05654nam 2200721 450 991045351760332120200520144314.01-4625-1331-X1-4625-1377-81-4625-1330-1(CKB)2550000001183400(EBL)1596089(OCoLC)868068594(SSID)ssj0001084801(PQKBManifestationID)12358280(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001084801(PQKBWorkID)11036463(PQKB)11588274(MiAaPQ)EBC1596089(Au-PeEL)EBL1596089(CaPaEBR)ebr10827047(CaONFJC)MIL563426(EXLCZ)99255000000118340020130625d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTreating traumatic bereavement a practitioner's guide /Laurie Anne Pearlman [and four others]New York :Guilford Press,2014.1 online resource (378 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4625-1317-4 1-306-32175-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; About the Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Part I. Fundamentals of Traumatic Bereavement; 1. Sudden, Traumatic Death and Traumatic Bereavement; Traumatic Death Prevalence; Psychological Consequences of Sudden, Traumatic Death; Persistent and Pervasive Effects of Traumatic Death; The Need for Integrated Treatment of Traumatic Bereavement; An Overview of Our Treatment Approach for Traumatic Bereavement; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 2. Theoretical Foundations; Loss; Grief and Mourning; Psychological TraumaA Relational Treatment ApproachIntegration in the Traumatic Bereavement Treatment Approach; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part II. Living with Traumatic Bereavement; 3. Psychological Dimensions; Symptoms and Adaptations; Shattering of the Assumptive World; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 4. Domains of Life Affected; Interpersonal Relationships; Structures of Daily Life; The Legal System; Social Support; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part III. Risk Factors and Related Evidence; 5. Event-Related Factors; Characteristics of the Death; Mode of DeathClinical IntegrationConcluding Remarks; 6. Person-Related Factors; Gender; Religion and Spiritual Beliefs; Personality and Coping Strategies; Kinship Relationship to the Deceased; Nature of the Relationship with the Deceased; Attachment Style; Additional Person-Related Variables; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 7. Treatment Research; Treatment for Grief and Mourning; Treatment for PTSD; Integrating Grief and Trauma Treatment Research; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part IV. Guidelines for Implementing the Treatment Approach; 8. Client AssessmentAppropriateness of This Treatment Approach for a Particular ClientProgression through the Six "R" Processes; Resources; Trauma and Loss History and Processing; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 9. Implementation Issues; General Psychotherapy Issues; Designing the Treatment Plan; Integrating This Approach into an Ongoing Treatment; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 10. Building Resources; Self Capacities; Coping Skills; Social Support; Bereavement-Specific Issues; Meaning and Spirituality; Values and Personal Goal Setting; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks11. Processing TraumaCognitive Processing Interventions; Emotional Processing Interventions; Behavioral Interventions; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 12. Facilitating Mourning; First "R" Process: Recognize the Loss; Second "R" Process: React to the Separation; Third "R" Process: Recollect and Reexperience the Deceased and the Relationship; Fourth "R" Process: Relinquish the Old Attachments to the Deceased and the Old Assumptive World; Fifth "R" Process: Readjust to Move Adaptively into the New World without Forgetting the Old; Sixth "R" Process: Reinvest; Clinical IntegrationConcluding Remarks This book presents an integrated treatment approach for those struggling to adapt after the sudden, traumatic death of a loved one. The authors weave together evidence-based clinical strategies grounded in cutting-edge knowledge about both trauma and grief. The book offers a clear framework and many practical tools for building survivors' psychological and interpersonal resources, processing their trauma, and facilitating mourning. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book includes over 30 reproducible handouts. Purchasers can access a companion websitBereavementPsychological aspectsPost-traumatic stress disorderTreatmentSudden deathPsychological aspectsDeathPsychological aspectsGrief therapyElectronic books.BereavementPsychological aspects.Post-traumatic stress disorderTreatment.Sudden deathPsychological aspects.DeathPsychological aspects.Grief therapy.616.85/21Pearlman Laurie A956779MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453517603321Treating traumatic bereavement2167024UNINA02141oam 2200517 450 991081728200332120191113110401.01-4166-2822-3(OCoLC)1107844694(MiFhGG)GVRL88Q9(EXLCZ)99410000000885991220190617h20192019 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBecoming the educator they need strategies, mindsets, and beliefs for supporting male black and Latino students /Robert JacksonAlexandria, Virginia USA :ASCD,[2019]�20191 online resource (xix, 118 pages) illustrationsGale eBooks1-4166-2820-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cultural awareness: understanding the realities of life for black and Latino males -- Culturally aware teaching practices -- Core beliefs and mindsets of a culturally aware teacher -- Building strong relationships with your students -- Final thoughts."This book will show teachers how to be the vital, unforgettable person for their male Black and Latino Male students--the most underserved, suspended, and expelled students in education"--Provided by publisher.African American boysEducationHispanic American teenage boysEducationTeacher effectivenessMulticultural educationMentoring in educationTeacher-student relationshipsAfrican American boysEducation.Hispanic American teenage boysEducation.Teacher effectiveness.Multicultural education.Mentoring in education.Teacher-student relationships.371.82996073Jackson Robert(Educator),403611MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910817282003321Becoming the educator they need4066497UNINA