04482nam 2200685 450 991045359100332120200520144314.03-11-088040-710.1515/9783110880403(CKB)2550000001198827(SSID)ssj0001083803(PQKBManifestationID)12428127(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001083803(PQKBWorkID)11021394(PQKB)11730858(MiAaPQ)EBC3045667(DE-B1597)56035(OCoLC)1024035696(OCoLC)1037933824(OCoLC)1041976925(OCoLC)1043593649(OCoLC)979593078(DE-B1597)9783110880403(Au-PeEL)EBL3045667(CaPaEBR)ebr10834766(OCoLC)922948982(EXLCZ)99255000000119882720010508d2001 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrTextual responses to German unification processing historical and social change in literature and film /edited by Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Rachel J. Halverson, Kristie A. FoellReprint 2013Berlin ;New York :W. de Gruyter,2001.1 online resource (288 pages)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-11-017022-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- "Schreiber, was siehst du?" Processing Historical and Social Change / Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne / Halverson, Rachel J. / Foell, Kristie A. -- Authors and Their Worlds -- The Journey Eastward: Helga Schütz' Vom Glanz der Elbe and the Mnemonic Politics of German Unification / Rider, Ν. Ann -- "ob es sich bei diesem Experiment um eine gescheiterte Utopie oder um ein Verbrechen gehandelt hat": Enlightenment, Utopia, the GDR and National Socialism in Monika Maron's Work From Flugasche to Pawels Briefe / Tabener, Stuart -- Remembering the GDR: Memory and Evasion in Autobiographical Writing from the Former GDR / Reece, James R. -- "Gefälle in der Landschaft" - On the critique of real existing capitalism in Volker Braun's texts / Jucker, Rolf -- Comedic Bestseller or Insightful Satire: Taking the Interview and Autobiography to Task in Thomas Brussig's Helden wie wir / Halverson, Rachel J. -- Multiple Voice-Generational Views -- "Man muß jetzt laut schreien, um gehört zu werden": Stefan Heym, Walter Jens, Helga Königsdorf: An intellectual opposition? / Oppen, Karoline Von -- Everyday Stories of Hope and Despair in Eastern Germany: Kerstin Hensel and Ingo Schulze Write about Life after the Wende / Kasle, Alisa -- "Ko . . .Ko . . . Konolialismus," said the giraffe: Humorous and Satirical Responses to German Unification / Twark, Jill -- Theatrical Confrontations with the Wende and Post- Unification Germany: Strauß, Pohl, and Hein / Fetz, Gerald A. -- Cinematic Responses -- Mastering the Past and Present: Problems of Memory in Postwar and Post -Wende German Cinema / Levy, Robert Ο. / McCormick, Richard W. -- Ghosts of Babelsberg: Narrative strategies of the Wendefilm / Locatelli, Massimo -- German-Germanness: On Borders, Hybridity, and Sameness in Margarethe von Trotta's Das Versprechen / Ward, Jenifer Κ. -- History as Melodrama: German Division and Unification in Two Recent Films / Foell, Kristie A. -- Sonnenallee: Taking Comedy Seriously in Unified Germany / Cafferty, Helen -- Notes on Contributors -- Index of Names -- BackmatterGerman literature20th centuryHistory and criticismMotion picturesGermanyHistoryGermanyIn literatureGermanyHistoryUnification, 1990GermanyIn motion picturesElectronic books.German literatureHistory and criticism.Motion picturesHistory.830.9/3243Costabile-Heming Carol Anne1029632Halverson Rachel J.1961-1029633Foell Kristie A.1962-1029634MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453591003321Textual responses to German unification2446177UNINA