03081nam 2200649Ia 450 991045506310332120210624020717.01-280-08963-697866135203330-520-92311-10-585-07910-210.1525/9780520923119(CKB)111004366723954(EBL)223612(OCoLC)44958311(SSID)ssj0000084497(PQKBManifestationID)11125771(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000084497(PQKBWorkID)10165716(PQKB)10780000(MiAaPQ)EBC223612(MdBmJHUP)muse30907(DE-B1597)519063(DE-B1597)9780520923119(Au-PeEL)EBL223612(CaPaEBR)ebr10540424(EXLCZ)9911100436672395419981104e19991971 uy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrThe Mathers[electronic resource] three generations of Puritan intellectuals, 1596-1728 /Robert Middlekauff1st University of California Press paperback.Berkeley University of California Press19991 online resource (459 p.)Originally published: New York : Oxford University Press, 1971.0-520-21930-9 Includes bibliographic references (p. 369-427) and index.Front matter --Preface to the Paperback Edition --Notes --Preface --Contents --BOOK ONE. RICHARD MATHER (1596-1669): HISTORY --BOOK TWO. INCREASE MATHER (1639-1723): TYPOLOGY --BOOK THREE. COTTON MATHER (1663-1728): PROPHECY --Notes --IndexIn this classic work of American religious history, Robert Middlekauff traces the evolution of Puritan thought and theology in America from its origins in New England through the early eighteenth century. He focuses on three generations of intellectual ministers-Richard, Increase, and Cotton Mather-in order to challenge the traditional telling of the secularization of Puritanism, a story of faith transformed by reason, science, and business. Delving into the Mathers' private papers and unpublished writings as well as their sermons and published works, Middlekauff describes a Puritan theory of religious experience that is more creative, complex, and uncompromising than traditional accounts have allowed. At the same time, he portrays changing ideas and patterns of behavior that reveal much about the first hundred years of American life.PuritansMassachusettsBiographyMassachusettsIntellectual life17th centuryMassachusettsIntellectual life18th centuryElectronic books.Puritans285/.8/0922744BMiddlekauff Robert891032MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455063103321The Mathers2363489UNINA01716nam2 22003253i 450 NAP034107720250214062549.020060208d1994 ||||0itac50 baitaitz01i xxxe z01n˜2.: œLavorazioni con macchine utensili, trattamenti termici, parametri di taglioa cura di Ignazio Crivelli ViscontiFirenzeCremonese[1994]IX, 610 p.ill.25 cmContiene: Appendice : Parametri di taglio / elaborazione a cura di G. Dionoro, F. Mormile.001NAP03397852001 Tecnologie di produzione meccanicaa cura di Ignazio Crivelli Visconti ... [et al.]2Macchine utensiliFIRNAPC094891ITecnologia meccanicaFIRNAPC003763I670.42INGEGNERIA DELLE OPERAZIONI IN FABBRICA14670.42INGEGNERIA DELLE OPERAZIONI IN FABBRICA22671LAVORAZIONE DEI METALLI E PRODOTTI METALLICI PRIMARI12Crivelli Visconti, IgnazioCFIV046851ITIT-NA007920060208IT-BN0095 IT-NA0079 NAP0341077Biblioteca Centralizzata di Ateneov. 1-3 (2. copia)v. 1-3 in due copie 01SALA DING 670.42 TECDPM 0102 0000030045 B A4(0002 v. 23 1998120419981204v. 1-3 (2. copia)v. 1-3 in due copie 01SALA DING 670.42 TECDPM 0102 0000030055 B A4(0002bis v. 2 (2. copia)D 1998120419981204 01 BNLavorazioni con macchine utensili, trattamenti termici, parametri di taglio1396362UNISANNIO