03020nam 22006613u 450 991045547730332120210107024603.00-585-28784-8(CKB)111004365861010(EBL)3039633(SSID)ssj0000101775(PQKBManifestationID)12034200(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000101775(PQKBWorkID)10065254(PQKB)11196311(MiAaPQ)EBC3039633(EXLCZ)9911100436586101020151005d1998|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmazonia[electronic resource] Resiliency and Dynamism of the Land and Its PeopleTokyo United Nations University Press19981 online resource (294 p.)UNU studies on critical environmental regions Amazonia Description based upon print version of record.92-808-0906-7 ""The changing nature of democracy""; ""Contents""; ""1 Introduction: The changing nature of democracy""; ""2 Some basic assumptions about the consolidation of democracy""; ""3 Fifty years after the ��Great Transformation��: Reflections on social order and political agency""; ""4 Toward consolidated democracies""; ""5 Democracy and constitutionalism""; ""6 Mass media and participatory democracy""; ""7 Party representation in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan""; ""8 The democratization process and the market""""9 Political representation and economic competitiveness: Is a new democratic synthesis conceivable?""""10 A structure for peace: A democratic, interdependent, and institutionalized order""; ""11 Asian-style democracy?""; ""12 Post-communist Europe: Comparative reflections""; ""13 Religion and democracy: The case of Islam, civil society, and democracy""; ""14 The Philadelphia model""; ""15 Democracy at the United Nations""; ""16 A meditation on democracy""; ""Contributors""; ""Index""Democracy -- History -- 20th centuryEqualityEnvironmental protectionAmazon River ValleyNatural resourcesAmazon River ValleyLand useAmazon River ValleyAgricultureAmazon River ValleyEarth & Environmental SciencesHILCCEcologyHILCCElectronic books.Democracy -- History -- 20th century.Equality.Environmental protectionNatural resourcesLand useAgricultureEarth & Environmental SciencesEcology321.8Smith Nigel J. H89582Smith Nigel J. HAU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910455477303321Amazonia2172424UNINA