04122oam 2200745I 450 991045529520332120200520144314.00-415-84870-91-135-23662-31-282-37715-997866123771500-203-86650-910.4324/9780203866504 (CKB)1000000000807791(EBL)465310(OCoLC)500810055(SSID)ssj0000344638(PQKBManifestationID)11947841(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000344638(PQKBWorkID)10313028(PQKB)10237563(MiAaPQ)EBC465310(Au-PeEL)EBL465310(CaPaEBR)ebr10349523(CaONFJC)MIL237715(OCoLC)500810055 (EXLCZ)99100000000080779120180706d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWorld-regional social policy and global governance new research and policy agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America /edited by Bob Deacon. [et al.]London ;New York :Routledge,2010.1 online resource (283 p.)Routledge advances in international relations and global politics ;79Description based upon print version of record.0-415-50407-4 0-415-45659-2 Includes bibliographical references (pages [230]-249) and index.Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Illustrations; Contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction; Part I The case for regionalism with a strong social dimension; 1 Regional formations and global governance; 2 Globalization, regional integration and social policy; 3 Regional social policy from above: International organizations and regional social policy; 4 Regional social policy from below: Reclaiming regional integration: social movements and civil society organizations as key protagonistsPart II The social policy dimensions of regional integration: Case studies from four continents5 Social policies and rights in the European Union and the Council of Europe: Exhortation, regulation and enforcement; 6 Regional social policies in Latin America: Binding material for a young giant?; 7 Regional social policies in Asia: Prospects and challenges from the ASEAN and SAARC experiences; 8 Regional social policies in Africa: Declarations abound; Part III Regional social integration and global social governance; 9 The evolving context of world-regional social policy10 Global social governance and world-regional social policyBibliography; IndexThis volume explores the case for and the prospects of the development of world-regional social policies as integral elements of a pluralistic, equitable and effective system of global governance. Focusing on transnational regionalism, this book examines the trajectory and crossing over of the three strands of scholarly analysis within the past decade which have given rise to this volume: the perceived negative impact of neo-liberal globalisation upon national social policy; the need for but the difficulty of securing reforms in the institutions of global social governance; and the iRoutledge advances in international relations and global politics ;79.Social policyRegionalism (International organization)International agenciesGlobalizationSocial aspectsElectronic books.Social policy.Regionalism (International organization)International agencies.GlobalizationSocial aspects.320.6361.61Deacon Bob567949MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455295203321World-regional social policy and global governance2049965UNINA