06017oam 2200745I 450 991045339760332120200520144314.00-7890-2209-51-317-78733-11-315-80870-61-317-78734-X10.4324/9781315808703 (CKB)2550000001187576(EBL)1588499(SSID)ssj0001157368(PQKBManifestationID)11715971(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001157368(PQKBWorkID)11207578(PQKB)10266609(OCoLC)872681901(MiAaPQ)EBC1588499(Au-PeEL)EBL1588499(CaPaEBR)ebr10826022(CaONFJC)MIL566944(OCoLC)867928589(EXLCZ)99255000000118757620180706e20122003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEmpowerment and participatory evaluation of community interventions multiple benefits /Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Gary W. Harper, editorsNew York :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (118 p.)". has been co-published as Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, volume 26, number 2 2003."0-7890-2208-7 1-306-35693-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Community-Based Approaches to Empowerment and Participatory Evaluation; References; Implementing an Outcomes Model in the Participatory Evaluation of Community Initiatives; Introduction; Outcomes Model and Evaluation Theory; Outcomes Model; Evaluation Theory; The Process of Implementing an Outcomes Model: Evaluation Phases; Phase I: Developing a Partnership and Planning the Evaluation; Challenges and Potential Solutions; Phase II: Developing an Outcomes Model; Challenges and Potential SolutionsPhase III: Identifying the Methodology and Data CollectionChallenges and Potential Solutions in Developing Tools and Protocols; Challenges and Solutions in Selecting the Data Collection Method and Its Implementation; Phase IV: Interpreting and Reporting Findings; Challenges and Potential Solutions; Phase V: Utilization of Evaluation Findings; Challenges and Potential Solutions; Time Spent in Process-Related Issues; Discussion; References; Building Capacity for Participatory Evaluation Within Community Initiatives; Framework and Supports for Participatory Evaluation within CommunitiesNaming and Framing the Problem or GoalDeveloping a Logic Model for Achieving Success; Identifying Research Questions and Appropriate Methods; Documenting the Intervention and Its Effects; Making Sense of the Data; Using the Information to Celebrate and Make Adjustments; Challenges and Benefits of Participatory Evaluation; Conclusion; References; Promoting Program Success and Fulfilling Accountability Requirements in a Statewide Community-Based Initiative: Challenges, Progress, and Lessons Learned; Introduction; Challenges to Evaluation; Empowerment EvaluationFirst Steps Internal Accountability SystemPIE Tools; Effective Practice Network; Evaluation Coaching; PIE in One County; Challenges, Progress, and Lessons Learned; Organizational Structure/Systems Coordination; Multiple Stakeholders/Multiple Needs; Evaluation Readiness; Conclusion; Note; References; Collaborative Process Evaluation: Enhancing Community Relevance and Cultural Appropriateness in HIV Prevention; Introduction; Collaborative Process Evaluation; Theorencal Foundanons; Developing the Collaborative Partnership; The Evaluation Planand Methods; Staff Members' Skill EnhancementProgram Promotion and Outreach MonitoringProgram Implementation; Program Changes Based on Process Evaluation; Modifications to Both SHERO's and YMP Programs; Modifications Specific to the SHERO's Program; Modifications Specific to YMP; Benefits of the Collaborative Process Evaluation; Conclusion; References; Collaborative Program Development and Evaluation: A Case Study in Conflict Resolution Education; Conflict Resolution in Schools Program: A Case Study; Project Overview; Phases of CRiSP Development; Phase I: Initial Planning and Identification of NeedsPhase II: Design and Implementation in Target SchoolsProgram evaluations are more relevant when conducted by the people directly involved in the programs and members of the communities they serve. Learn how empowerment and participatory evaluation can help community programs deliver more effective services! With this book, you'll examine theoretical models, empirical investigations, and case studies that highlight important aspects of empowerment and participatory evaluation in community programs. The first half of the book presents frameworks and tools for empowerment and participatory evaluation, with an emphasis on transferring skillSocial serviceEvaluationCitizen participationHuman servicesEvaluationCitizen participationCommunity health servicesEvaluationCitizen participationEvaluation research (Social action programs)Citizen participationElectronic books.Social serviceEvaluationCitizen participation.Human servicesEvaluationCitizen participation.Community health servicesEvaluationCitizen participation.Evaluation research (Social action programs)Citizen participation.118Harper Gary W986217Suarez-Balcazar Yolanda986218MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453397603321Empowerment and participatory evaluation of community interventions2254106UNINA