05654nam 2200721 450 991045351760332120200520144314.01-4625-1331-X1-4625-1377-81-4625-1330-1(CKB)2550000001183400(EBL)1596089(OCoLC)868068594(SSID)ssj0001084801(PQKBManifestationID)12358280(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001084801(PQKBWorkID)11036463(PQKB)11588274(MiAaPQ)EBC1596089(Au-PeEL)EBL1596089(CaPaEBR)ebr10827047(CaONFJC)MIL563426(EXLCZ)99255000000118340020130625d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTreating traumatic bereavement a practitioner's guide /Laurie Anne Pearlman [and four others]New York :Guilford Press,2014.1 online resource (378 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4625-1317-4 1-306-32175-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; About the Authors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Part I. Fundamentals of Traumatic Bereavement; 1. Sudden, Traumatic Death and Traumatic Bereavement; Traumatic Death Prevalence; Psychological Consequences of Sudden, Traumatic Death; Persistent and Pervasive Effects of Traumatic Death; The Need for Integrated Treatment of Traumatic Bereavement; An Overview of Our Treatment Approach for Traumatic Bereavement; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 2. Theoretical Foundations; Loss; Grief and Mourning; Psychological TraumaA Relational Treatment ApproachIntegration in the Traumatic Bereavement Treatment Approach; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part II. Living with Traumatic Bereavement; 3. Psychological Dimensions; Symptoms and Adaptations; Shattering of the Assumptive World; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 4. Domains of Life Affected; Interpersonal Relationships; Structures of Daily Life; The Legal System; Social Support; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part III. Risk Factors and Related Evidence; 5. Event-Related Factors; Characteristics of the Death; Mode of DeathClinical IntegrationConcluding Remarks; 6. Person-Related Factors; Gender; Religion and Spiritual Beliefs; Personality and Coping Strategies; Kinship Relationship to the Deceased; Nature of the Relationship with the Deceased; Attachment Style; Additional Person-Related Variables; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 7. Treatment Research; Treatment for Grief and Mourning; Treatment for PTSD; Integrating Grief and Trauma Treatment Research; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; Part IV. Guidelines for Implementing the Treatment Approach; 8. Client AssessmentAppropriateness of This Treatment Approach for a Particular ClientProgression through the Six "R" Processes; Resources; Trauma and Loss History and Processing; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 9. Implementation Issues; General Psychotherapy Issues; Designing the Treatment Plan; Integrating This Approach into an Ongoing Treatment; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 10. Building Resources; Self Capacities; Coping Skills; Social Support; Bereavement-Specific Issues; Meaning and Spirituality; Values and Personal Goal Setting; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks11. Processing TraumaCognitive Processing Interventions; Emotional Processing Interventions; Behavioral Interventions; Clinical Integration; Concluding Remarks; 12. Facilitating Mourning; First "R" Process: Recognize the Loss; Second "R" Process: React to the Separation; Third "R" Process: Recollect and Reexperience the Deceased and the Relationship; Fourth "R" Process: Relinquish the Old Attachments to the Deceased and the Old Assumptive World; Fifth "R" Process: Readjust to Move Adaptively into the New World without Forgetting the Old; Sixth "R" Process: Reinvest; Clinical IntegrationConcluding Remarks This book presents an integrated treatment approach for those struggling to adapt after the sudden, traumatic death of a loved one. The authors weave together evidence-based clinical strategies grounded in cutting-edge knowledge about both trauma and grief. The book offers a clear framework and many practical tools for building survivors' psychological and interpersonal resources, processing their trauma, and facilitating mourning. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book includes over 30 reproducible handouts. Purchasers can access a companion websitBereavementPsychological aspectsPost-traumatic stress disorderTreatmentSudden deathPsychological aspectsDeathPsychological aspectsGrief therapyElectronic books.BereavementPsychological aspects.Post-traumatic stress disorderTreatment.Sudden deathPsychological aspects.DeathPsychological aspects.Grief therapy.616.85/21Pearlman Laurie A956779MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453517603321Treating traumatic bereavement2167024UNINA03035oam 2200649I 450 991045905670332120200520144314.00-429-14458-X1-4200-7706-610.1201/b10442 (CKB)2560000000061066(EBL)665599(OCoLC)705929885(SSID)ssj0000469930(PQKBManifestationID)11316246(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000469930(PQKBWorkID)10531695(PQKB)10540712(MiAaPQ)EBC665599(Au-PeEL)EBL665599(CaPaEBR)ebr10449861(CaONFJC)MIL693185(OCoLC)781329932(EXLCZ)99256000000006106620180331d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrHigh performance computing programming and applications /John Levesque ; with Gene WagenbrethBoca Raton, Fla :CRC Press,2011.1 online resource (240 p.)Chapman & Hall/CRC computational science seriesA Chapman & Hall book.1-4665-3064-2 1-322-61903-4 1-4200-7705-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front cover; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1. Multicore Architectures; Chapter 2. The MPP; Chapter 3. How Compilers Optimize Programs; Chapter 4. Parallel Programming Paradigms; Chapter 5. A Strategy for Porting an Application to a Large MPP System; Chapter 6. Single Core Optimization; Chapter 7. Parallelism across the Nodes; Chapter 8. Node Performance; Chapter 9. Accelerators and Conclusion; Appendix A: Common Compiler Directives; Appendix B: Sample MPI Environment Variables; References; Back coverHigh Performance Computing: Programming and Applications presents techniques that address new performance issues in the programming of high performance computing (HPC) applications. Omitting tedious details, the book discusses hardware architecture concepts and programming techniques that are the most pertinent to application developers for achieving high performance. Even though the text concentrates on C and Fortran, the techniques described can be applied to other languages, such as C++ and Java. Drawing on their experience with chips from AMD and systems, interconnects, and software from CChapman & Hall/CRC computational science series.High performance computingSupercomputersProgrammingElectronic books.High performance computing.SupercomputersProgramming.004.1/1Levesque John M.632077Wagenbreth Gene990326MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459056703321High performance computing2265454UNINA02839 am 22006853u 450 991035020020332120220204041837.02-7592-2108-32-7592-1987-9(CKB)3710000000082823(EBL)3399483(SSID)ssj0001128006(PQKBManifestationID)11666148(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001128006(PQKBWorkID)11058336(PQKB)11724015(Au-PeEL)EBL3399483(CaPaEBR)ebr10825814(OCoLC)923348527(Au-PeEL)EBL6733956(OCoLC)1135847270(MiAaPQ)EBC3399483(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/39066(PPN)176626875(EXLCZ)99371000000008282320140116d2013 uy 0freur|n|---|||||txtccrLe palmier à huile en plantation villageoise /Jean-Charles Jacquemard ; directeur de la collection, Philippe Lhosteéditions Quae2013Versailles, France :Presses agronomiques de Gembloux,2013.©20131 online resource (163 p.)Agricultures tropicales en poche,1778-6568Description based upon print version of record.2-7592-1986-0 Intro -- Le palmier à huile en plantation villageoise -- Avant-propos -- Remerciements -- Préambule -- Calendrier cultural général -- 1. Prépépinière -- 2. Pépinière -- 3. Pépinière directe -- 4. Plantation -- 5. Jeunes cultures -- 6. Palmiers en exploitation -- 7. Défense des cultures -- 8. Sécurité -- Glossaire -- Pour en savoir plus.The oil palm food-processing sector relies hugely on village plantations. Intended especially for small oil palm planters, this book provides the technical and practical bases for creating and developing their palm stand. It is organised into 44 sheets covering all aspects: pre-nursery, nursery, creating the plantation, young crops, plantation in production, harvesting clusters, main accidents (diseases, pests, nutrition), safety.Agricultures tropicales en pochePlantsNutritionTropicspalm treeplantationtreeplant productionagronomyindustryPlantsNutrition581.1335Jacquemard Jean-Charles857862Lhoste Philippe857863MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910350200203321Le palmier à huile en plantation villageoise1915463UNINA01771nam 2200541 450 991079340550332120150827105245.01-78297-402-41-78297-404-0(CKB)4100000008157236(MiAaPQ)EBC5845576(PPN)245099336(EXLCZ)99410000000815723620190918d2014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnimal secondary products domestic animal exploitation in prehistoric Europe, the Near East and the Far East /edited by Haskel J. GreenfieldOxford ;Philadelphia :Oxbow Books,[2014]©20141 online resource (361 pages)1-78297-401-6 Includes bibliographical references.Animal remains (Archaeology)EuropeAnimal remains (Archaeology)Middle EastAnimal remains (Archaeology)East AsiaAnimal remains (Archaeology)MethodologySocial archaeologyPrehistoric peoplesHuman-animal relationshipsAnimal remains (Archaeology)Animal remains (Archaeology)Animal remains (Archaeology)Animal remains (Archaeology)Methodology.Social archaeology.Prehistoric peoples.Human-animal relationships.930.10285Greenfield Haskel J.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910793405503321Animal secondary products3780419UNINA