03497nam 2200625 a 450 991045667360332120200520144314.01-61324-402-9(CKB)2550000000044962(SSID)ssj0000520923(PQKBManifestationID)12162106(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000520923(PQKBWorkID)10514912(PQKB)11383294(MiAaPQ)EBC3019645(Au-PeEL)EBL3019645(CaPaEBR)ebr10671210(OCoLC)744655758(EXLCZ)99255000000004496220101119d2011 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAntarctica[electronic resource] the most interactive ice-air-ocean environment /Jaswant Singh and H.N. Dutta, editorsHauppage, N.Y. Nova Science Publishersc2011xv, 259 p. illArctic region and Antarctica issues and researchBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-61122-815-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Antarctica : continent dedicated to science / P.K. Purohit, Soumi Bhattacharya, and A.K. Gwal -- An insight into the ocean-ice-air interactions over the East Antarctic marine boundary layer : unique phenomena / H.N. Dutta, Pawan K. Sharma, N.C. Deb, and Laxmi Bishnoi -- Land-ice-air-ocean interactions in the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica / Khwairakpam Gajananda, H.N. Dutta, and Victor E. Lagun -- Effects of UV-B radiations on terrestrial ecosystem of Antarctica and their defense mechanisms / Jaswant Singh, Rudra P. Singh, and Anand K. Dubey -- Ultraviolet radiation stress : response and protective strategies of Antarctic flora / Sanghdeep Gautam and Jaswant Singh -- Antarctic mosses, limiting factors and their distribution / Rudra P. Singh and Jaswant Singh -- Affinities of lichen flora of Indian subcontinent vis-à-vis Antarctic and Schirmacher Oasis / Dalip K. Upreti and Sanjeeva Nayaka -- Water relation of some common lichens occurring in Schirmacher Oasis, E. Antarctica / Sanjeeva Nayaka, Dalip K. Upreti, and Ruchi Singh -- Solar wind influence on atmospheric processes in winter Antarctica / O.A.Troshichev, V. Ya. Vovk, and L.V.Egorova -- Atmospheric observations at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places in the world / S. Argentini and I. Pietroni -- Impact of individual responsibility in changing global warming? / Nitosh Kumar Brahma -- Navigation with global positioning system in Antarctic Circle / Rajesh Tiwari, Smita Tiwari, P.K. Purohit, and A.K. Gwal.Arctic region and Antarctica issues and research.Natural historyAntarcticaExtreme environmentsAntarcticaEcologyAntarcticaClimatic changesEnvironmental aspectsAntarcticaAntarcticaEnvironmental conditionsAntarcticaGeographyElectronic books.Natural historyExtreme environmentsEcologyClimatic changesEnvironmental aspects919.8/9Singh JaswantPh. D.879991Dutta H. N879992MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456673603321Antarctica1965043UNINA