02943nam 2200625 a 450 991045426680332120200520144314.01-281-97553-297866119755310-19-972597-7(CKB)1000000000715772(EBL)415048(OCoLC)476239512(SSID)ssj0000219485(PQKBManifestationID)11187123(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000219485(PQKBWorkID)10247860(PQKB)11007917(MiAaPQ)EBC415048(Au-PeEL)EBL415048(CaPaEBR)ebr10278832(CaONFJC)MIL197553(EXLCZ)99100000000071577220060831d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA people at war[electronic resource] civilians and soldiers in America's Civil War, 1854-1877 /Scott Reynolds Nelson, Carol SheriffNew York Oxford University Press20071 online resource (385 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-19-514655-7 0-19-514654-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. 349-357) and index.Contents; Introduction: A People at War; FROM COMPROMISE TO CHAOS: 1854-1861; THE CHANGING FACES OF WAR: 1861-1863; POLITICAL, MILITARY, AND DIPLOMATIC REMEDIES: 1862-1865; THE WAR HITS HOME: 1861-1865; REBUILDING THE NATION: 1865-1877; Acknowledgments; Political Chronology; Military Chronology; Suggestions for Further Reading; IndexIntroduction: A People at War. FROM COMPROMISE TO CHAOS: 1854-1861. 1. The Road to Bleeding Kansas. 2. From Wigwam to War. THE CHANGING FACES OF WAR: 1861-1863. 3. Friends and Foes: Early Recruits and Freedom's Cause, 1861-1862. 4. Union Occupation and Guerilla Warfare. 5. Facing Death. POLITICAL, MILITARY, AND DILPOMATIC REMEDIES: 1862-1865. 6. Two Governments Go to War: Southern Democracy and Northern Republicanism. 7. Redefining the Rules of War: The Lieber Code. 8. Diplomacy in the Shadows: Cannons, Sailors, and Spies. THE WAR HITS HOME: 1861-1865. 9. We Need Men: Union Struggles over ManpReconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)United StatesHistory1849-1877United StatesHistoryCivil War, 1861-1865Social aspectsUnited StatesHistoryCivil War, 1861-1865InfluenceUnited StatesPolitics and government1861-1865Electronic books.Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)973.5Nelson Scott Reynolds923777Sheriff Carol923778MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454266803321A people at war2073110UNINA