03381nam 2200685Ia 450 991045318170332120200520144314.01-317-07242-11-281-76606-297866117660610-7546-9061-X(CKB)1000000000550195(EBL)438412(OCoLC)323200003(SSID)ssj0000231535(PQKBManifestationID)11185495(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000231535(PQKBWorkID)10207681(PQKB)10690850(MiAaPQ)EBC438412(MiAaPQ)EBC5293405(Au-PeEL)EBL438412(CaPaEBR)ebr10250458(CaONFJC)MIL924940(Au-PeEL)EBL5293405(CaONFJC)MIL176606(OCoLC)1027156747(EXLCZ)99100000000055019520071206d2008 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrQueering the non/human[electronic resource] /edited by Noreen Giffney, Myra J. HirdAldershot, Hampshire, England ;Burlington, VT Ashgatec20081 online resource (413 p.)Queer interventionsDescription based upon print version of record.0-7546-7128-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Contents; List of Figures; Notes on Contributors; Series Editor's Preface: The Open; Foreword: Companion Species, Mis-recognition, and Queer Worlding; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Queering the Non/Human; 1 How Queer Can You Go? Theory, Normality and Normativity; 2 (Con)founding 'the Human': Incestuous Beginnings; 3 Queer Apocal(o)ptic/ism: The Death Drive and the Human; 4 Queering the Beast: The Antichrists' Gay Wedding; 5 Queering the Un/Godly: Christ's Humanities and Medieval Sexualities; 6 Unnatural Predators: Queer Theory Meets Environmental Studies in Bram Stoker's Dracula7 The Werewolf as Queer, the Queer as Werewolf, and Queer Werewolves 8 The Face of a Dog: Levinasian Ethics and Human/Dog Co-evolution; 9 'I Married My Dog': On Queer Canine Literature; 10 Animal Trans; 11 Lessons From a Starfish; 12 Animating Revolt/Revolting Animation: Penguin Love, Doll Sex and the Spectacle of the Queer Nonhuman; 13 The Nanoengineering of Desire; 14 Queer Causation and the Ethics of Mattering; 15 Necrosexuality; Afterword: An Unfinished Conversation About Glowing Green Bunnies; IndexWhat might it mean to queer the Human? By extension, how is the Human employed within queer theory? Featuring essays by international pioneering scholars in queer theory, critical theory, cultural studies and science studies, this volume reconsiders the way we think about queer theory, the category of the Human and the act of queering itself.Queer interventions.HomosexualityQueer theoryElectronic books.Homosexuality.Queer theory.306.76/6Giffney Noreen901602Hird Myra J901603MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910453181703321Queering the non2015197UNINA