03563nam 2200613Ia 450 991045670620332120200520144314.01-282-44097-79786612440977981-281-223-7(CKB)2550000000003572(EBL)477260(OCoLC)555793173(SSID)ssj0000340898(PQKBManifestationID)11268479(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000340898(PQKBWorkID)10388895(PQKB)11786328(MiAaPQ)EBC477260(WSP)00000850 (Au-PeEL)EBL477260(CaPaEBR)ebr10361591(CaONFJC)MIL244097(EXLCZ)99255000000000357220081022d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrNew perspectives on mathematical practices[electronic resource] essays in philosophy and history of mathematics : Brussels, Belgium, 26-28 March 2007 /edited by Bart van KerkhoveSingapore ;Hackensack, NJ World Scientificc20091 online resource (248 p.)Description based upon print version of record.981-281-222-9 Includes bibliographical references.Editorial Preface; CONTENTS; On the Nature and Origin of Algebraic Symbolism Albrecht Hee er; Reading Diophantos Ad Meskens; What Did the Abbacus Teachers Aim at When They (Sometimes) Ended up Doing Mathematics? An Investigation of the Incentives and Norms of a Distinct Mathematical Practice Jens Høyrup; Philosophical Method and Galileo's Paradox of Infinity Matthew Parker; Representations as Means and Ends: Representability and Habituation in Mathematical Analysis During the First Part of the Nineteenth Century Henrik Kragh SørensenNineteenth Century Analysis as Philosophy of Mathematics Jeremy J. GrayDedekind, Structural Reasoning, and Mathematical Understanding Erich H. Reck; A Mathematician and a Philosopher on the Science-Likeness of Mathematics: Klein's and Lakatos' Methodologies Compared Eduard Glas; An Enhanced Argument for Innate Elementary Geometric Knowledge and Its Philosophical Implications Helen De Cruz; The Serpent in Russell's Paradise Ronny Desmet; Bridging Theories with Axioms: Boole, Stone, and Tarski Dirk SchlimmThis volume focuses on the importance of historical enquiry for the appreciation of philosophical problems concerning mathematics. It contains a well-balanced mixture of contributions by internationally established experts, such as Jeremy Gray and Jens Hoyrup; upcoming scholars, such as Erich Reck and Dirk Schlimm; and young, promising researchers at the beginning of their careers. The book is situated within a relatively new and broadly naturalistic tradition in the philosophy of mathematics. In this alternative philosophical current, which has been dramatically growing in importance in the lMathematicsPhilosophyCongressesMathematicsHistoryCongressesElectronic books.MathematicsPhilosophyMathematicsHistory510.1Kerkhove Bart van969504Perspectives on Mathematical Practices ConferenceMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456706203321New perspectives on mathematical practices2203172UNINA