04066oam 2200649I 450 991045565520332120200520144314.00-415-27796-51-134-47114-91-280-19527-40-203-22023-410.4324/9780203220238 (CKB)111087026857070(StDuBDS)AH3704777(SSID)ssj0000081788(PQKBManifestationID)11120708(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000081788(PQKBWorkID)10114798(PQKB)11070465(MiAaPQ)EBC171266(Au-PeEL)EBL171266(CaPaEBR)ebr10100938(CaONFJC)MIL19527(OCoLC)437250571(OCoLC)958102967(EXLCZ)9911108702685707020180331d2002 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrArt and the performance of memory sounds and gestures of recollection /edited by Richard Candida SmithLondon :Routledge,2002.1 online resource (xiv, 290 p. ) ill., portsRoutledge studies in memory and narrative ;10Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-415-51394-4 0-203-29600-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Richard Candida Smith Introduction: Performing the Archive 2. Warren Linds, Alejandra Medellin and Kadi Purru Resonating Testimonies from/in the Space of Death: Performing Buenaventura's La Maestra 3. Stephanie Marlin-Curiel Truth and Consequences: Art in Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 4. Anne Rutherford Precarious Boundaries: Affect, Mise-en-scene, and the Senses 5. Elvan Zabunyan Stratum and Resonance: Displacement in the Work of Renee Green 6. David Michalski Cities Memory Voices Collage 7. Paul Karlstrom Eros in the Studio 8. Jeff Friedman Muscle Memory: Performing Embodied Knowledge 9. Ryan Snyder 'Hope...Teach, Yaknowhati'masyin': Freestylin Knowledge through Detroit Hiphop 10. Richard Candida Smith Les Gammes: Making Visible to Representative Modern Man 11. Ana Maria Mauad Composite Past: Photography and Family Memories in Brazil (1850-1950) 12. Lizzetta LeFalle-Collins Memories of Mammy 13. Ivy Schroeder Official Art, Official Publics: Public Sculpture under the Federal Art-in-Architecture Program since 1972 14. Iain Borden and Jane Rendell Private Reflections/Public Matters: Public Art in the CityThis work investigates the role that the visual and performing arts play in our experience and understanding of the past. Contributors are drawn from a range of backgrounds, including art and architectural history, film, theatre and performance studies, social and cultural history.This book investigates the role that the visual and performing arts play in our experience and understanding of the past. Expanding upon longstanding concerns in cultural history about the relation of text and image, the book highlights the distinction between enactive and cognitive memory and the implications of this for artists and their publics. This book investigates the role that the visual and performing arts play in our experience and understanding of the past. Expanding upon longstanding concerns in cultural history about the relation of text and image, the book highlights the distinction between enactive and cognitive memory and the implications of this for artists and their publics.Routledge studies in memory and narrative ;10.Memory in artArts, Modern20th centuryElectronic books.Memory in art.Arts, Modern700.453Candida Smith Richard950348FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910455655203321Art and the performance of memory2148714UNINA