03333nam 2200601Ia 450 991045416540332120200520144314.01-59996-501-1(CKB)1000000000689262(EBL)329890(OCoLC)437198320(SSID)ssj0000448365(PQKBManifestationID)11281346(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000448365(PQKBWorkID)10385192(PQKB)11065627(MiAaPQ)EBC329890(Au-PeEL)EBL329890(CaPaEBR)ebr10379732(EXLCZ)99100000000068926220060413d1995 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccr20 reproducible assessment instruments for the new work culture[electronic resource] /Philip R. HarrisAmherst, Mass. HRD Pressc19951 online resource (186 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-87425-989-4 Includes bibliographical references.Table of Contents; Prologue; Introduction; Part 1 Personal Assessment; 1 Human Resources Inventory; 2 Leadership Motivation Inventory; 3 Values Imprint Survey; 4 Quality of Life Index; 5 Relocation Preparation Index; 6 Change Inventory for Leaders; 7 Force Field Analysis Inventory; Part 2 Team Assessment; 8 Group Maturity Analysis; 9 Individual Behavior Analysis; 10 Team Performance Survey; 11 Team Synergy Analysis Inventory; Part 3 New Management Concepts for Supervisors; 12 High Performance Management Inventory (HPMI); 13 Management Communications Inventory14 Managing People Skills Inventory15 Intercultural Relations Inventory (IRI); 16 Inventory of Transformational Management Skills; Part 4 Organizational Assessment; 17 Organizational Culture Survey; 18 Organization Communication Analysis; 19 Organizational Roles and Relationships Inventory; 20 Organizational Meeting Management Planning Inventory; EpilogueAreas covered include: the customer's first impression; customer paradigms; listening to the customer; finding out who the customer really is; how rumors get started and spread; the importance of telephone greeting messages; dealing with telephone tag; telephone communications; understanding what the customer really wants; characteristics of successful customer service; customer service diseases; developing your personal improvement plan; personalities of potential buyers; types of customers; customer complaints; tips for selling your product or service; positive and negative words; winning anOrganizational effectivenessMeasurementPersonnel managementTeams in the workplaceManagementElectronic books.Organizational effectivenessMeasurement.Personnel management.Teams in the workplace.Management.658.4Harris Philip R(Philip Robert),1926-99413MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK991045416540332120 reproducible assessment instruments for the new work culture2204752UNINA