04334nam 2200721 a 450 991045511330332120200520144314.097815767555091-282-29890-997866122989051-57675-550-9(CKB)1000000000793149(EBL)479210(OCoLC)471127297(SSID)ssj0000293124(PQKBManifestationID)11212728(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000293124(PQKBWorkID)10273019(PQKB)10770101(MiAaPQ)EBC479210(CaSebORM)9781576755501(Au-PeEL)EBL479210(CaPaEBR)ebr10315438(CaONFJC)MIL229890(EXLCZ)99100000000079314920071119d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCrunch[electronic resource] why do I feel so squeezed? (and other unsolved economic mysteries) /Jared Bernstein1st ed.San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishersc20081 online resource (241 p.)BK Currents (Hardcover)Description based upon print version of record.1-57675-477-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-220) and index.Contents; Preface; Introduction: So What Is Economics, Anyway?; 1 The Big Squeeze; Why Do I Feel So Squeezed?; Econ-Noir; All Is Not As It Appears: Measuring Economic Outcomes; Whatever Happened to the Cleavers?; The Health Care Squeeze; The Medical Industrial Complex; Health Care Reform; Poverty Amid Plenty: The Whats; Poverty Amid Plenty: The Whys; Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?; The ABCs of Worker Pay; What's So Bad About Inequality?; All Education, All the Time; 2 Don't Know Much About GDP; Gross Domestic Product; Unemployment: Wall Street vs. Main Street; UnderemploymentMaking Better DoughnutsInflation; What's a Recession?; Blowing Bubbles; The Night of the Living Wage (and Other Scary Stories); Your Textbook Got It Wrong; 3 Political Economy 202; Social Insecurity; Economists in Chief; The Fed; The Budget Deficit (Part 1); The Budget Deficit (Part 2, in Which a Nobelist Agrees with Me; The Economy and the Military; Guns or Butter; A New WPA?; "Please Remain on the Line"; 4 The World Ain't Flat As All That; What's Right and Wrong About Globalization?; Outsourcing; The Conscience of a Shopper; World Trade; Globalization and GreedHow the Capitalists Killed CapitalismUndocumented Workers; The Not-So-Great Immigration Debate; What's So Bad About a Labor Shortage?; The Mighty Dollar; Can Economists Save the Planet?; 5 The Reconnection Agenda; Easing the Squeeze; Health Care; Immigration; Education; Globalization; What's Left?; Conclusion: The Lesson of the Rink; Notes; Acknowledgments; Index; A; B; C; E; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; About the AuthorIs Social Security really going bust, and what does that mean to me? If I hire an immigrant, am I hurting a native-born worker? Why does the stock market go up when employment declines? Should I give that homeless guy a buck? What's a "living wage"? How much can presidents really affect economic outcomes? What does the Federal Reserve Bank really do? And even when some pundits say the economy's sound, why do I still feel so squeezed?If you'd like some straight answers, premier economist Jared Bernstein is here to help. In Crunch he responds to dozens of questions he has fielded from working AmBK Currents (Hardcover)Fiscal policyUnited StatesCost and standard of livingUnited StatesIncome distributionUnited StatesGlobalizationUnited StatesEconomic policy2001-2009Electronic books.Fiscal policyCost and standard of livingIncome distributionGlobalization.330.973Bernstein Jared143825MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455113303321Crunch2073256UNINA