03072nam 2200637 a 450 991045750900332120200520144314.092-2-123196-8(CKB)2550000000065393(EBL)797566(OCoLC)769190065(SSID)ssj0000939175(PQKBManifestationID)11542967(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000939175(PQKBWorkID)10927328(PQKB)10321308(MiAaPQ)EBC3012403(Au-PeEL)EBL3012403(CaPaEBR)ebr10512090(OCoLC)923638263(EXLCZ)99255000000006539320111213d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccr2009 labour overview[electronic resource] Latin America and the Caribbean1st ed.Geneva International Labour Office20091 online resource (120 p.)ILO news,1020-3923Published also in Spanish, Panorama Laboral 2009, AmeĢrica Latina y el Caribe.92-2-123195-X Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Title page; Copyright information; CONTENTS; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Executive Summary; LABOUR REPORT Impact of the Global Crisis on Employment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Outlook for 2010.; The Global Economic Context; Economic Growth and Unemployment in the World's Leading Economies; Crisis and Economic Slowdown in the Region in 2009; Economic and Employment Forecasts for 2010; The Labour Market in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2009; BOX ARTICLES; Challenges for Decent Work in the Crisis: Underemployment and Informal EmploymentDecent Work and Human Development in Central America and the Dominican RepublicRecent Economic and Labour Market Trends in the Caribbean; ECONOMIC CRISIS AND EMPLOYMENT: Lessons Learned from the Responses of Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean; Introduction; Employment policies to face the crisis; Policy advances and lessons learned from the Crisis; EXPLANATORY NOTE; STATISTICAL ANNEX; Back cover""This edition of Labour Overview 2009 is special because it runs through the complex arena of international crisis and its impact on employment in our region, and also contains some estimates of what might happen this year in the labour market"". (Jean Maninat, Regional Director)LaborLatin AmericaStatisticsLaborCaribbean AreaStatisticsWorking classLatin AmericaWorking classCaribbean AreaElectronic books.LaborLaborWorking classWorking class338.98International Labour Office.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK99104575090033212009 labour overview1999030UNINA