03281nam 2200625 a 450 991045417240332120200520144314.01-306-03354-31-55652-992-9(CKB)1000000000693009(EBL)409120(OCoLC)437087433(SSID)ssj0000206059(PQKBManifestationID)11200936(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000206059(PQKBWorkID)10213250(PQKB)10059027(SSID)ssj0000592020(PQKBManifestationID)12218539(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000592020(PQKBWorkID)10728734(PQKB)11119861(MiAaPQ)EBC409120(Au-PeEL)EBL409120(CaPaEBR)ebr10273968(CaONFJC)MIL534605(EXLCZ)99100000000069300920000412d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMovie wars[electronic resource] how Hollywood and the media conspire to limit what films we can see /Jonathan Rosenbaum1st ed.Chicago, IL A Cappellac20001 online resource (242 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-55652-406-4 1-55652-454-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Machine generated contents note: Acknowledgments v -- Introduction: Is the Producer Always Right? 1 -- Chapter One: Is the Cinema Really Dead? 19 -- Chapter Two: Some Vagaries of Distribution and Exhibition 39 -- Chapter Three: Some Vagaries of Promotion and Criticism 49 -- Chapter Four: At War with Cultural Violence: The Critical -- Reception of Small Soldiers 63 -- Chapter Five: Communications Problems and Canons 79 -- Chapter Six: The AFI's Contribution to Movie Hell: or, How -- I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love American Movies 91 -- Chapter Seven: Isolationism as a Control System 107 -- Chapter Eight: Multinational Pest Control: Does American -- Cinema Still Exist? 129 -- Chapter Nine: Trafficking in Movies (Festival-Hopping -- in the Nineties) 143 -- Chapter Ten: Orson Welles as Ideological Challenge 175 -- Conclusion: The Audience Is Sometimes Right 197 -- Index 227.Is the cinema, as writers from David Denby to Susan Sontag have claimed, really dead? Contrary to what we have been led to believe, films are better than ever?we just can't see the good ones. Movie Wars cogently explains how movies are packaged, distributed, and promoted, and how, at every stage of the process, the potential moviegoer is treated with contempt. Using examples ranging from the New York Times's coverage of the Cannes film festival to the anticommercial practices of Orson Welles, Movie Wars details the workings of the powerful forces that are in the proceMotion picturesUnited StatesElectronic books.Motion pictures791.43/0973Rosenbaum Jonathan542268MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454172403321Movie wars2482101UNINA06076nam 2200457 450 991048330550332120210325141453.03-030-61225-210.1007/978-3-030-61225-2(CKB)4100000011763157(DE-He213)978-3-030-61225-2(MiAaPQ)EBC6480170(PPN)253861500(EXLCZ)99410000001176315720210325d2021 uy 0engurnn|008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierClimate change and water resources in Africa perspectives and solutions towards an imminent water crisis /Salif Diop, Peter Scheren, Awa Niang, editors1st ed. 2021.Cham, Switzerland :Springer,[2021]©20211 online resource (XXX, 521 p. 214 illus., 193 illus. in color.) 3-030-61224-4 Dedication -- Citations -- Foreword by Felix D. Dakora -- Foreword by Daniel Nyanganyura -- Preface -- Acknowledgement to Peer Reviewers -- Authors and Contributors -- About the Editors -- Chapter 1: Introduction: Water Resource Management within the Climate Change Context in Africa: Synthesis, Key Findings and Future Challenges -- Chapter 2: Africa-wide trends in development and water resources through a climate change lens -- Chapter 3: Water Resource Availability and Quality in the North Africa Region under Climate Change -- Chapter 4: Climate Change and Water Resources in West Africa: A Case Study of Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal -- Chapter 5: Climate change impact on hydrological regimes and extreme events in southern Africa -- Chapter 6: Historic climatic variability and change: the importance of managing Holocene and Late Pleistocene groundwater in the Limpopo River Basin, southern Africa -- Chapter 7: A framework for IWRM in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus for the Senegal River Delta -- Chapter 8: Cumulative Impacts of Climate Change Variability around the Goronyo Dam in the Iullemmeden Basin, Northwest Nigeria -- Chapter 9: Lentic-Lotic Water System Response to Anthropogenic and Climatic Factors in Kenya and their Sustainable Management -- Chapter 10: Hydrology and climate impacts on streamflow and sediment yield in the Nyando River Basin, Kenya -- Chapter 11: Saharan agriculture in the Algerian oasis: limited adaptation to environmental, social and economic changes -- Chapter 12: Water management policy for freshwater security in the context of climate change in Senegal -- Chapter 13: Assessment of Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on the Diarha Watershed -- Chapter 14: Water resources in the Sahel and adaptation of agriculture to climate change: Burkina Faso -- Chapter 15: Impacts of climate change on water resources in the Volta River Basin: reducing vulnerability and enhancing livelihoods and sustainable development -- Chapter 16: Potential Transboundary Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam under Climate Change and Variability -- Chapter 17: Strengthening flood and drought risk management tools for the Lake Chad basin -- Chapter 18: Developing a Framework for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in South Africa -- Chapter 19:Mainstreaming Climate Change into Transboundary River Basins: a SADC Regional Case Study -- Chapter 20: Does the use of local knowledge in complex systems reduce vulnerability to climate change? Insights from nexus water management in the Niger basin -- Chapter 21: Proposed research, science, technology and innovation to address current and future challenges of climate change and water resource management in Africa -- Index. .This book dedicated to “Climate Change and Water Resources in Africa” sets out the many challenges and implications of climatic change for freshwater resources in Africa, including its rivers, lakes and aquifers. Under the influence of a range of human factors, the status of water resources in Africa has been changing for decades, transpiring in changes in water flow and variability, falling groundwater levels, changes in rainfall levels and timing, as well as overall decreasing water quality. Indeed, change is not new in this context. Climate change, however, will strongly accelerate the rate of change, affecting the ability of people and societies to respond in a timely manner to address their own needs. With this in mind, this book has been dedicated to providing a deeper analysis of the effects of climate change on water resources in some of the most vulnerable areas in Africa, including the approaches that may help reduce or mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this regard, while there is no quick fix to the pressures imposed on water resources by climate change, it is clear that increasing the resilience of ecosystems and communities to extreme events such as flooding and drought, and integrating climate change risks and opportunities into development decision making, will be key. It is also important that wealthier countries as well as major current GHG-emitting countries assume responsibility for their historic GHG emissions and support those countries that are most impacted by those emissions to adapt to such impacts, while reducing their own carbon footprints. As a whole, this book intends to contribute to the debate around climate change in relation to water resources management in the African continent, and in particular inform policy decisions and actions that will improve governments’ and communities’ ability to manage the challenges of climate change and variability in relation to the aquatic ecosystems upon which they depend.Water-supplyAfricaWater-supply363.61096Diop SalifScheren PeterNiang AwaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910483305503321Climate Change and Water Resources in Africa2595709UNINA03182 am 2200733 n 450 9910324030703321201812212-8028-0408-110.4000/books.pusl.5345(CKB)4100000008283956(FrMaCLE)OB-pusl-5345(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45472(PPN)236710532(EXLCZ)99410000000828395620190528j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDroit et intérêt - vol. 1 Approche interdisciplinaire /Philippe Gérard, François Ost, Michel Van de KerchoveBruxelles Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis20181 online resource (361 p.) 2-8028-0071-X Le Séminaire interdiscipli­naire d'études juridiques des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis a suscité la collaboration de juristes et de spécialistes des sciences humaines (histoire, économie, sociologie, psychologie, science administrative, philosophie) afin d'éclaircir les rapports multiples entre les notions de droit et d'intérêt. Ce thème s'est révélé si fécond qu'il est apparu nécessaire de publier les résultats de ces travaux dans trois volumes distincts. Le présent volume, premier de cette série, regroupe d'abord un ensemble de contributions qui précisent le sens et le rôle de la notion d'intérêt selon diverses perspec­tives scientifiques. Il contient ensuite des recherches de philosophie du droit qui concernent la légitimité des normes juridiques en rapport avec l'idée d'intérêt. Il présente enfin des études de théorie générale du droit qui portent sur les relations entre l'intérêt et les catégories juridiques de droit subjectif et de loi.PhilosophyLawnormelégitimitéloiintérêtintérêtloinormelégitimitéPhilosophyLawnormelégitimitéloiintérêtBraive Gaston1231559Buergisser Michel1322691Chevallier Jacques127598Declève Henri142223Dillens Anne-Marie1233223Florence Jean1281548Gérard Philippe421236Lascoumes Pierre507705Ost François406728Pattaro Enrico230640Perrin Jean-François427091Remy Jean342946Strowel Alain287258Tanghe Fernand263486Van de Kerchove Michel1292048Gérard Philippe421236Ost François406728Van de Kerchove Michel281183FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910324030703321Droit et intérêt - vol. 13035150UNINA