03561nam 2200625 a 450 991045414700332120210117210554.01-281-97823-X(CKB)1000000000722123(OCoLC)654720994(CaPaEBR)ebrary10274616(SSID)ssj0000484022(PQKBManifestationID)12190536(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000484022(PQKBWorkID)10573547(PQKB)10791467(MiAaPQ)EBC3052922(MiAaPQ)EBC4702465(Au-PeEL)EBL4702465(CaONFJC)MIL197823(OCoLC)1024278581(EXLCZ)99100000000072212320150424d1989|||| s|| |engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Economic theory of agrarian institutions /edited by Pranab BardhanOxford [England] Clarendon Press ;New York Oxford University Press19891 online resource (417 p.)Clarendon PaperbacksBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-19-828619-8 0-19-152149-3 Intro -- Contents -- Contributors -- I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION -- 1. Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Institutions in Economic Development -- 2. Rational Peasants, Efficient Institutions, and a Theory of Rural Organization: Methodological Remarks for Development Economics -- II. LAND AND LABOUR -- 3. Theories of Sharecropping -- 4. A Comparison of Principal-Agent and Bargaining Solutions: The Case of Tenancy Contracts -- 5. Contracts with Eviction in Infinitely Repeated Principal-Agent Relationships -- 6. Production Relations in Semi-arid African Agriculture -- III. CREDIT AND INTERLINKED TRANSACTIONS -- 7. Rural Credit Markets: The Structure of Interest Rates, Exploitation, and Efficiency -- 8. Credit and Agrarian Class Structure -- 9. Credit Rationing, Tenancy, Productivity, and the Dynamics of Inequality -- 10. On Choice among Creditors and Bonded Labour Contracts -- 11.Some Aspects of Linked Product and Credit Market Contracts among Risk-neutral Agents -- 12. A Note on Interlinked Rural Economic Arrangements -- 13. Interlinkages and the Pattern of Competition -- IV. MARKETING AND INSURANCE -- 14. Agricultural Institutions for Insurance and Stabilization -- 15. Peasants' Risk Aversion and the Choice of Marketing Intermediaries and Contracts: A Bargaining Theory of Equilibrium Marketing Contracts -- V. CO-OPERATIVES, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE STATE -- 16. Agricultural Producer Co-operatives -- 17. Institutional Analysis of Credit Co-operatives -- 18. Agrarian Structure, Technological Innovations, and the State -- Bibliography -- Index.Clarendon PaperbacksAgricultureEconomic aspectsDeveloping countriesBUSINESS & ECONOMICSbisacIndustries / AgribusinessbisacBusiness & EconomicsHILCCAgricultural EconomicsHILCCElectronic books.AgricultureEconomic aspectsBUSINESS & ECONOMICSIndustries / AgribusinessBusiness & EconomicsAgricultural Economics338.1/09172/4Bardhan Pranab K120966PQKBBOOK9910454147003321The Economic theory of agrarian institutions2462135UNINA03298 am 2200721 n 450 991049592830332120240104030733.02-7574-3019-X10.4000/books.septentrion.102857(CKB)5590000000433152(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-102857(PPN)253363071(EXLCZ)99559000000043315220210128j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||La construction des professions juridiques et médicalesEurope occidentale xviiie-xxe siècleJean-Paul Barrière, Hervé LeuwersVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20211 online resource (308 p.) 2-7574-2959-0 La structuration des activités juridiques et médicales en Europe depuis le xviiie siècle a été jusqu’ici trop peu étudiée de manière conjointe, sous l’angle de leur professionnalisation et de leur inscription territoriale. L’ouvrage résulte d’une collaboration pluridisciplinaire entre historiens, sociologues et juristes. Après avoir présenté la notion de professionnalisation, dans ses dimensions historiographique et sociologique, les contributions analysent les modalités, les rythmes et les limites de la structuration de métiers liés au droit, à la médecine et à l’ordre public dans l’aire continentale ouest-européenne marquée par la tradition romaine (France, Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Allemagne). De manière originale, les professions libérales au sens strict sont rapprochées d’autres métiers d’ordre public (juges, policiers, gardes champêtres…). The structuring of legal and medical activities in Europe since the 18th century has so far been insufficiently studied jointly, from the point of view of their professionalization and territorial registration.HistorySociologyLaw (General)professionnalisationterritoiremédecinavocatjugenotairepoliciergarde champêtreHistorySociologyLaw (General)professionnalisationterritoiremédecinavocatjugenotairepoliciergarde champêtreAimerito Francesco602479Barrière Jean-Paul1238362Berger Emmanuel867457Denys Catherine1296233Fillon Catherine1281215Gaveau Fabien1332816Hendrick Aude1304800Leuwers Hervé408174Le Bianic Thomas1290909Limelette Renaud1454294Muller Françoise1304801Nandrin Jean-Pierre1233629Pauthier Céline1291253Renaudet Isabelle1292153Vincent Marie-Bénédicte1312434FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495928303321La construction des professions juridiques et médicales3656865UNINA