.Exercise.Motor Activity.Self Care.613.7/1613.71Holt Nick981805Talbot Margaret981806International Council of Sport Science and Physical EducationAU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910457541103321Lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity2240726UNINA