04508oam 2200745I 450 991045560330332120200520144314.00-415-29746-X1-134-43131-71-280-19541-X0-203-21689-X10.4324/9780203216897 (CKB)111087026853914(StDuBDS)AH3704622(SSID)ssj0000290210(PQKBManifestationID)11215324(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000290210(PQKBWorkID)10403826(PQKB)11159862(MiAaPQ)EBC171397(Au-PeEL)EBL171397(CaPaEBR)ebr10096563(CaONFJC)MIL19541(OCoLC)52975546(EXLCZ)9911108702685391420180331d2003 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrBoats of South Asia /Sean McGrail with Lucy Blue, Eric Kentley and Colin Palmer ; introduction by Basil GreenhillNew York :RoutledgeCurzon :In Association with the Society for South Asian Studies,2003.1 online resource (xvi, 316 p. ) ill., mapsMonograph of the Society for South Asian StudiesRoutledgeCurzon studies in South AsiaBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-138-96483-2 0-203-29392-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-299) and indexes.Basil Greenhill Introduction 1. Sean McGrail Aims and Methods 2. Sean McGrail and Lucy Blue The Reverse-Clinker Boats of Bangladesh 3. Sean McGrail, Lucy Blue and Eric Kentley The Reverse-Clinker Boats of Orissa and West Bengal 4. Colin Palmer The Smooth-Skinned Traditional Inland Boats of Bangladesh 5. Eric Kentley The Masula - A Sewn Plank Surf Boat of India's Eastern Coast 6. Eric Kentley The Madel Paruwa of Sri Lanka - A Sewn Boat with Chine Strakes 7. Sean McGrail, Lucy Blue, Eric Kentley and Colin Palmer The Vattai Fishing Boat and Related Frame-First Vessels of Tamil Nadu 8. Sean McGrail, Lucy Blue and Colin Palmer Hide Boats of the River Kaveri, Tamil Nadu 9. Colin Palmer A Hydrodynamic Evaluation of Four Types of Boat 10. Sean McGrail, Lucy Blue, Eric Kentley and Colin Palmer The Way AheadAn important book for anyone interested in boats or the South Asian way of life, this text covers a vast array of traditional boats used in the sub-continent today for fishing and other coastal or riverine tasks.This book sets new standards for the documentation of water transport, and introduces styles of boat-building which are unlikely to be found outside the sub-Continent. A fascinating and accessible read for anyone interested in boats or the South Asian way of life, as well as ethnographers, maritime archaeologists and historians, Boats of South Asia covers recent, exhaustive fieldwork in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; and covers a vast array of traditional boats used in the sub-Continent today for fishing and other coastal, riverine tasks. This book sets new standards for the documentation of water transport, and introduces styles of boat-building which are unlikely to be found outside the sub-Continent. A fascinating and accessible read for anyone interested in boats or the South Asian way of life, as well as ethnographers, maritime archaeologists and historians, Boats of South Asia covers recent, exhaustive fieldwork in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; and covers a vast array of traditional boats used in the sub-Continent today for fishing and other coastal, riverine tasks.RoutledgeCurzon--IIAS Asian studies series.Monograph of the Society for South Asian Studies.Maritime anthropologySouth AsiaBoats and boatingSouth AsiaBoatbuildingSouth AsiaSouth AsiaSocial life and customsElectronic books.Maritime anthropologyBoats and boatingBoatbuilding623.8/2/00954McGrail Sean.487126Blue Lucy Katherine611469Kentley Eric940059Palmer Colin940060MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455603303321Boats of South Asia2119609UNINA