00914nam0-2200325---450-99000840543040332120080801100810.03-86057-721-2000840543FED01000840543(Aleph)000840543FED0100084054320061023d2000----km-y0itay50------bagerDE----a---001yyElemente der optimalitätstheoretischen SyntaxGereon MüllerTübingenStauffenburgc2000IX, 344 p.24 cmStauffenburg LinguistikLingua tedescaSintassi435Müller,Gereon390975ITUNINA20061023RICAUNIMARCBK990008405430403321435 MUL 1FLFBCFLFBCElemente der optimalitätstheoretischen Syntax725077UNINA01277nam2-2200373---450 99000077415020331620201209100709.00077415USA010077415(ALEPH)000077415USA01007741520011127d1986----km-y0itay0103----baitaIT||||||||001yyDall'Antico Regime alla società borghese (1657-1860)Aurelio LepreNapoliLiguori1986295 p.22 cmBibliotecaCollana di storia moderna e contemporanea142001BibliotecaCollana di storia moderna e contemporanea1400100774102001Storia del Mezzogiorno d'ItaliaItalia meridionaleStoriaSec.16.-19945.7LEPRE,Aurelio36846ITsalbcISBD990000774150203316X.2.B. 683/2a (TESTI 737/II)66364 ECX.2.B. 683(TESTI)002349964TESTI 737/II (non disponibile)66365 ECX.2.B. 683/2(III D COLL 70/14)128249 L.M.X.2.B. 683(III D)BKUMARSIAV19020091228USA011153Dall'antico regime alla società borghese150699UNISA04149oam 2200733I 450 991045500410332120210628102827.01-134-87692-01-280-32159-80-203-42107-81-134-87693-90-415-09025-310.4324/9780203421079(CKB)111056485359948(EBL)170366(OCoLC)52079215(SSID)ssj0000152198(PQKBManifestationID)11158030(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000152198(PQKBWorkID)10321826(PQKB)10481011(MiAaPQ)EBC170366(CaSebORM)9780415090261(Au-PeEL)EBL170366(CaPaEBR)ebr10058069(CaONFJC)MIL32159(EXLCZ)9911105648535994820180706d1997 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdacontentcrrdacarrierThe explicit body in performance /Rebecca Schneider1st editionLondon :Routledge,[1997]1 online resource (249 pages)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-09026-1 0-203-30598-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. [213]-224) and index.Cover; The Explicit Body in Performance; Copyright; Contents; List of plates; Acknowledgments; Introduction; GHOST OF THE AVANT-GARDE; DESIRE AND THE SATIATE BODY; TWISTING THE MAP; 1 Binary terror and the body made explicit; RE-VAMPING THE GHOSTS OF MODERNISM; BESIDE HERSELF: POSTMODERN ARTISTS AND MODERN WHORES; EYE/BODY: CAROLEE SCHNEEMANN BESIDE HERSELF; 2 Logic of the twister, eye of the storm; IMPASSE: UNNATURAL ACTS; TWISTER: LOOKING INTO LOOKING OUT; 3 Permission to see; GENDER IN PERSPECTIVE: HAVE WE REALLY GONE BEYOND?; REFUSAL TO VANISHGHOSTLY HORRORS: LOOKING AT THE PAST, SEEING THROUGH THE BODY4 The secret's eye; NO ACCIDENT: COMMODITY BODIES; EMBODYING DISEMBODIMENT; RADICAL SEX ACTIVISM, SATIABILITY, AND THE COMMODITY; TWO-WAY STREETWALKERS; EXPLOSIVE LITERALITY; LITERAL SHROUDS AND DREAMSCAPE RE-INTERMENTS; 5 After us the savage goddess; SEEING BACK THROUGH; PRIMITIVE TECHNIQUES; DARK CONTINENCE: READING THE THRALL AND THE THREAT; DARK INCONTINENCE: UBU ROJ AND SAVAGE PRIMITMSM; DADA'S BIG DRUM: PRIMITIVISM AND THE PERFORMATIVE; HARD PRIMITMSM, BASE MATTER, AND THE BLIND SPOT; LITERAL PRIMITIVES; 6 Seeing the big showFIRST, A STORY ABOUT DOUBT THAT INCLUDES AREVE RBERATIONWHITE NOSTALGIA, AUTHENTICITY, AND THE SPLIT SUBJECT; SPIDER WOMAN: THE EARLY DAYS; VIGILANT REPETITIONS, THE COMIC TURN, AND COUNTER-MIMICRY; THE IRRUPTION OF ""REAL STUFF"" AND THE POLITIC OF SACRALITY; THE IRRUPTION OF GRANDMOTHERS AND THE REALITY OF DREAMS; Epilog: returning from the dead; Notes; Works Cited; IndexThe Explicit Body in Performance interrogates the avant-garde precedents and theoretical terrain that combined to produce feminist performance art. Among the many artists discussed are: * Carolle Schneemann * Annie Sprinkle * Karen Finley * Robbie McCauley * Ana Mendieta * Ann Magnuson * Sandra Bernhard * Spiderwoman Rebecca Schneider tackles topics ranging across the 'post-porn modernist movement', New Right censorship, commodity fetishism, perspectival vision, and primitivism. Employing diverse critical theories from Benjamin to Lacan to postcolonFeminism and the artsWomen in artPerformance artArts, Modern20th centuryWomen artistsPsychologyFeminism and the arts.Women in art.Performance art.Arts, ModernWomen artistsPsychology.704.9428Schneider Rebecca.683196MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455004103321Explicit body in performance1262917UNINA03000nam 22005413a 450 991034667940332120250203235431.09783038973256303897325410.3390/books978-3-03897-325-6(CKB)4920000000094873(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49556(ScCtBLL)7c55e0da-8057-458b-a9c1-c3c2617123a0(OCoLC)1163815771(EXLCZ)99492000000009487320250203i20192019 uu engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter EquationsFlorin Felix NichitaBasel, Switzerland :MDPI,2019.1 electronic resource (238 p.)9783038973249 3038973246 The Yang-Baxter equation first appeared in theoretical physics, in a paper by the Nobel laureate C.N. Yang and in the work of R.J. Baxter in the field of Statistical Mechanics. At the 1990 International Mathematics Congress, Vladimir Drinfeld, Vaughan F. R. Jones, and Edward Witten were awarded Fields Medals for their work related to the Yang-Baxter equation. It turned out that this equation is one of the basic equations in mathematical physics; more precisely, it is used for introducing the theory of quantum groups. It also plays a crucial role in: knot theory, braided categories, the analysis of integrable systems, non-commutative descent theory, quantum computing, non-commutative geometry, etc. Many scientists have used the axioms of various algebraic structures (quasi-triangular Hopf algebras, Yetter-Drinfeld categories, quandles, group actions, Lie (super)algebras, brace structures, (co)algebra structures, Jordan triples, Boolean algebras, relations on sets, etc.) or computer calculations (and Grobner bases) in order to produce solutions for the Yang-Baxter equation. However, the full classification of its solutions remains an open problem. At present, the study of solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation attracts the attention of a broad circle of scientists. The current volume highlights various aspects of the Yang-Baxter equation, related algebraic structures, and applications.braided categoryquasitriangular structurequantum projective spaceHopf algebraquantum integrabilitydualitysix-vertex modelQuantum GroupYang-Baxter equationstar-triangle relationR-matrixLie algebrabundlebraid groupNichita Florin Felix1327012ScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910346679403321Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations4319589UNINA