02827oam 2200613I 450 991045528520332120200520144314.01-134-96639-31-280-33113-50-203-03283-70-203-32665-210.4324/9780203032831 (CKB)111056485509868(EBL)166567(OCoLC)52338584(SSID)ssj0000175100(PQKBManifestationID)11179492(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000175100(PQKBWorkID)10189117(PQKB)10554638(MiAaPQ)EBC166567(Au-PeEL)EBL166567(CaPaEBR)ebr10060660(CaONFJC)MIL33113(EXLCZ)9911105648550986820180331d1991 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrHuman sacrifice in ancient Greece /Dennis D. HughesLondon ;New York :Routledge,1991.1 online resource (317 p.)Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 1986.Reprinted 2000.0-415-75527-1 0-415-03483-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Abbreviations; 1 Sacrifice and ritual killing: terminology and types; 2 Archaeological evidence; 3 Funerary ritual killing in Greek literature and history; 4 Human sacrifice in Greek myth, cult, and history; 5 The pharmakos and related rites; 6 Strangers in a strange land: the Locrian maiden tribute; 7 Conclusion; Appendix A Cut marks and mass burials; Appendix B Pylos tablet Tn 316; Notes; Bibliography; Index locorum; Subject indexNumerous ancient texts describe human sacrifices and other forms of ritual killing: in 480 BC Themistocles sacrifices three Persian captives to Dionysus; human scapegoats called pharmakoi are expelled yearly from Greek cities, and according to some authors they are killed; Locrin girls are hunted down and slain by the Trojans; on Mt Lykaion children are sacrificed and consumed by the worshippers; and many other texts report human sacrifices performed regularly in the cult of the gods or during emergencies such as war and plague. Archaeologists have frequently proposed human sacrifice as an expHuman sacrificeGreeceGreeceReligionElectronic books.Human sacrifice393Hughes Dennis D.1951,910736MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455285203321Human sacrifice in ancient Greece2038457UNINA