04816nam 2200673 a 450 991045741560332120200520144314.01-907655-67-0(CKB)2550000000084783(EBL)1667665(SSID)ssj0000598837(PQKBManifestationID)11941386(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000598837(PQKBWorkID)10592452(PQKB)10646341(MiAaPQ)EBC3329161(MiAaPQ)EBC1667665(Au-PeEL)EBL3329161(CaPaEBR)ebr10426824(OCoLC)826657968(Au-PeEL)EBL1667665(OCoLC)876513632(EXLCZ)99255000000008478320130815d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrComorbidities in developmental disorders[electronic resource] /edited by Martin C.O. Bax and Christopher GillbergLondon Mac Keith Press20101 online resource (168 p.)187Clinics in developmental medicine ;no. 187Description based upon print version of record.1-907655-00-X Includes bibliographical references and index.CONTENTS; AUTHORS' APPOINTMENTS; FOREWORD; INTRODUCTION; 1 INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND THEIR COMORBIDITIES; Terminology; Features associated with intellectual disability; Reasons for psychiatric and psychological comorbidities; Down syndrome: an illustration of a specific aetiological cause of intellectual; Frequent clinical common final pathways; Self-injury; The need for a conceptual shift; Example of multidimensional aetiologically driven developmental and; Conspicuousness by absence; Conclusion; REFERENCES; 2 HETEROGENEITY IN CEREBRAL; Introduction; Terminology; Brain syndromesNeurological heterogeneity and cerebral palsy Pervasive developmental disorders and cerebral palsy; Conclusions; REFERENCES; 3 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; Symptoms and diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome; The comorbidities of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome; Relationship between Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and its comorbidities; Management; REFERENCES; 4 COMORBIDITY IN NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS:; Impact of classification schemes on comorbidity; Associations with other neurodevelopmental problems; Common disorders of mental health; Associations with brain disordersGeneral conclusions REFERENCES; 5 EARLY LANGUAGE DISORDER AS A FREQUENT COMORBIDITY IN MANY DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS IN YOUNG CHILDREN; Preliminary comment regarding comorbidity; Some conditions associated with inadequate language development; Conclusion; REFERENCES; 6 AUTISM AND EPILEPSY: COMORBIDITY, COEXISTENCE OR COINCIDENCE?; Prevalence of epilepsy in autism and of autism in epilepsy; Gender aspects; Diagnostic/differential diagnostic aspects including electroencephalogram; types of seizures; Electrophysiology; Conclusion; REFERENCES; 7 GENETIC CORRELATES OF PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITY:Molecular biology of fragile X syndrome Comorbidities of fragile X syndrome; Intellectual disability; Psychosis and fragile X syndrome; Anxiety and fragile X syndrome; Autism and fragile X syndrome; The premutation and fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome; Conclusion; REFERENCES; 8 CHANNELOPATHIES; The primary episodic ataxias; Dravet syndrome and other SCN1A-related infantile epileptic encephalopathies; REFERENCES; 9 INCREASED LONGEVITY AND THE COMORBIDITIES ASSOCIATED; Comorbidities associated with intellectual and developmental disabilities; Down syndrome; ProjectREFERENCES10 COMORBIDITY: CLASSIFICATION ARTEFACT AND CLINICAL REALITY; Comorbidity as a question of definition; On classification and diagnosis; Comorbidity as clinical reality; Future directions; REFERENCES; INDEXComorbidities are the co-occurrence of conditions more frequently than would be expected by chance: one may cause the other, share a common cause or be a sign of a single condition. Our growing understanding of the mechanisms underlying many comorbidities helps understand the natural history of these conditions and improve their management.1stComorbidityDevelopmental disabilitiesElectronic books.Comorbidity.Developmental disabilities.618.928588Bax Martin323336Gillberg Christopher1041741MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457415603321Comorbidities in developmental disorders2465474UNINA04492 am 2200817 n 450 991049577010332120181012979-1-03-000424-310.4000/books.pub.8118(CKB)4100000007810545(FrMaCLE)OB-pub-8118(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86108(PPN)235360031(EXLCZ)99410000000781054520190307j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNihilismes ? /Éric Benoit, Dominique RabatéPessac Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux20181 online resource (393 p.) Modernités2-86781-766-8 Dans le prolongement des réflexions sur le mal ou sur la question des valeurs de l'art aujourd'hui, c'est un pan capital de la littérature moderne européenne que ce livre collectif explore autour de la notion plurielle de nihilismes. Ceux que Nancy Huston appelle « professeurs de désespoir » ou « néantistes » (Bloy, Beckett, Cioran, Bernhard, Blanchot, Jelinek, etc.) manifestent sans doute un refus des valeurs communes, une attirance pour la table rase. Mais faut-il réduire à cette pure négativité le programme esthétique de ces « entrepreneurs de démolition » ? Ne doit-on pas aussi entendre la force de cette énergie du désespoir, la puissance d'un soupçon fructueux ? Il faut donc faire l'histoire (philosophique, culturelle et littéraire) de cet attrait vers le Rien, des figures de la destruction qui y sont mobilisées, des incarnations du « dernier homme » qui y sont proposées, afin de différencier des moments, des courants selon les pays. Mouvement européen, sous l'égide de Schopenhauer, le nihilisme littéraire stricto sensu n'existe pas, mais il permet de désigner une fascination (dans les avant-gardes notamment) pour la violence politique, qui croise pourtant un regard désabusé sur un siècle de guerre et d'exterminations. Un premier volet étudie les crises idéologiques et le vide existentiel qui se manifeste avec intensité au xixe siècle. Face aux déchaînements de l'Histoire, la question qui se pose aux artistes et aux intellectuels est bien de savoir comment continuer d'écrire en des temps d'anéantissement. Car c'est le langage même qui apparaît, dans le courant du xxe siècle, comme le lieu d'une négativité à la fois féconde et destructrice. Et notre époque, hantée par une apocalypse qui semble déjà advenue, cherche à conjurer une attirance pour le néant qui est aussi bien le signe de notre modernité toujours en devenir.Literary Theory & CriticismphilosophielittératurenihilismephilosophielittératurenihilismeLiterary Theory & CriticismphilosophielittératurenihilismeAndruszko Eva1283881Benoit Eric350589Bercegol Fabienne301281Dazzan Éric1282879Dominique François1283882Engélibert Jean-Paul1283883Glaudes Pierre176182Gomez Sylvie1282887Guidée Raphaëlle1283884Holland Michael734689Huet-Brichard Marie-Catherine1283885Hugotte Valéry1281697Krzykawski Michał1283886Lapeyre-Desmaison Chantal1242379Lataillade Laurent de1283644Laurichesse Jean-Yves1282889Le Blanc Alissa1282891Marot Patrick185067Martin Jean-Pierre166946Moussaron Jean-Pierre1283887Neppi Enzo220764Poulin Isabelle1281702Rabaté Dominique604230Rapak Waclaw1283888Roumette Julien1283889Salas Alexandre1283890Sebbah Alain1281705Benoit Éric350589Rabaté Dominique604230FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495770103321Nihilismes3019199UNINA03033oam 2200541 450 991016278600332120190911112721.01-003-84243-71-003-83953-31-03-268066-01-62531-147-8(OCoLC)1003110637(MiFhGG)GVRL09AU(EXLCZ)99371000000104467420160621h20172017 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBeyond answers exploring mathematical practices with young children /Mike Flynn ; foreword by Deborah Schifter1st ed.Portland, Maine :Stenhouse Publishers,[2017]�20171 online resource (xiii, 215 pages) illustrations (some color)Gale eBooks1-57110-902-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedicated -- Table of Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: Lost in Boston: A Case for Meaningful Math Instruction -- Chapter 1: Mathematical Practice 1: Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them -- Chapter 2: Mathematical Practice 2: Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively -- Chapter 3: Mathematical Practice 3: Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others -- Chapter 4: Mathematical Practice 4: Model with Mathematics -- Chapter 5: Mathematical Practice 5: Use Appropriate Tools Strategically -- Chapter 6: Mathematical Practice 6: Attend to Precision -- Chapter 7: Mathematical Practice 7: Look For and Make Use of Structure -- Chapter 8: Mathematical Practice 8: Look For and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning -- Chapter 9: Putting It All Together -- References -- Index.This book provides teachers with a clear sense of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, along with ideas on how best to implement them in K-2 classrooms. Using examples from his own teaching and vignettes from many other teachers, the author invites teachers to break the cycle of teaching math procedurally; demonstrates what it means for children to understand math; and explores what it looks like when young children embrace the behaviors espoused by the practices.Beyond Answers Communication in mathematicsMathematicsStudy and teaching (Early childhood)Reasoning in childrenEducationParent participationCommunication in mathematics.MathematicsStudy and teaching (Early childhood)Reasoning in children.EducationParent participation.372.7/049Flynn Mike1430164Schifter DeborahMiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910162786003321Beyond Answers3569874UNINA