02353nam 22006255 450 991045359930332120210301192715.00-691-09766-61-4008-5085-110.1515/9781400850853(CKB)2550000001192147(EBL)1573484(OCoLC)870244408(SSID)ssj0001127645(PQKBManifestationID)11634356(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001127645(PQKBWorkID)11153067(PQKB)11349626(MiAaPQ)EBC1573484(DE-B1597)447091(OCoLC)979727234(DE-B1597)9781400850853(EXLCZ)99255000000119214720190708d2014 fg engur|n|---|||||txtccrCollected Works of C.G. JungVolume 14Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 14 ; Mysterium Coniunctionis /C. G. Jung; Gerhard Adler, R. F.C. HullCourse BookPrinceton, NJ :Princeton University Press,[2014]©19701 online resource (1432 p.)Collected Works of C.G. Jung ;Volume 14Description based upon print version of record.0-691-01816-2 1-306-40891-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --EDITORIAL NOTE --TRANSLATOR'S NOTE --TABLE OF CONTENTS --LIST OF PLATES --FOREWORD --I. THE COMPONENTS OF THE CONIUNCTIO --II. THE PARADOXA --III. THE PERSONIFICATION OF THE OPPOSITES --IV. REX AND REGINA --V. ADAM AND EVE --VI. THE CONJUNCTION --EPILOGUE --APPENDIX --BIBLIOGRAPHY --INDEX --CORRELATION OF PARAGRAPH NUMBERS --BackmatterJung's last major work, completed in his 81st year, on the synthesis of the opposites in alchemy and psychology.Bollingen series ;20.AlchemyElectronic books.Alchemy.273.2Jung Carl G.730920Adler GerhardHull R. F.C.DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910453599303321Collected Works of C.G. Jung2446124UNINA