03077nam 22006735 450 991045315780332120210108103218.00-8014-6722-50-8014-6723-310.7591/9780801467233(CKB)2550000001038923(OCoLC)564464935(CaPaEBR)ebrary10662017(SSID)ssj0000834906(PQKBManifestationID)11966459(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000834906(PQKBWorkID)10989726(PQKB)10682106(DE-B1597)515872(OCoLC)1083623255(DE-B1597)9780801467233(MiAaPQ)EBC3138433(EXLCZ)99255000000103892320190920d2013 fg engu||||---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Archidamian War /Donald KaganIthaca, NY : Cornell University Press, [2013]©20131 online resource (394 p.) mapsBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-322-50387-7 0-8014-9714-0 Includes bibliographical references (pages 369-375) and index.Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Maps -- Abbreviations and Short Titles -- 1. Plans and Resources -- 2. The First Year of the War -- 3. The Plague and Its Consequences -- 4. The Third Year of the War: Phormio -- 5. The Revolt at Lesbos -- 6. Sicily and Corcyra -- 7. Demosthenes -- 8. Pylos and Sphacteria -- 9. Megara and Delium -- 10. The Coming of Peace -- Conclusions -- Appendix A: Pericles and Athenian Income -- Appendix B: Pericles' Last Speech -- Bibliography -- General Index -- Index of Modern Authors -- Index of Ancient Authors and InscriptionsThis book, the second volume in Donald Kagan's tetralogy about the Peloponnesian War, is a provocative and tightly argued history of the first ten years of the war. Taking a chronological approach that allows him to present at each stage the choices that were open to both sides in the conflict, Kagan focuses on political, economic, diplomatic, and military developments. He evaluates the strategies used by both sides and reconsiders the roles played by several key individuals.HISTORYbisacMilitary / GeneralbisacRegions & Countries - EuropeHILCCHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCGreeceHILCCGreeceHistoryPeloponnesian War, 431-404 B.CGreeceHistoriographyHISTORYMilitary / GeneralRegions & Countries - EuropeHistory & ArchaeologyGreece938/.05Kagan Donald, 185804DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910453157803321Archidamian war539573UNINA