02823nam 2200601 a 450 991045631370332120200520144314.090-272-8511-X1-283-05937-19786613059376(CKB)2550000000032533(SSID)ssj0000471721(PQKBManifestationID)11321178(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000471721(PQKBWorkID)10428623(PQKB)10997075(MiAaPQ)EBC680188(Au-PeEL)EBL680188(CaPaEBR)ebr10462992(CaONFJC)MIL305937(OCoLC)712016308(EXLCZ)99255000000003253320100222d2010 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrNoam Chomsky and language descriptions[electronic resource] /edited by John Ole Askedal, Ian Roberts, Tomonori MatsushitaAmsterdam ;Philadelphia [Pa.] John Benjamins Pub. Co.c2010223 p. illThe development of the Anglo-Saxon language and linguistic universals (DASLU) ;v. 2Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph90-272-1069-1 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Genesis of generative grammar -- Systems of syntactic analysis / Noam Chomsky -- -- Some methodological remarks on generative grammar / Noam Chomsky -- Knowledge of language: its elements and origins / Noam Chomsky -- Current issues in language descriptions -- Germanic passive constructions / John Ole Askedal -- Prosodic constraints on Old English alliteration / Yasuaki Fujiwara -- The historical role of genitives in the emergence of DP / Kazuyo Miyamae -- -- The word pairs in Chaucer's verse in comparison with those in his prose / Akinobu Tani -- A short note on movement and control in the English noun phrase / Junji Hamamatsu -- Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in spoken American English / Yoko Iyeiri, Michiko Yaguchi and Yasumasa Baba -- Complement capacities in German: three types of complements / Yasuhito Hosaka.Development of the Anglo-Saxon language and linguistic universals ;v. 2.Grammar, Comparative and generalLanguage acquisitionElectronic books.Grammar, Comparative and general.Language acquisition.415/.0182Askedal John Ole1942-224046Roberts Ian G168980Matsushita Tomonori1041770MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456313703321Noam Chomsky and language descriptions2465524UNINA