04804nam 22006734a 450 991045605820332120200520144314.01-280-82971-097866108297120-85199-885-2(CKB)111090529199338(EBL)294748(OCoLC)437181661(SSID)ssj0000180306(PQKBManifestationID)11177447(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000180306(PQKBWorkID)10148642(PQKB)10766368(MiAaPQ)EBC294748(Au-PeEL)EBL294748(CaPaEBR)ebr10173501(CaONFJC)MIL82971(EXLCZ)9911109052919933820010621d2002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIntegrated plant nutrient management in Sub-Saharan Africa[electronic resource] from concept to practice /edited by B. Vanlauwe ... [et al.]Wallingford, Oxon, UK ;New York, NY, USA CABI Pub. in association with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculturec20021 online resource (366 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-85199-576-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contributors; Preface; Introduction; 1 Forty Years of Soil Fertility Work in Sub-Saharan Africa; 2 Soil Fertility Replenishment Takes Off in East and Southern Africa; 3 A Systems Approach to Target Balanced Nutrient Management in Soilscapes of Sub-Saharan Africa; 4 In for a Penny, in for a Pound: Strategic Site-selection as a Key Element for On-farm Research that Aims to Trigger Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in West Africa; 5 Agricultural Transformation and Fertilizer Use in the Cerealbased Systems of the Northern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria6 Partial Macronutrient Balances of Mucuna/Maize Rotations in the Forest Savannah Transitional Zone of Ghana7 Process Research and Soil Fertility in Africa: Who Cares?; 8 Fertilizer Equivalency Values of Organic Materials of Differing Quality; 9 Plant N Uptake from Plant and Animal Organic Residues, Measured Using the Soil Pre-labelling 15N Isotope Dilution Approach; 10 Contribution of Organic Residues to Soil Phosphorus Availability in the Highlands of Western Kenya; 11 Resource Acquisition of Mixed Species Fallows - Competition or Complementarity?12 Targeting Management of Organic Resources and Mineral Fertilizers: Can we Match Scientists' Fantasies with Farmers' Realities?13 Direct Interactions between N Fertilizer and Organic Matter: Evidence from Trials with 15N-labelled Fertilizer; 14 On-farm Evaluation of the Contribution of Sole and Mixed Applications of Organic Matter and Urea to Maize Grain Production in the Savannah; 15 Yield Trends, Soil Nitrogen and Organic Matter Content During 20 Years of Continuous Maize Cultivation16 Meeting the Phosphorus Needs of the Soils and Crops of West Africa: the Role of Indigenous Phosphate Rocks17 Options for Increasing P Availability from Low Reactive Phosphate Rock; 18 Phosphorus Uptake from Sparingly Available Soil-P by Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Genotypes; 19 Improving Phosphate Rock Solubility and Uptake and Yields of Lowland Rice Grown on an Acidic Soil Amended with Legume Green Manure; 20 Decision Making on Integrated Nutrient Management through the Eyes of the Scientist, the Land-user and the Policy Maker21 Legumes: When and Where an Option? (No Panacea for Poor Tropical West African Soils and Expensive Fertilizers)22 Options for Soil Organic Carbon Maintenance under Intensive Cropping in the West African Savannah; 23 On-farm Research and Operational Strategies in Soil Fertility Management; 24 Recommendations; IndexSoil degradation and nutrient depletion have become serious threats to agricultural productivity in Africa. Soils cannot supply the quantities of nutrients required and yield levels decline rapidly once cropping commences. This book addresses these issues.Soil fertilityAfrica, Sub-SaharanFertilizersAfrica, Sub-SaharanCropsNutritionAfrica, Sub-SaharanPlant nutrientsAfrica, Sub-SaharanElectronic books.Soil fertilityFertilizersCropsNutritionPlant nutrients631.4/2/0967Vanlauwe B(Bernard)960415MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456058203321Integrated plant nutrient management in Sub-Saharan Africa2177205UNINA04974nam 22006615 450 991025488570332120200701085439.01-137-57512-310.1057/978-1-137-57512-8(CKB)3710000000765153(DE-He213)978-1-137-57512-8(MiAaPQ)EBC4720282(PPN)223931691(EXLCZ)99371000000076515320160725d2016 u| 0engurnn#008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBitcoin and Mobile Payments Constructing a European Union Framework /edited by Gabriella Gimigliano1st ed. 2016.London :Palgrave Macmillan UK :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,2016.1 online resource (XXIX, 314 p.)Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology,2662-50831-137-57511-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface: Approaching Mobile Payments and the Bitcoin within the EU Framework. Rationale and Objectives of the Study; Gambriella Gimigliano -- Part I. Institutional Strategies and Economic Background -- Chapter 1. The Regulatory machine: An Institutional Approach to Innovative Payments in Europe; Gino Giambelluca, Paola Masi -- Chapter 2. Economic Issues on M-Payments and Bitcoin; Gianni Bonaiuti -- Part II. The Framework: A European and a Comparative Outline -- Chapter 3. Bit by Bit: Assessing the Legal Nature of Virtual Currencies; Noah Vardi -- Chapter 4. Mobilizing Payments within the European Union Framework: A Legal Analysis; Gabriella Gimigliano -- Chapter 5. A Fuzzy Set in the Legal Domain: Bitcoins According to US Legal Formants; Andrea Borroni -- Chapter 6. M-Payments: How Much Regulation is Appropriate? Learning from the Global Experience; Elisabetta Cervone -- Part III. The Challenges -- Chapter 7. Security Issues of New Innovative Payments and their Regulatory Challenges; Safari Kasiyanto -- Chapter 8. EU Data Protection and Future Payment Services; Gloria Gonzalez Fuster -- Chapter 9. The Classification of Virtual Currencies and Mobile Payments in Terms of the Old and New European Anti-Money Laundering Frameworks; Carolin Kaiser -- Chapter 10. Virtual currencies, M-Payments and VAT – Ready for the Future; Redmar Wolf -- Chapter 11. Mobile Payments and Merger Regulation: A Case Law Analysis; Daniele D’Alvia -- Conclusions -- Chapter 12. Mobile Payments and Bitcoin: Concluding Reflections on the Digital Upheaval in Payments; Benjamin Geva. .This book provides a critical analysis of The European Union’s regulatory framework for mobile payments and bitcoin. Chapters discuss the creation of the EU single market for e-payments and combine legal analysis with comparative case studies in their exploration of the regulatory challenges surrounding e-payments. The contributing authors analyse the key economic and legal issues of the development of bitcoin and mobile payments within the EU framework through a comparative lens. They cover topics ranging from user data and funds protection and the stability of the payment system to the competitiveness of the EU market. Providing a comprehensive and methodological guide to the bitcoin and mobile payments in Europe, this book will prove an illuminating and informative read for academics, students and policy makers with an interest in the impact of innovation on payment systems. .Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology,2662-5083Bank marketingInvestment bankingSecuritiesFinancial engineeringCapital marketEuropean UnionFinancial Serviceshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/626000Investments and Securitieshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/626020Financial Engineeringhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/612020Capital Marketshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/616000European Union Politicshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/911140Bank marketing.Investment banking.Securities.Financial engineering.Capital market.European Union.Financial Services.Investments and Securities.Financial Engineering.Capital Markets.European Union Politics.332.17Gimigliano Gabriellaedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK9910254885703321Bitcoin and Mobile Payments2026676UNINA