04061oam 2200697I 450 991045670280332120200520144314.00-429-90134-80-429-47657-41-283-06919-997866130691911-84940-552-210.4324/9780429476570 (CKB)2550000000033496(EBL)690179(OCoLC)723944619(SSID)ssj0000538415(PQKBManifestationID)11327067(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000538415(PQKBWorkID)10558403(PQKB)10118836(MiAaPQ)EBC690179(Au-PeEL)EBL690179(CaPaEBR)ebr10463887(CaONFJC)MIL306919(OCoLC)1031871677(EXLCZ)99255000000003349620180706h20182007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLanguage, symbolization, and psychosis /by Giovanna AmbrosioFirst edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,[2018].©20071 online resource (318 p.)"The publication of this book ... is specifically to celebrate her [Jacqueline Amati Mehler] seventieth year."--P. vii-viii.0-367-32492-X 1-85575-585-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.COVER; CONTENTS; FOREWORD; ABOUT THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS; Language, symbolization, and psychosis: an introduction; CHAPTER ONE A psychoanalytic enquiry into Pandora's box: symbol and metaphor; CHAPTER TWO Deciphering the secrets of oblivion; CHAPTER THREE Self formation, symbolic capacity, and spontaneity; CHAPTER FOUR A language for remembering the future; CHAPTER FIVE Symbolization and psychosis: the mediating function of images in individual psychoanalytic psychodrama; CHAPTER SIX 'White Psychoses': silence and delusions; CHAPTER SEVEN When actions speak louder than wordsCHAPTER EIGHT Reflections on listening to and speaking with the patient during analysisCHAPTER NINE The past unconscious and the present unconscious; CHAPTER TEN The mystery of the unsaid name: commonalities between God and Rumpelstiltskin; CHAPTER ELEVEN Texts and pre-texts in psychoanalytic clinical practice: languages and idioms; CHAPTER TWELVE Symbolism in love and sex; CHAPTER THIRTEEN Does the Pierce's semiotic model based on index, icon, symbol have anything to do with psychoanalysis?; CHAPTER FOURTEEN The foreign language; INDEXThis book compares different psychoanalytic thinking and models - from a rigorously Freudian perspective - on three concepts of great theoretical and clinical importance: 'Language', 'Symbolization', and 'Psychoses'. These concepts are significantly interwoven with each other both in personal development as well as in the atypical and individual forms of pathology. The authors have endeavoured to reply to one of the foremost queries that has occupied Jacqueline Amati Mehler's thinking: whether and how the acquisitions of modern psychoanalysis have brought about changes in our criteria of analysability; whether our increased knowledge has lead to a greater therapeutic capacity, as she believes; and whether, as a consequence, we must endorse the so-called flexibility of the setting and the classical methods, as she does not believe.PsychoanalysisNative languagePsychological aspectsSymbolism (Psychology)Electronic books.Psychoanalysis.Native languagePsychological aspects.Symbolism (Psychology)150.1952616.8917Ambrosio Giovanna848172FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910456702803321Language, symbolization, and psychosis1894270UNINA