02883oam 2200613I 450 991045406830332120170814180703.01-135-84513-11-281-89972-097866118997210-203-88855-310.4324/9780203888551 (CKB)1000000000557030(EBL)366324(OCoLC)457053878(SSID)ssj0000145220(PQKBManifestationID)11148271(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000145220(PQKBWorkID)10156613(PQKB)10448987(MiAaPQ)EBC366324(EXLCZ)99100000000055703020180706d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrElectronic media criticism applied perspectives /by Peter B. Orlik3rd ed.New York :Routledge,2009.1 online resource (559 p.)Electronic media criticism : communication seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-99537-X 0-415-99536-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. [501]-530) and index.Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Illustrations; Critiques; Preface; 1 The Essence of Criticism; 2 Critical Functions; 3 Criticism and the Communication Process; 4 Knowledge Processing; 5 Tonal and Talent Ingredients; 6 Stage-Molding Ingredients; 7 Business Gratifications; 8 Audience Gratifications; 9 Depiction Analysis; 10 Structural Analysis; 11 Probing Ethics and Values; 12 Aesthetics and Art; 13 The Logic of Aesthetic Form; 14 Reality Programming; 15 Composite Criticism; Appendix A: Specimen Scripts; Appendix B: Suggested Exercises; Notes; IndexElectronic Media Criticism introduces readers to a variety of critical approaches to audio and video discourse on radio, television and the Internet. The book applies key aesthetic, sociological, philosophical, psychological, structural and economic principles to arrive at a comprehensive evaluation of both programming and advertising content. It includes numerous critiques to illustrate the ways in which critical expression can be structured, providing readers with feasible and flexible tools for focused and rational analysis of electronic media product as well as enhanced understMass media criticismCriticismElectronic books.Mass media criticism.Criticism.302.23302.231Orlik Peter B.885578MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910454068303321Electronic media criticism1977481UNINA