03791nam 2200661 450 991045618870332120200520144314.01-282-04213-097866120421331-4426-7206-410.3138/9781442672062(CKB)2420000000003904(EBL)3258032(SSID)ssj0000290795(PQKBManifestationID)11225476(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000290795(PQKBWorkID)10230709(PQKB)11703639(CaBNvSL)thg00602294 (MiAaPQ)EBC3258032(MiAaPQ)EBC4671298(DE-B1597)464274(OCoLC)944178396(DE-B1597)9781442672062(Au-PeEL)EBL4671298(CaPaEBR)ebr11257016(OCoLC)244768864(EXLCZ)99242000000000390420160926h19991999 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCanadian annual review of politics and public affairs, 1993 /edited by David Leyton-BrownToronto, [Ontario] ;Buffalo, [New York] ;London, [England] :University of Toronto Press,1999.©19991 online resource (337 p.)Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public AffairsIncludes index.0-8020-4701-7 Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Canadian calendar 1993 -- Editor's introduction - the year in review -- Parliament and politics -- Ottawa and the provinces -- External affairs and defence -- Ontario -- Quebec -- Nova Scotia -- New Brunswick -- Manitoba -- British Columbia -- Prince Edward Island -- Saskatchewan -- Alberta -- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Yukon and Northwest Territories -- Obituaries 1993 -- Index of names -- Index of subjects The year 1993 marked the changing of the political guard at both federal and provincial levels. While the cast of characters changed, however, the agendas remained much the same. Public policy was dominated by concerns about deficit and debt. Provincial governments faced declining tax revenues, which was exacerbated by reduced federal equalization payments and transfers. On the international front 1993 was the year that Parliament approved the North American Free Trade Agreement. Peacekeeping remained an important aspect of Canada's contribution to international security, but that contribution was sullied by the Somali affair. The resulting investigation affected all levels of the Department of National Defence.Featuring essays on Parliament and politics, Ottawa and the provinces, and external affairs and defence, the Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs provides a comprehensive account of the year's events.The Canadian Annual Review has long been praised for its excellence. Known for its accuracy, readability, and insight, it offers a synoptic appraisal of the year's crises, controversies, and developments from both federal and provincial perspectives.POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Affairs & AdministrationbisacshCanadaEconomic conditions1945-CanadaForeign relations1945-CanadaPolitics and government1945-Electronic books.POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Affairs & Administration.330.971064Leyton-Brown DavidMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456188703321Canadian annual review of politics and public affairs, 19932479076UNINA