02309nam 2200565Ia 450 991045908320332120200520144314.01-283-21369-997866132136930-7618-5182-8(CKB)2670000000060958(EBL)662334(OCoLC)704286761(SSID)ssj0000468386(PQKBManifestationID)11291417(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000468386(PQKBWorkID)10497954(PQKB)10542937(MiAaPQ)EBC662334(Au-PeEL)EBL662334(CaPaEBR)ebr10435021(CaONFJC)MIL321369(EXLCZ)99267000000006095820100830d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDesperate for authenticity[electronic resource] a critical analysis of the feminist theology of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott /Patricia Hawley ; foreword by Virginia Ramey MollenkottLanham, MD University Press of Americac20101 online resource (227 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-7618-5181-X Includes bibliographical references (p. 115-122).Foreword; Chapter One; Research Concerns; Chapter Two; Biography; Chapter Three; Summary of the Books of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott; Chapter Four; An Analysis of the Religious Feminist Theology of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott; Chapter Five; Critique of Feminist Theology; BibliographyMollenkott is a pioneer in the endeavors to integrate feminism with Christian theology, specifically evangelical theology. This book considers her personal development alongside her theological development to provide insight into her contributions in the scholarly arena, and includes a response by Mollenkott as the foreword.Feminist theologyElectronic books.Feminist theology.230.082270.8/28Hawley Patricia868405MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459083203321Desperate for authenticity1938526UNINA06672nam 2200589Ia 450 991045483800332120210810223105.00-674-02015-410.4159/9780674020153(CKB)1000000000786745(SSID)ssj0000243986(PQKBManifestationID)11193944(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000243986(PQKBWorkID)10164739(PQKB)11629631(MiAaPQ)EBC3300354(Au-PeEL)EBL3300354(CaPaEBR)ebr10318344(OCoLC)923110790(DE-B1597)574652(DE-B1597)9780674020153(EXLCZ)99100000000078674520010927d2002 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrSemblances of sovereignty[electronic resource] the Constitution, the state, and American citizenship /T. Alexander AleinikoffCambridge, MA Harvard University Press2002xi, 306 pBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-674-00745-X Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-301) and index.Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- SEMBLANCES OF SOVEREIGNTY -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Sovereignty Cases and the Pursuit of an American Nation-State -- 3 The Citizen-State: From the Warren Court to the Rehnquist Court -- 4 Commonwealth and the Constitution: The Case of Puerto Rico -- 5 The Erosion of American Indian Sovereignty -- 6 Indian Tribal Sovereignty beyond Plenary Power -- 7 Plenary Power, Immigration Regulation, and Decentered Citizenship -- 8 Reconceptualizing Sovereignty: Toward a New American Narrative -- Notes -- IndexIn a set of cases decided at the end of the nineteenth century, the Supreme Court declared that Congress had "plenary power" to regulate immigration, Indian tribes, and newly acquired territories. Not coincidentally, the groups subject to Congress' plenary power were primarily nonwhite and generally perceived as "uncivilized." The Court left Congress free to craft policies of assimilation, exclusion, paternalism, and domination. Despite dramatic shifts in constitutional law in the twentieth century, the plenary power case decisions remain largely the controlling law. The Warren Court, widely recognized for its dedication to individual rights, focused on ensuring "full and equal citizenship"--an agenda that utterly neglected immigrants, tribes, and residents of the territories. The Rehnquist Court has appropriated the Warren Court's rhetoric of citizenship, but has used it to strike down policies that support diversity and the sovereignty of Indian tribes. Attuned to the demands of a new century, the author argues for abandonment of the plenary power cases, and for more flexible conceptions of sovereignty and citizenship. The federal government ought to negotiate compacts with Indian tribes and the territories that affirm more durable forms of self-government. Citizenship should be "decentered," understood as a commitment to an intergenerational national project, not a basis for denying rights to immigrants.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Sovereignty Cases and the Pursuit of an American Nation-State 3. The Citizen-State: From the Warren Court to the Rehnqnist Court 4. Commonwealth and the Constitution: The Case of Puerto Rico 5. The Erosion of American Indian Sovereignty 6. Indian Tribal Sovereignty beyond Plenary Power 7. Plenary Power, Immigration Regulation, and Decentered Citizenship 8. Reconceptualizing Sovereignty: Toward a New American Narrative Notes Index Reviews of this book: This book not only provides careful analysis of U.S. Supreme Court and congressional relationships but also could lead to novel studies of rights and obligations in American society. Highly recommended.--Steven Puro, Library JournalReviews of this book: Aleinikoff examines sovereignty, citizenship, and the broader concept of membership (aliens as well as citizens) in the American nation-state and suggests that American constitutional law needs "understandings of sovereignty and membership that are supple and flexible, open to new arrangements".Sure to generate heated debate over the extent to which the rules governing immigration, Indian tribes, and American territories should be altered, this book is required reading for constitutional scholars.--R. J. Steamer, ChoiceAmid the overflowing scholarship on American constitutional law, little has been written on this cluster of topics, which go to the core of what sovereignty under the Constitution means. Aleinikoff asks not only how we define "ourselves," but exactly who is authorized to place themselves in the category of insiders empowered to set limits excluding others. The book stands out as a novel, intriguing, and interesting analysis against the sea of sameness found in the constitutional literature.--Philip P. Frickey, Law School, University of California, BerkeleyWhat lends Aleinikoff's work originality and importance is its synthetic range and the new insights that flow from bringing immigration, Indian, and territorial issues together, and taking on such much criticized anomalies as the plenary power doctrine in their full ambit. In my view, he may well make good on his hope of helping to inspire a new field of sovereignty studies. Certainly, the idea of "problematizing" national citizenship and national sovereignty is afoot in the law schools and, far more so, in sociology, political science, and in various interdisciplinary fields like American Studies, regional studies, and global political economiy and cultural studies. To my knowledge, no one has written a synthetic treatment of these issues that compares with Aleinikoff's in its mastery of constitutional law, its working knowledge or adjacent normative, historical and policy studies, and its intellectual clarity, stylistic grace, and morally sensitive but pragmatic political judgments.--William Forbath, University of Texas at Austin Law SchoolConstitutional lawUnited StatesNation-stateSovereigntyElectronic books.Constitutional lawNation-state.Sovereignty.342.73/02Aleinikoff T. Alexander(Thomas Alexander),1952-1051919MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454838003321Semblances of sovereignty2482796UNINA01726nam 2200397z- 450 991034704870332120231214141125.01000043415(CKB)4920000000102029(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52860(EXLCZ)99492000000010202920202102d2014 |y 0gerurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMaterialklassifikation in optischen Inspektionssystemen mithilfe hyperspektraler DatenKIT Scientific Publishing20141 electronic resource (XI, 222 p. p.)Forschungsberichte aus der Industriellen Informationstechnik / Institut für Industrielle Informationstechnik (IIIT), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie3-7315-0273-9 In this work, different methods for material classification by hyperspectral images in the near infrared range are investigated. Specifically, the design of problem-adapted camera systems and the choice of optimal optical filters are discussed. In addition, a method for the fusion of multiple camera signals by spectral unmixing is presented.KlassifikationMaterialvisual inspectionmaterialhyperspectralInspektionssystemSichtprüfungclassificationhyperspektralMichelsburg Matthiasauth1318475BOOK9910347048703321Materialklassifikation in optischen Inspektionssystemen mithilfe hyperspektraler Daten3033299UNINA