03145nam 2200757Ia 450 991045585560332120200520144314.01-280-81278-8978081578208X97866108127830-8157-8208-X(CKB)111087027974616(EBL)268831(OCoLC)559432824(SSID)ssj0000517259(PQKBManifestationID)12251005(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000517259(PQKBWorkID)10486633(PQKB)11515110(SSID)ssj0000111186(PQKBManifestationID)11138655(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000111186(PQKBWorkID)10074806(PQKB)11712358(MiAaPQ)EBC268831(OCoLC)1017609826(MdBmJHUP)muse60871(Au-PeEL)EBL268831(CaPaEBR)ebr10063828(CaONFJC)MIL81278(OCoLC)53798311(EXLCZ)9911108702797461620030317d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBeyond Tiananmen[electronic resource] the politics of U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000 /Robert SuettingerWashington, D.C. Brookings Institution Pressc20031 online resource (570 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-8157-8207-1 0-8157-8206-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title Page; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER ONE. Introduction; CHAPTER TWO. Getting to Tiananmen; CHAPTER THREE. Escalation, Denouement, and Aftermath; CHAPTER FOUR. The Slow Road to Recovery, 1989-92; CHAPTER FIVE. New Politics, Old Problem, 1993-94; CHAPTER SIX. Crisis over Taiwan, 1995-96; CHAPTER SEVEN. Presidential Initiatives, 1996-97; CHAPTER EIGHT. Scandal and Summits, 1997-98; CHAPTER NINE. Back to the Cold, 1999-2000; CHAPTER TEN. Epilogue and Conclusions; Notes; IndexSuettinger sees the Tiananmen Square masacre as a turning point in US-China affairs. He traces the bilateral relationship since that time, focusing particular on the internal political factors that shaped relations between the US and China between 1989 and the end of the Clinton presidency in 2000.International relationsUnited StatesForeign relationsChinaChinaForeign relationsUnited StatesChinaHistoryTiananmen Square Incident, 1989InfluenceUnited StatesForeign relations1989-1993United StatesForeign relations1993-2001Electronic books.International relations.327.73051327.73051049327.7305109049Suettinger Robert300027MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455855603321Beyond Tiananmen748660UNINA05175nam 2201273 450 991046434290332120200520144314.01-306-94474-01-78402-919-X1-4008-5035-510.1515/9781400850358(CKB)3710000000167640(EBL)1674229(OCoLC)883373460(SSID)ssj0001287233(PQKBManifestationID)12549673(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001287233(PQKBWorkID)11280040(PQKB)10960788(MiAaPQ)EBC1674229(StDuBDS)EDZ0001059565(MdBmJHUP)muse43363(DE-B1597)453984(OCoLC)984688463(DE-B1597)9781400850358(PPN)232746532(Au-PeEL)EBL1674229(CaPaEBR)ebr10891157(CaONFJC)MIL625725(EXLCZ)99371000000016764020140717h20142014 uy 0engur|nu---|u||utxtccrThe art of social theory /Richard SwedbergCourse BookPrinceton, New Jersey ;Oxfordshire, England :Princeton University Press,2014.©20141 online resource (295 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-691-16813-X 0-691-15522-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Introduction: Why Theorize and Can You Learn to Do It? --Part 1: How to Theorize --Chapter 1. Starting Anew --Chapter 2. Social Observation --Chapter 3. Naming, Concept, and Typology --Chapter 4. Analogy, Metaphor, and Pattern --Chapter 5. Coming Up with an Explanation --Part 2: Preparing for Theorizing --Chapter 6. Heuristics --Chapter 7. Practical Exercises --Chapter 8. The Role of Theory --Chapter 9. Imagination and Art --Chapter 10. Summary and More --Appendix: How to Theorize according to Charles S. Peirce --Acknowledgments --Notes --References --IndexIn the social sciences today, students are taught theory by reading and analyzing the works of Karl Marx, Max Weber, and other foundational figures of the discipline. What they rarely learn, however, is how to actually theorize. The Art of Social Theory is a practical guide to doing just that. In this one-of-a-kind user's manual for social theorists, Richard Swedberg explains how theorizing occurs in what he calls the context of discovery, a process in which the researcher gathers preliminary data and thinks creatively about it using tools such as metaphor, analogy, and typology. He guides readers through each step of the theorist's art, from observation and naming to concept formation and explanation. To theorize well, you also need a sound knowledge of existing social theory. Swedberg introduces readers to the most important theories and concepts, and discusses how to go about mastering them. If you can think, you can also learn to theorize. This book shows you how. Concise and accessible, The Art of Social Theory features helpful examples throughout, and also provides practical exercises that enable readers to learn through doing.Arts and societyElectronic books.Archimedes.Charles S. Peirce.William Whewell.abduction.analogies.analogon.analogy.art.classification.cognitive science.colligation.concept.creative theorizing.creative work.creativity.diagrams.discovery.empirical material.explanation.guessing.heuristic stance.heuristics.hypothesis.imagination.justification.knowledge.metaphor.metaphors.naming.observation.pattern recognition.patterns.practical exercises.preliminary data.reasoning.research process.researcher.retroduction.scientific analysis.scientific research.social data.social life.social science.social scientists.social theory.theoretical imagination.theorizing.theory.thinking.typology.Arts and society.700.103Swedberg Richard121427MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464342903321The art of social theory2462202UNINA05069nam 2201105z- 450 991061946660332120231214132846.03-0365-5238-3(CKB)5670000000391608(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/93213(EXLCZ)99567000000039160820202210d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierVolume II: Thermal Behaviour, Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Sustainable ConstructionMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (268 p.)3-0365-5237-5 This second volume of the Special Issue includes 13 contributions, from across the world, with very interesting research topics such as: Energy Intensity Reduction; Large-Scale Non-Residential Buildings; Dynamic Control of HVAC with Heat Pumps; Reed Potential as a Regenerative Building Material and Their Performance Characterisation; Experimental Evaluation of Energy-Efficiency in a Holistically Designed Building; A Case Study of Design and Energy Performance Analysis of a Hotel Building in a Hot and Dry Climate; Internal Convective and Radiative Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Vertical Wall in a Residential Building; Passive Façade Performance Evaluation with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) during the Architectural Design Process; Thermal Performance Improvement of Double-Pane Lightweight Steel Framed (LSF) Walls Using Thermal Break Strips (TBS) and Reflective Foils; Energy Performance of Buildings with Thermochromic Windows in Mediterranean Climates; Energy Performance and Benchmarking for University Classrooms in Hot and Humid Climates; Effect of HVAC’s Management on Indoor Thermo-Hygrometric Comfort and Energy Balance: In Situ Assessments on a Real nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB); Stochastic-Based Optimisation Approach towards the Integration of Photovoltaic Panels in Multi-Residential Social Housing; Effect of Climate Change and Occupant Behaviour on the Environmental Impact of the Heating/Cooling Systems of a Real Apartment: A Parametric Study through Life Cycle Assessment; Road Thermal Collector for Building Heating in South Europe (Italy): Numerical Modeling and Design of an Experimental Set-Up.Volume IITechnology: general issuesbicsscChemical engineeringbicsscenergy efficiency improvementHVAC operationdynamic optimizationsustainabilityreed (Arundo donax)material characterisationnatural materialsvernacular architectureholisticenergy management systemsustainablebuilding performancethermal performanceindoor comfortenergy performancedesign parametersenergy simulationbuilding envelopeconvectionradiationheat transfer coefficientcorrelationclimate-adaptive building shellssustainable designenergy efficiencyshape-memory alloyclimate changeexperimental assessmentdouble-panelightweight steel frame (LSF)partition wallsaerogel thermal break stripsaluminium reflective foilsthermochromic coatingssolar transmittancesolar reflectanceEnergy Use Intensityhigher education buildingsenergy consumptionbenchmarkinghot and humid climatesEnergyPlusnZEBHVAC managementmonitoring campaignload matchingcomputational fluid dynamicssocial housingenergy demandenergy refurbishmentinternal gainsoccupation ratelife cycle costlife cycle assessment (LCA)ReCiPe indicatorglobal warming potential (GWP) indicatorenvironmental impactheating and cooling systemsoccupant behaviourroad thermal collectorborehole thermal storagealternative energy systemTechnology: general issuesChemical engineeringSantos Pauloedt1319288Santos PauloothBOOK9910619466603321Volume II: Thermal Behaviour, Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Sustainable Construction3033702UNINA