03442nam 2200673Ia 450 991045443720332120200520144314.01-317-14610-71-281-83430-097866118343020-7546-9368-6(CKB)1000000000556462(EBL)438520(OCoLC)567983738(SSID)ssj0000143628(PQKBManifestationID)11162153(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000143628(PQKBWorkID)10119572(PQKB)10739238(MiAaPQ)EBC438520(Au-PeEL)EBL438520(CaPaEBR)ebr10254934(CaONFJC)MIL919084(EXLCZ)99100000000055646220080107d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEconomics in Russia[electronic resource] studies in intellectual history /edited by Vincent Barnett, Joachim ZweynertAldershot, England ;Burlington, VT Ashgatec20081 online resource (221 p.)Modern economic and social history seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-7546-6149-0 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Cover; Contents; List of Figure and Tables; Notes on Contributors; General Editor's Preface; Foreword; Timeline: The Main Events of Russian History; 1 Introduction; 2 Economic Thought in Muscovy: Ownership, Money and Trade; 3 Russian Economic Thought in the Age of the Enlightenment; 4 Russian Monetary Reformers: Speransky, Mordvinov and Bunge; 5 Between Reason and Historicity: Russian Academic Economics, 1800-1861; 6 Searching for an Ethical Basis of Political Economy: Bulgakov and Tugan-Baranovsky; 7 The Enigma of A.V. Chayanov; 8 Russian Émigré Economists in the USA9 Exiled Russian Economists and the USSR: Brutzkus and Prokopovich10 The Debate on the Law of Value in the USSR, 1941-53; 11 Soviet Economics after Stalin: Between Orthodoxy and Reform; 12 From Marxist Economics to Post-Soviet Nationalism; 13 Conclusion; Name index; Subject indexThe history of Russian economic thought largely remains a grey area in the international literature, with a lack of comprehensive studies not only in the West, but also in Russia itself. Whilst over the last 15 years increasing amounts of work has been done on the subject, co-operation between Russian and Western researchers in this field leaves much to be desired. In order to improve this situation, this volume brings Russian and non-Russian researchers together to provide an overview of the current state of the topic and to give a stimulus for further research. Scholars from the UK, Germany,Modern economic and social history series.EconomicsRussiaEconomicsSoviet UnionEconomicsRussia (Federation)Electronic books.EconomicsEconomicsEconomics330.0947330.947Barnett Vincent1967-257267Zweynert Joachim882322MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454437203321Economics in Russia1970753UNINA