04825nam 2200769Ia 450 991045582010332120200520144314.01-280-08404-997866100840430-8213-8368-X1-4175-0218-5(CKB)111087027996028(EBL)476239(OCoLC)559290539(SSID)ssj0000085286(PQKBManifestationID)11124257(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000085286(PQKBWorkID)10009827(PQKB)10819150(MiAaPQ)EBC476239(Au-PeEL)EBL476239(CaPaEBR)ebr10052879(CaONFJC)MIL8404(EXLCZ)9911108702799602820030509d2004 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAgriculture and the WTO[electronic resource] creating a trading system for development /edited by Merlinda Dador Ingco and John D. NashWashington, DC World Bank20041 online resource (828 p.)"A copublication with the World Bank and Oxford University Press."0-8213-5485-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title Page; Contents; Foreword; Acronyms and Abbreviations; 1 What's at Stake? Developing-Country Interests in the Doha Development Round; Notes; Select Bibliography; 2 Trade Agreements: Achievements and Issues Ahead; Annex: Notification Requirements; Notes; Select Bibliography; 3 Export Competition Policies; Annex: Volume versus Expenditure Limits on Export Subsidies; Notes; Select Bibliography; 4 Market Access: Economics and the Effects of Policy Instruments; Notes; Select Bibliography; 5 Quota Administration Methods: Economics and Effects with Trade Liberalization; NotesSelect Bibliography6 Domestic Support: Economics and Policy Instruments; Notes; Select Bibliography; 7 The Distributional Effects of Agricultural Policy Reforms; Notes; Select Bibliography; 8 The "Multifunctionality" of Agriculture and its Implications for Policy; Notes; Select Bibliography; 9 Food Security and Agricultural Trade Policy Reform; Notes; Select Bibliography; 10 Managing Potential Adverse Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalization; Notes; Select Bibliography; 11 The Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement, Food Safety Policies, and Product Attributes; Notes; Select Bibliography12 Agricultural Biotechnology: A Primer for PolicymakersNotes; Select Bibliography; 13 Global Intellectual Property Rights:A New Factor in Farming; Notes; Select Bibliography; 14 Rules and Options for Special and Differential Treatment; Annex: Special and Differential Provisions in Agriculture: Agreement on Agriculture; Notes; Select Bibliography; 15 Special Trade Arrangements to Improve Market Access; Notes; Select Bibliography; Appendix A OECD Policy Evaluation Matrix and Trends in Policy for Various Commodities; Notes; Select BibliographyAppendix B: The Agreement on agriculture: Agreement on Agriculture as it appears on the WTO WebsiteNotes; Index; Back CoverDeveloping Countries, Agriculture and the WTO explores the key issues and options in agricultural trade liberalization from a developing country perspective. The handbook is of particular interest for both developed and developing countries. Chapters cover market access, domestic support, export competition, quota administration methods, food security, biotechnology, intellectual property rights, agricultural trade under the URAA, and many other subjects, always focusing on the question of how the outcome of the WTO negotiations can be made pro-development. Readers are assumed to have at leastTariff on farm produceProduce tradeGovernment policyExport subsidiesFree tradeProduce tradeDeveloping countriesAgricultureEconomic aspectsDeveloping countriesGlobalizationEconomic aspectsDeveloping countriesDeveloping countriesEconomic conditions21st centuryElectronic books.Tariff on farm produce.Produce tradeGovernment policy.Export subsidies.Free trade.Produce tradeAgricultureEconomic aspectsGlobalizationEconomic aspects382/.41Ingco Merlinda D311066Nash John1953-881879MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455820103321Agriculture and the WTO2202988UNINA