03931nam 2200565 a 450 991045531050332120200520144314.01-84964-170-6(CKB)1000000000802558(SSID)ssj0000412777(PQKBManifestationID)11250363(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000412777(PQKBWorkID)10368161(PQKB)11116472(OCoLC)502637667(MiAaPQ)EBC3386123(Au-PeEL)EBL3386123(CaPaEBR)ebr10479595(OCoLC)656251806(EXLCZ)99100000000080255820140717d2002 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrBeyond September 11[electronic resource] an anthology of dissent /edited by Phil ScratonLondon ;Sterling, Va. Pluto Press2002xiii, 251 pBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-7453-1962-9 0-7453-1963-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Witnessing 'terror', anticipating 'war' / Phil Scraton -- America's jihad : a history of origin / Christian Parenti -- An unconscionable threat to humanity / John Pilger -- The threat of United States' ruthlessness / Madeleine Bunting -- 'Terrorism', 'war' and democracy compromised / Paul Foot -- The politics of morality / Phil Scraton -- Representations of terror in the legitimation of war / Eileen Berrington -- 'Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists' : the war's home front / Jude McCulloch -- Resistance and terror : lessons from Ireland / Bill Rolston -- September 11 aftermath : where is the world heading? / Noam Chomsky -- A question of state crime / Penny Green -- This war was illegal and immoral, and it won't prevent terrorism / Michael Mandel -- Expanding the concept of terrorism / Thomas Mathiesen -- Legislative responses to terrorism / Philip A. Thomas -- All in the name of security / Liz Fekete -- Airy fairy liberals and all that / Paddy Hillyard -- Poverty is the new black / A. Sivanandan -- The challenge of Seleptember 11 : an interview with A. Sivanandan -- The policing of immigration in the new world disorder / Leanne Weber and Ben Bowling -- September 11 and all that : an African perspective / Tunde Zak Williams -- The Khaki election / Russell Hogg -- Signs of the times / Naomi Klein -- Business as usual? : corporate moralism and the 'war against terrorism' / Dave Whyte -- Markets, regulation and risk : the US Airlines industry and some fallout from September 11 / Steve Tombs -- Dangers of the armed response at home / Mick North -- Terrorism, neighbours and Nuremberg / Herman Schwendinger and Julia Schwendinger -- Pledging allegiance : the revival of prescriptive patriotism / Cecilia O'Leary and Tony Platt -- My fellow Americans : looking black on red Tuesday / Jonathan David Farley -- Neither pure nor vile / Mike Marqusee -- The lion, the witch and the warmonger : 'good', 'evil' and the shattering of imperial myth / Howard Davis -- Beyond September 11 : certainties and doubts / Barbara Hudson -- Could Osama Bin Laden have been a woman? : masculinity and September 11 / Martti Grönfors -- An attack on truth? / Elizabeth Stanley -- My beating by refugees is a symbol of the hatred and fury of this filthy war / Robert Fisk.TerrorismWar on Terrorism, 2001-2009Government, Resistance toElectronic books.Terrorism.War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.Government, Resistance to.973.931Scraton Phil854426MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455310503321Beyond September 112039188UNINA01481nam2 22003011i 450 VAN0005865820240806100519.54488-215-2218-020070404d1997 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ13: Il ‰movimento dottrinale nei secoli 9.-14. / di A. Forest, F. Van Steenberghen e M. De Gandillac3. ed. italianaa cura di Servus Gieben e Corrado da AlatriTorinoSan Paolo[1997]726 p., [28] p. di tav.ill. fotogr.24 cm001VAN000585752001 Storia della Chiesacominciata da Agostino Fliche e Vittorio Martin e continuata da Giov. Battista Duroselle ed Eugenio Jarry205 Torino : LICE[poi] Cinisello Balsamo : Paoline : [poi] San Paolo210 v.25 cm215 I curatori variano.13TorinoVANL000001ForestAndréVANV046461730750GandillacMaurice deVANV046463284679SteenberghenFernand : vanVANV046462159055San Paolo <editore>VANV108319650ITSOL20250124RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00VAN00058658BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS XII.Ea.93 00 24122 20070404 Movimento dottrinale nei secoli 9.-141437649UNICAMPANIA