05647nam 22006971 450 991045349560332120200520144314.090-272-7073-2(CKB)2550000001182134(EBL)1595196(SSID)ssj0001169797(PQKBManifestationID)11661502(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001169797(PQKBWorkID)11152850(PQKB)11588412(MiAaPQ)EBC1595196(Au-PeEL)EBL1595196(CaPaEBR)ebr10827037(CaONFJC)MIL562160(OCoLC)868285393(EXLCZ)99255000000118213420140116h20142014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrTransfiction research into the realities of translation fiction /edited by Klaus Kaindl, Karlheinz SpitzlAmsterdam :John Benjamins Publishing Company,[2014]©20141 online resource (383 p.)Benjamins translation libraryDescription based upon print version of record.90-272-5850-3 1-306-30909-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Transfiction; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; Going fictional! Translators and interpreters in literature and film: An introduction; Translation on the move; The translatorial eye of fiction; The fictional eye of translation studies; Directions of research; Frames of reference for research; Translation studies on the move; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; A Hitchhiker's Guide to... What to expect and where to start from; Getting on track; Pocket map; Episode I. Entering theoretical territoriesThe power of fiction as theory. Some exemplary lessons on translation from Borges's stories Oswald de Andrade and Borges: Between reverence and irreverence; Translating European philosophy into Latin American fiction; Borges's "Pierre Menard": Between fiction and theory; The exemplarity of Borges's fiction as theory; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Language, essence, and silence. Fictional translators in Peter Kosminsky's The Promise; Introduction; The Promise: An overview; Language, essence, and silence in The Promise; The translator as author; Translation, interruptedThe translator who is notThe language of silence; Conclusion; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Walter Benjamin revisited. A literary reading in Todd Hasak-Lowy's short story; The task historicised; The task assigned; The task executed; Conclusion: The task of This translator; References; Of dragons and translators: Foreignness as a principle of life; Writing as an experience of foreignness; Translating as a topic and motif in Yoko Tawada's works; The translator as a dragon; Translating and the mystery of the word; Translator and author; Conclusion; References; Primary sourcesSecondary sources Taking care of the stars. Interpreted interaction in Amadou Hampâté Bâ's L'étrange Destin De Wangrin; Essai de conquête: The colonial context of Western Africa; Capital(e) littéraire: Author & œuvre; Les champs de lutte(s): The interpreter - entangled and intertwined; À la recherche de Wangrin perdu: Interpreting between Bretton Woods and Timbuktu; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Reaching a dead-end - and then? Jacques Gélat's Le Traducteur and Le Traducteur amoureux; Introduction; Novels with fictional translators/interpreters - A typologyLe Traducteur and Le Traducteur amoureux Conclusion; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; Episode II. Travelling through sociocultural space; From La dolce vita to La vita agra. The image of the Italian literary translator; Introduction; The translator-intellectual's "Hard Life" in the metropolis; The novel; The film; La Vita Agra 2.0 by Fulvio Sant; Closing remarks; References; Primary sources; Secondary sources; From a faltering bystander to a spiritual leader. Re-thinking the role of translators in Russia; Introduction; The art versus the artistFrom Autumn Marathon to Sincerely yours Shurik: Indecision or insincerity?This volume on Transfiction (understood as an aestheticized imagination of translatorial action) recognizes the power of fiction as a vital and pulsating academic resource, and in doing so helps expand the breadth and depth of TS. The book covers a selection of peer-reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Fictional Translators and Interpreters in Literature and Film (held at the University of Vienna, Austria in 2011) and links literary and cinematic works of translation fiction to state-of-the-art translation theory and practice. It presents not just a mixed bag of cuttBenjamins Translation LibraryEnglish literatureLiterature, Modern19th centuryHistory and criticismLiterature, Modern20th centuryHistory and criticismElectronic books.English literature.Literature, ModernHistory and criticism.Literature, ModernHistory and criticism.808.59Kaindl Klaus268016Spitzl Karlheinz970918MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453495603321Transfiction2206837UNINA