02569nam 2200517 a 450 991045528830332120200520144314.01-904761-09-7(CKB)1000000000766495(EBL)457204(OCoLC)460200884(MiAaPQ)EBC457204(Au-PeEL)EBL457204(CaPaEBR)ebr10328934(CaONFJC)MIL541273(OCoLC)842281928(EXLCZ)99100000000076649520091202h20082005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||Commercial poultry nutrition[electronic resource] /by Steven Leeson and John D. Summers3rd ed.Nottingham, England Nottingham University Press2008, c20051 online resource (416 p.)Includes index.1-306-10022-4 1-904761-78-X Cover; Copyright; Preface; Sponsors; TABLE OF CONTENTS; CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL POULTRY PRODUCTION; CHAPTER 2 INGREDIENT EVALUATION AND DIET FORMULATION; CHAPTER 3 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR GROWING EGG-STRAIN PULLETS; CHAPTER 4 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR LAYING HENS; CHAPTER 5 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR BROILER CHICKENS; CHAPTER 6 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR BROILER BREEDERS; CHAPTER 7 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR TURKEYS; CHAPTER 8 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR DUCKS AND GEESE; CHAPTER 9 FEEDING PROGRAMS FOR GAME BIRDS, RATITES AND PET BIRDS; APPENDIX - INGREDIENT COMPOSITION DATA; INDEXCovering a variety of essential topics relating to commercial poultry nutrition and production?including feeding systems and poultry diets?this complete reference is ideal for professionals in the poultry-feed industries, veterinarians, nutritionists, and farm managers. Detailed and accessible, the guide analyzes commercial poultry production at a worldwide level and outlines the importance it holds for maintaining essential food supplies. With ingredient evaluations and diet formulations, the study's compressive models for feeding programs target a wide rPoultryPoultryFeeding and feedsChickensHandbooks, manuals, etcElectronic books.Poultry.PoultryFeeding and feeds.Chickens636.5Leeson Steven872891Summers John D872892MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455288303321Commercial poultry nutrition2253591UNINA