03903nam 2200637Ia 450 991045677740332120200520144314.01-283-27181-897866132718151-4411-3724-6(CKB)2550000000044707(EBL)766061(OCoLC)747274805(SSID)ssj0000525327(PQKBManifestationID)11327045(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000525327(PQKBWorkID)10507097(PQKB)10931151(MiAaPQ)EBC766061(Au-PeEL)EBL766061(CaPaEBR)ebr10495199(CaONFJC)MIL327181(EXLCZ)99255000000004470720100304d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrResources for teaching mathematics[electronic resource] 14-16 /Colin FosterNew York Continuum20101 online resource (320 p.)Resources for teachingIncludes index.0-8264-3603-X Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 A Tale of Two Numbers; 2 Acting Your Age?; 3 Arc Drawings; 4 Area of a Triangle; 5 Bearings; 6 Beat the Calculator!; 7 Being Human; 8 Being Irrational; 9 Building a Wall; 10 Cake-Cutting Contest; 11 Circle Theorems; 12 Circular Argument; 13 Congruence; 14 Connect Four; 15 Constructions; 16 Counting Squares; 17 Cutting a Square; 18 Equable Sectors; 19 Equivalent Fractions; 20 Factorizing Quadratics; 21 Fill it Up!; 22 Fly on the Wall; 23 Functions; 24 Golden Rectangles; 25 Graphical Linear Inequalities; 26 Graphical Solutions of Equations27 Histograms28 Identities; 29 Indices; 30 Inverse Functions; 31 Kim's Game; 32 Many Faces; 33 Maximum Product; 34 Monkeying Around; 35 Odd Ones Out; 36 Ordering Fractions; 37 Percentage Increases and Decreases; 38 Pint Cone; 39 Polygon Areas; 40 Prime Numbers; 41 Prime-Generating Formulae; 42 Probability Pi; 43 Properties of Circles; 44 Proportionality; 45 Pythagoras' Theorem; 46 Quadratic Probabilities; 47 Quadratics in Disguise; 48 Radical Equations; 49 Randomness; 50 Rationalizing Denominators; 51 Recurring Decimals; 52 Reverse Percentages; 53 Rounding; 54 Set Theory; 55 Similarity56 Simpson's Paradox57 Solving Quadratic Equations; 58 Straight-Line Graphs; 59 Surds; 60 Surface Area and Volume of a Cuboid; 61 Surface Area and Volume of a Sphere; 62 Tetraphobia; 63 The Cosine Rule; 64 The Sine Rule; 65 Throwing a Coin; 66 Trial and Improvement; 67 Trigonometry; 68 Twenty Questions; 69 Vectors; 70 Winner Takes All!; Other Resources; IndexThis resource contains 70 complete lesson plans with complementary worksheets for the students, specifically designed for GCSE level maths. This book contains 70 ready-to-use maths lessons suitable for the new GCSE Mathematics curriculum. The lesson plans contain objectives from both the D-G range and the A-C range to make them adaptable for different sets or for use in a mixed-ability context. Each lesson consists of a left-hand page for the teacher, outlining the structure of the lesson from a starter through to homework, and a right-hand photocopiable pupil worksheet to provide a setting inResources for TeachingMathematicsStudy and teaching (Secondary)Curriculum planningLesson planningElectronic books.MathematicsStudy and teaching (Secondary)Curriculum planning.Lesson planning.510.71/2Foster Colin885469MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456777403321Resources for teaching mathematics1977253UNINA