02436nam 2200577 450 991045375480332120200520144314.01-4438-5526-X(CKB)2550000001182161(EBL)1595352(SSID)ssj0001156132(PQKBManifestationID)11761680(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001156132(PQKBWorkID)11188468(PQKB)11189387(MiAaPQ)EBC1595352(Au-PeEL)EBL1595352(CaPaEBR)ebr10828270(CaONFJC)MIL562187(OCoLC)868489083(EXLCZ)99255000000118216120140129d2013 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDiasporic identities and empire cultural contentions and literacy landscapes /edited by Anastasia Nicéphore ; guest editor, David BrooksNewcastle upon Tyne :Cambridge Scholars Publishing,2013.1 online resource (249 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4438-5165-5 1-306-30936-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.part I. Disapora and colonial discourses -- part II. Schisms in national spaces -- part III. Ethnic tensions and writings from elsewhere.Diasporic Identities and Empire: Cultural Contentions and Literary Landscapes explores traditional theories on hybridity, generated in consideration of multicultural infusions, and at times profusions, of colonial migrations. Arguments on defining Englishness and the insinuations of a 'fixed centre' for the marginalised are now considered on a global scale as postmodernity defies imperial homogeneity. Although postcolonial studies have largely been Anglocentric and Western in focus, developme...Identity (Psychology)Identity (Philosophical concept) in literatureElectronic books.Identity (Psychology)Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature.809.933581Nicéphore Anastasia920966Brooks DavidMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453754803321Diasporic identities and empire2065655UNINA03788nam 2200649Ia 450 991013936510332120200520144314.01-282-54836-097866125483691-61344-165-70-470-64381-10-470-64380-3(CKB)2520000000006768(EBL)495997(OCoLC)612349550(SSID)ssj0000358404(PQKBManifestationID)11248206(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000358404(PQKBWorkID)10376913(PQKB)10261213(MiAaPQ)EBC495997(EXLCZ)99252000000000676820091228d2010 uy 0engur|n|||||||||txtccrCost reduction and optimization for manufacturing and industrial companies /Joseph BerkHoboken, N.J. Wileyc20101 online resource (268 p.)Wiley-Scrivener ;2THEi Wiley ebooksDescription based upon print version of record.0-470-60957-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1 Organizing a Cost-Reduction Program; Part I Labor; Chapter 2 Defining Headcount and Controlling Staff Growth; Chapter 3 Developing and Implementing Time Standards; Chapter 4 Measuring and Using Efficiency; Chapter 5 Assessing Machine Utilization; Chapter 6 Controlling Overtime; Chapter 7 Making Multiple Shifts Productive; Chapter 8 Finding and Reducing Lost Time; Chapter 9 Using the Learning Curve to Drive Costs Down; Part II Material; Chapter 10 Make-versus-Buy DeterminationsChapter 11 Inventory MinimizationChapter 12 Material Utilization; Chapter 13 Minimizing Supplier Costs; Chapter 14 Supplier Negotiation; Chapter 15 Supplier Competition; Part III Process Improvements; Chapter 16 Workflow Optimization; Chapter 17 Setup Time Reduction; Chapter 18 Material-Handling Improvements; Chapter 19 Scrap and Rework Reduction; Chapter 20 Work Center Cleanliness; Part IV Design; Chapter 21 The Design Approach; Chapter 22 Requirements Relaxation; Chapter 23 Tolerance Relaxation; Chapter 24 Materials Substitution; Chapter 25 Packaging; Part V OverheadChapter 26 General Overhead ExpensesChapter 27 Travel; Chapter 28 Inspection; Part VI Gaining Disciples and Measuring Progress; Chapter 29 Suggestion Programs; Chapter 30 Measuring Progress; IndexFocuses on rapid implementation of practical, real-world cost reduction solutions In today's economic climate, the need to cut costs can be the difference between success and failure. Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies covers all major cost reduction areas, providing easy to read examples and advice on steps to take. It provides the roadmap for implementing recommended actions with true and tried methods by taking a modern, all-inclusive look at manufacturing processes. Based on the author's cost reduction experience gained during 30 yearWiley-Scrivener ;2THEi Wiley ebooks.Cost controlCosts, IndustrialIndustrial efficiencyCost control.Costs, Industrial.Industrial efficiency.658.15/52Berk Joseph1951-627455MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139365103321Cost reduction and optimization for manufacturing and industrial companies1960254UNINA